import socket import sys import os import json YASEN_PATH = os.environ['PROJECTS'] +'/yasen' UNITS_CONFIG_PATH = YASEN_PATH +'/configs/units.json' if len(sys.argv) != 2: print('Usage: unit') exit(1) unit = sys.argv[1] config = json.load(open(UNITS_CONFIG_PATH)).get(unit, None) if not config: print('Unknown unit: %s' % unit) exit(1) unit_path = config['impl'].split('.') unit_func = unit_path.pop() unit_module = unit_path.pop() unit_path = '.'.join(unit_path) sys.path.append(YASEN_PATH) _units = __import__(unit_path, fromlist=[unit_module]) _unit = getattr(_units, unit_module) actor = getattr(_unit, unit_func) def process(input): data = json.loads(input.decode('utf-8')) new_data = actor(data) return json.dumps(new_data).encode('utf-8') SOCKET_PATH = '/tmp/unit_%s.sock' % unit # Make sure the socket does not already exist try: os.unlink(SOCKET_PATH) except OSError: if os.path.exists(SOCKET_PATH): raise # Create a UDS socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Bind the socket to the port print('Listening on socket %s' % SOCKET_PATH) sock.bind(SOCKET_PATH) # Listen for incoming connections sock.listen(1) BUF_SIZE = 1024 while True: print('Accepting connections') conn, _ = sock.accept() try: print('New connection') data = b'' while True: buf = conn.recv(BUF_SIZE) data += buf if len(buf) < BUF_SIZE: break print('Received in total %d bytes' % len(data)) new_data = process(data) conn.sendall(new_data) finally: conn.close()