(function() { log('Loaded on', '' + document.location); var SHOW_TIMEOUT = 1000, LOAD_TIMEOUT = SHOW_TIMEOUT / 4, STORAGE = {}; var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var el = links[i], href = el.getAttribute('href'); // Skipping elements that has no href and anchor links if (href === null || href[0] === '#') { el.addEventListener('mouseover', function(e) { log('Pseudolink'); }); continue; } STORAGE[i] = {}; (function(i) { var el = links[i]; el.addEventListener('mouseover', function(e) { if (STORAGE[i].result === undefined) { log('Loading page in '+ LOAD_TIMEOUT +'ms'); STORAGE[i].load_timeout = after(LOAD_TIMEOUT, function() { STORAGE[i].xhr = loadPageInfo(el.href, function(res) { log('Result loaded:', res); STORAGE[i].result = res; delete STORAGE[i].xhr; var tt = document.getElementById('whats-there-tooltip'); if (tt === null) { showTooltip(el, STORAGE[i].result, STORAGE[i].e); } }); }); } else { log('Page already loaded'); } STORAGE[i].show_timeout = after(SHOW_TIMEOUT, function() { log('Time for result!'); if (STORAGE[i].result !== undefined) { showTooltip(el, STORAGE[i].result, STORAGE[i].e); } }); }); var abort = function(e) { log('Aborting'); hideTooltip(); if (STORAGE[i].xhr !== undefined) { var state = STORAGE[i].xhr.readyState, done = STORAGE[i].xhr.DONE; if (state !== done) { STORAGE[i].xhr.abort(); log('XHR aborted!'); } } window.clearTimeout(STORAGE[i].load_timeout); window.clearTimeout(STORAGE[i].show_timeout); delete STORAGE[i].xhr; delete STORAGE[i].e; delete STORAGE[i].load_timeout; delete STORAGE[i].show_timeout; } el.addEventListener('mouseout', abort); el.addEventListener('click', abort); el.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) { STORAGE[i].e = e; }); })(i); } function showTooltip(el, info, e) { var t = document.getElementById('whats-there-tooltip'); if (t !== null) { log('Not showing tooltip, there is one already'); return; } if (info.title === undefined && info.description === undefined) { log('Not showing tooltip, missing both title and description attributes'); return; } var t = document.createElement('div'), body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], bounds = el.getBoundingClientRect(); t.setAttribute('class', 'whats-there-tooltip'); t.setAttribute('id', 'whats-there-tooltip'); if (info.image_url !== undefined) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('class', 'whats-there-img'); div.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + info.image_url + ')'; t.appendChild(div); } if (info.title !== undefined) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('class', 'whats-there-title'); div.innerText = info.title; t.appendChild(div); } if (info.description !== undefined) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('class', 'whats-there-description'); div.innerText = info.description; t.appendChild(div); } var site_name; if (info.site_name === undefined) { site_name = info.host; } else { site_name = info.site_name + ' (' + info.host + ')'; } var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('class', 'whats-there-site'); div.innerText = site_name; t.appendChild(div); body.appendChild(t); moveTooltip(e); } function hideTooltip() { var t = document.getElementById('whats-there-tooltip'); if (t !== null) { t.parentNode.removeChild(t); } } function moveTooltip(e) { // Compact naming: // t = Tooltip // w = Window // s = Scroll offset // e = Event (mousemove) position var t = document.getElementById('whats-there-tooltip'), t_width = t.clientWidth, t_height = t.clientHeight, w_width = window.innerWidth, w_height = window.innerHeight, s_top = (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop), s_left = (window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft), e_top = e.clientY, e_left = e.clientX; log('Positioning tooltip'); log('Window: '+ w_width +'×'+ w_height); log('Scroll: '+ s_left +','+ s_top); log('Event: '+ e_left +','+ e_top); // Default positioning var t_top = e_top - t_height - 20, t_left = s_left + e_left - t_width / 2; log('Initial position: '+ t_left +','+ t_top); if (t_top < 10) { // Vertical positioning correction t_top = s_top + 10; if (e_left > w_width / 2) { t_left = s_left + e_left - t_width - 20; } else { t_left = s_left + e_left + 20; } } else { // Horizontal positioning correction if (e_left - t_width / 2 - 10 < s_left) { t_left = 10; } else if (t_left + t_width + 10 > w_width) { t_left = w_width - t_width - 10; } } log('Position after correction: '+ t_left +','+ t_top); t.style.top = t_top + 'px'; t.style.left = t_left + 'px'; } function loadPageInfo(url, callback) { // TODO: Fetch wikipedia URLs from api instead of given URL // http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=json&action=query&titles=Page_Name&prop=info|pageimages|extracts&pithumbsize=300 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === this.HEADERS_RECEIVED) { var ct = this.getResponseHeader('Content-Type'); // Aborting page load if it's not HTML if (ct === null || ct.indexOf('text/html') !== 0) { this.abort(); } } else if (this.readyState === this.DONE && this.status === 200) { var result = parseTags(this.responseText), tokens = url.split('/'); result.protocol = tokens[0]; result.host = tokens[2]; if (result.image_url !== undefined) { result.image_url = makeAbsoluteURL(url, result.image_url); } callback(result); } } xhr.open('GET', url, true); xhr.send(null); return xhr; } function parseTags(html) { var parser = new DOMParser(), result = {}; var doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); var title = doc.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]; if (title !== undefined) { result.title = title.innerText; } var tags = doc.getElementsByTagName('meta'); for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { var el = tags[i], name = el.getAttribute('name'), property = el.getAttribute('property'), content = el.getAttribute('content'), has_content = (content !== null && content.length > 0); if (property === 'og:title' && has_content) { result.title = content; } else if (name === 'description' && has_content) { result.description = content; } else if (property === 'og:description' && has_content) { result.description = content; } else if (property === 'og:image' && has_content) { result.image_url = content; } else if (property === 'og:site_name' && has_content) { result.site_name = content; } } return result; } function makeAbsoluteURL(page_url, link_url) { var tokens = link_url.split('/'), page = document.createElement('a'), link = document.createElement('a'); page.href = page_url; link.href = link_url; if ((tokens[0] === 'http:' || tokens[0] === 'https:') && tokens[1] === '') { // Assuming it's an absolute URL already return link_url; } else if (link_url.slice(0, 2) === '//') { // Relative protocol return page.protocol + link_url; } else { return [ page.protocol, '//', page.host, link.pathname, link.search ].join('') } } function after(timeout, func) { return window.setTimeout(func, timeout); } function log() { if (typeof console !== 'undefined') { Array.prototype.unshift.call(arguments, '[Whats There]'); console.log.apply(console, arguments); } } })();