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Windows 10

Due to some issues with the "Windows (Vista and later)" instructions below, we now recommend following these instructions if you use Windows, which will allow you to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux to compile the firmware. If you are not using Windows 10 with the Anniversary Update installed (which came out in July 2016), you will need to use one of the other methods, such as Docker, Vagrant, or the instructions for Vista and later.

If you use this method, you will need to use a standalone tool to flash the firmware to the keyboard after you compile it. We recommend the official QMK Firmware Flasher. This is because the Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux lacks libUSB support, so it can't access the keyboard's microcontroller. Please add your vote for Microsoft to fix this issue using the link!

Here are the steps

  1. Install the Windows 10 subsystem for Linux, following these instructions.
  2. If you have cloned the repository using git before August 20, 2016, clean up the line endings from wherever you currently access git:
    1. Make sure that you have no changes you haven't committed by running git status. ANY UNCOMMITTED CHANGES WILL BE PERMANENTLY LOST.
    2. Run git rm --cached -r .
    3. Run git reset --hard
  3. Open "Bash On Ubuntu On Windows" from the start menu
  4. With the bash window open, navigate to your copy of the qmk_firmware repository using the cd command. The harddisks can be accessed from /mnt/<driveletter>. For example, your main hard drive (C:) can be accessed by executing the command cd /mnt/c. If your username is John and the qmk_firmware folder is in your Downloads folder, you can move to it with the command cd /mnt/c/Users/John/Downloads/qmk_firmware. You can use the Tab key as you go to help you autocomplete the folder names.
  5. Run sudo util/install_dependencies.sh. This will run apt-get upgrade.
  6. After a while the installation will finish, and you are good to go

Note From time to time, the dependencies might change, so just run install_dependencies.sh again if things are not working.

Warning: If you edit Makefiles or shell scripts, make sure you are using an editor that saves the files with Unix line endings. Otherwise the compilation might not work.

Windows (Vista and later)

  1. If you have ever installed WinAVR, uninstall it.
  2. Install MHV AVR Tools. Disable smatch, but be sure to leave the option to add the tools to the PATH checked.
  3. If you are going to flash Infinity based keyboards you will need to install dfu-util, refer to the instructions by Input Club.
  4. Install MinGW. During installation, uncheck the option to install a graphical user interface. DO NOT change the default installation folder. The scripts depend on the default location.
  5. Clone this repository. This link will download it as a zip file, which you'll need to extract. Open the extracted folder in Windows Explorer.
  6. Open the \util folder.
  7. Double-click on the 1-setup-path-win batch script to run it. You'll need to accept a User Account Control prompt. Press the spacebar to dismiss the success message in the command prompt that pops up.
  8. Right-click on the 2-setup-environment-win batch script, select "Run as administrator", and accept the User Account Control prompt. This part may take a couple of minutes, and you'll need to approve a driver installation, but once it finishes, your environment is complete!

If you have trouble and want to ask for help, it is useful to generate a Win_Check_Output.txt file by running Win_Check.bat in the \util folder.


If you're using homebrew, you can use the following commands:

brew tap osx-cross/avr
brew install avr-libc
brew install dfu-programmer

This is the recommended method. If you don't have homebrew, install it! It's very much worth it for anyone who works in the command line. Note: The make and make install during the homebrew installation of avr-libc can take 15+ minutes for each and exhibit high CPU usage.

You can also try these instructions:

  1. Install Xcode from the App Store.
  2. Install the Command Line Tools from Xcode->Preferences->Downloads.
  3. Install DFU-Programmer.

If you are going to flash Infinity based keyboards you will also need dfu-util

brew install dfu-util


To ensure you are always up to date, you can just run sudo util/install_dependencies.sh. That should always install all the dependencies needed. This will run apt-get upgrade.

You can also install things manually, but this documentation might not be always up to date with all requirements.

The current requirements are the following, but not all might be needed depending on what you do. Also note that some systems might not have all the dependencies available as packages, or they might be named differently.


Install the dependencies with your favorite package manager.

Debian/Ubuntu example:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc unzip wget zip gcc-avr binutils-avr avr-libc dfu-programmer dfu-util gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi


If this is a bit complex for you, Docker might be the turn-key solution you need. After installing Docker, run the following command at the root of the QMK folder to build a keyboard/keymap:

# You'll run this every time you want to build a keymap
# modify the keymap and keyboard assigment to compile what you want
# defaults are ergodox/default

docker run -e keymap=gwen -e subproject=ez -e keyboard=ergodox --rm -v $('pwd'):/qmk:rw edasque/qmk_firmware

# On windows docker seems to have issue with VOLUME tag in Dockerfile, and $('pwd') won't print a windows compliant path, use full path instead like this
docker run -e keymap=default -e subproject=ez -e keyboard=ergobox --rm -v D:/Users/Sacapuces/Documents/Repositories/qmk:/qmk:rw edasque/qmk_firmware

This will compile the targeted keyboard/keymap and leave it in your QMK directory for you to flash.


If you have any problems building the firmware, you can try using a tool called Vagrant. It will set up a virtual computer with a known configuration that's ready-to-go for firmware building. OLKB does NOT host the files for this virtual computer. Details on how to set up Vagrant are in the VAGRANT_GUIDE file.

Verify Your Installation

  1. If you haven't already, obtain this repository (https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware). You can either download it as a zip file and extract it, or clone it using the command line tool git or the Github Desktop application.
  2. Open up a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the qmk_firmware folder using the cd command. The command prompt will typically open to your home directory. If, for example, you cloned the repository to your Documents folder, then you would type cd Documents/qmk_firmware. If you extracted the file from a zip, then it may be named qmk_firmware-master instead.
  3. To confirm that you're in the correct location, you can display the contents of your current folder using the dir command on Windows, or the ls command on Linux or Mac. You should see several files, including readme.md and a quantum folder. From here, you need to navigate to the appropriate folder under keyboards/. For example, if you're building for a Planck, run cd keyboards/planck.
  4. Once you're in the correct keyboard-specific folder, run the make command. This should output a lot of information about the build process. More information about the make command can be found below.