module Robbie module Parsers class BaseParser include HTTParty base_uri "" format :json @@meta_calls = [] @@autocomplete_calls = [] class << self def sig(type = :meta) case type when :meta Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{META_API_KEY}#{META_API_SECRET}#{}") when :autocomplete Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{AUTOCOMPLETE_API_KEY}#{AUTOCOMPLETE_API_SECRET}#{}") end end def query(path, params) type = (path.match(/^\/search\/v2\/music\/autocomplete/) ? :autocomplete : :meta) if type == :meta unless Robbie.const_defined?(:META_API_KEY) and Robbie.const_defined?(:META_API_SECRET) raise"No meta API credentials given") end elsif type == :autocomplete unless Robbie.const_defined?(:AUTOCOMPLETE_API_KEY) and Robbie.const_defined?(:AUTOCOMPLETE_API_SECRET) raise"No autocomplete API credentials given") end end params_str = params .merge({ apikey: (type == :meta ? META_API_KEY : AUTOCOMPLETE_API_KEY), sig: sig(type), format: "json" }) .map{ |key, val| "#{key}=#{val}" }.join("&") if Robbie.cache_enabled? cache_key = "#{path}?#{params.inspect}".scan(/\w/).join cache_file = File.expand_path("../../../../tmp/cache/#{cache_key}", __FILE__) if File.exist?(cache_file) MultiJson.load( else data = load("#{path}?#{params_str}"), "w") do |file| file.write(MultiJson.dump(data)) unless data.nil? or data.empty? end data end else load("#{path}?#{params_str}") end end def load(type = :meta, uri) if type == :meta calls = @@meta_calls limit = 5 elsif type == :autocomplete calls = @@autocomplete_calls limit = 10 end if Robbie.free_limits? calls = calls.length > limit ? calls.slice(-limit, limit) : calls if calls.length > limit && - calls.first <= 1.0 sleep(1.05 - ( - calls.first)) end calls << end get(uri) end end end end end