173 lines
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* Source: http://plnkr.co/edit/kGnGGyoOCKil02k04snu?p=info
* *
* SVG Path Rounding Function *
* Copyright (C) 2014 Yona Appletree *
* *
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); *
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. *
* You may obtain a copy of the License at *
* *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *
* *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, *
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *
* limitations under the License. *
* *
* SVG Path rounding function. Takes an input path string and outputs a path
* string where all line-line corners have been rounded. Only supports absolute
* commands at the moment.
* @param pathString The SVG input path
* @param radius The amount to round the corners, either a value in the SVG
* coordinate space, or, if useFractionalRadius is true, a value
* from 0 to 1.
* @param useFractionalRadius If true, the curve radius is expressed as a
* fraction of the distance between the point being curved and
* the previous and next points.
* @returns A new SVG path string with the rounding
function roundPathCorners(pathString, radius, useFractionalRadius) {
function moveTowardsLength(movingPoint, targetPoint, amount) {
var width = (targetPoint.x - movingPoint.x);
var height = (targetPoint.y - movingPoint.y);
var distance = Math.sqrt(width*width + height*height);
return moveTowardsFractional(movingPoint, targetPoint, Math.min(1, amount / distance));
function moveTowardsFractional(movingPoint, targetPoint, fraction) {
return {
x: movingPoint.x + (targetPoint.x - movingPoint.x)*fraction,
y: movingPoint.y + (targetPoint.y - movingPoint.y)*fraction
// Adjusts the ending position of a command
function adjustCommand(cmd, newPoint) {
if (cmd.length > 2) {
cmd[cmd.length - 2] = newPoint.x;
cmd[cmd.length - 1] = newPoint.y;
// Gives an {x, y} object for a command's ending position
function pointForCommand(cmd) {
return {
x: parseFloat(cmd[cmd.length - 2]),
y: parseFloat(cmd[cmd.length - 1]),
// Split apart the path, handing concatonated letters and numbers
var pathParts = pathString
.reduce(function(parts, part){
var match = part.match("([a-zA-Z])(.+)");
if (match) {
} else {
return parts;
}, []);
// Group the commands with their arguments for easier handling
var commands = pathParts.reduce(function(commands, part) {
if (parseFloat(part) == part && commands.length) {
commands[commands.length - 1].push(part);
} else {
return commands;
}, []);
// The resulting commands, also grouped
var resultCommands = [];
if (commands.length > 1) {
var startPoint = pointForCommand(commands[0]);
// Handle the close path case with a "virtual" closing line
var virtualCloseLine = null;
if (commands[commands.length - 1][0] == "Z" && commands[0].length > 2) {
virtualCloseLine = ["L", startPoint.x, startPoint.y];
commands[commands.length - 1] = virtualCloseLine;
// We always use the first command (but it may be mutated)
for (var cmdIndex=1; cmdIndex < commands.length; cmdIndex++) {
var prevCmd = resultCommands[resultCommands.length - 1];
var curCmd = commands[cmdIndex];
// Handle closing case
var nextCmd = (curCmd == virtualCloseLine)
? commands[1]
: commands[cmdIndex + 1];
// Nasty logic to decide if this path is a candidite.
if (nextCmd && prevCmd && (prevCmd.length > 2) && curCmd[0] == "L" && nextCmd.length > 2 && nextCmd[0] == "L") {
// Calc the points we're dealing with
var prevPoint = pointForCommand(prevCmd);
var curPoint = pointForCommand(curCmd);
var nextPoint = pointForCommand(nextCmd);
// The start and end of the cuve are just our point moved towards the previous and next points, respectivly
var curveStart, curveEnd;
if (useFractionalRadius) {
curveStart = moveTowardsFractional(curPoint, prevCmd.origPoint || prevPoint, radius);
curveEnd = moveTowardsFractional(curPoint, nextCmd.origPoint || nextPoint, radius);
} else {
curveStart = moveTowardsLength(curPoint, prevPoint, radius);
curveEnd = moveTowardsLength(curPoint, nextPoint, radius);
// Adjust the current command and add it
adjustCommand(curCmd, curveStart);
curCmd.origPoint = curPoint;
// The curve control points are halfway between the start/end of the curve and
// the original point
var startControl = moveTowardsFractional(curveStart, curPoint, .5);
var endControl = moveTowardsFractional(curPoint, curveEnd, .5);
// Create the curve
var curveCmd = ["C", startControl.x, startControl.y, endControl.x, endControl.y, curveEnd.x, curveEnd.y];
// Save the original point for fractional calculations
curveCmd.origPoint = curPoint;
} else {
// Pass through commands that don't qualify
// Fix up the starting point and restore the close path if the path was orignally closed
if (virtualCloseLine) {
var newStartPoint = pointForCommand(resultCommands[resultCommands.length-1]);
adjustCommand(resultCommands[0], newStartPoint);
} else {
resultCommands = commands;
return resultCommands.reduce(function(str, c){ return str + c.join(" ") + " "; }, "");