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Graphite project consists of three components that designed to work together:

  • carbon daemon that accepts and stores metrics
  • whisper database where metrics are kept
  • web app that reads metrics and processes them using a comprehensive list of supported functions

Every component exposes several APIs that are used by other components. All of them are written in Python.

Two more components are often used together with Graphite:

  • StatsD — a Node.js app that accepts metrics and aggregates them before submitting to carbon;
  • Grafana — web dashboard for Graphite (and other backends)

This set of images replaces original carbon daemon and StatsD aggregation daemon with other compatible components to improve performance and throughput.

Grafana 3 is also included.

Included images

| Component | Version | | |---+---+---| | go-carbon | v0.7.2 | Drop-in replacement for original carbon daemon, written in Go | | Brubeck | 5d139a4 | Easy replacement for StatsD, written in C | | Graphite API | latest | Piece of original web component with less features | | Grafana | v3.1.0-beta1 | Web dashboard |


Make sure Docker and Docker Compose are installed.

$ make graphite fast


$ make graphite fast again


$ make run