* slight modifier changes; added plover and reusing jack's default planck keymap as the basis * space is not shift when held anymore * added fabian layout (based on jack's default) * changed fabian layout (based on jack's default) * changed fabian layout (based on jack's default)
How to add your own keymap
Folders can be named however you'd like (will be approved upon merging), or should follow the format with a preceding _
_[ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code*]_[layout variant]_[layout name/author]
* See full list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#Officially_assigned_code_elements
and contain the following files:
optional, found automatically when compilingMakefile
optional, found automatically when compling
When adding your keymap to this list, keep it organised alphabetically (select list, edit->sort lines), and use this format:
* **folder_name** description
List of Planck keymaps
- default default Planck layout
- cbbrowne cbbrowne's Planck layout