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package http
import (
hr "github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter"
// Server is an implementation of HTTP server that executes requests using
// Shezmu actors.
type Server struct {
sv *shezmu.Shezmu
address string
router *hr.Router
type handler struct {
name string
handle hr.Handle
// NewServer creates a new server.
func NewServer(sv *shezmu.Shezmu, address string) *Server {
return &Server{
sv: sv,
address: address,
router: hr.New(),
// Start starts the server.
func (s *Server) Start() error {
s.sv.Logger.Printf("Starting server at %s", s.address)
return http.ListenAndServe(s.address, s.router)
// Get installs a handler for GET requests.
func (s *Server) Get(path string, handle hr.Handle) {
s.router.GET(path, s.addHandlerDaemon(path, handle))
// Post installs a handler for POST requests.
func (s *Server) Post(path string, handle hr.Handle) {
s.router.POST(path, s.addHandlerDaemon(path, handle))
// Put installs a handler for PUT requests.
func (s *Server) Put(path string, handle hr.Handle) {
s.router.PUT(path, s.addHandlerDaemon(path, handle))
// Delete installs a handler for DELETE requests.
func (s *Server) Delete(path string, handle hr.Handle) {
s.router.DELETE(path, s.addHandlerDaemon(path, handle))
func (s *Server) addHandlerDaemon(path string, handle hr.Handle) hr.Handle {
h := &handler{
name: fmt.Sprintf("HTTP[%s]", path),
handle: handle,
return h.process
func (h *handler) process(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params hr.Params) {
wait := make(chan struct{})
h.Process(func() {
defer close(wait)
h.handle(w, r, params)
func (h *handler) String() string {
return h.name