Update Gitea repo last updated time
Silly Gitea considers repositories updated when their description or other properties are updated. I prefer last update time to indicate the last commit instead. This script generates SQL that can be used to fix this discrepancy.
Connect to the gitea container, e.g. docker exec -it gitea /bin/bash
Allow executing commands on repos:
git config --global --add safe.directory '*'
Run the following script to generate update statements:
cd /data/git/repositories/$OWNER
for d in */; do
cd $d && ts=$(git --no-pager log -1 --format="%at") && cd - >/dev/null
repo=${d::-5} # Trim .git suffix
echo "UPDATE repository SET updated_unix=$ts WHERE owner_name='$OWNER' AND name='$repo';"
Connect to the Postgres container, e.g. docker exec -it gitea-postgres /bin/bash
Start the Postgres client, e.g. psql -U gitea gitea
Execute the statements from the previous step.