261 lines
8.4 KiB
261 lines
8.4 KiB
var Player = {
bar_width: 330,
jp: null,
scrobbled: false,
initJplayer: function() {
this.jp = $("#jplayer");
swfPath: "/js",
supplied: "mp3",
cssSelectorAncestor: "",
cssSelector: {
play: "#player .play",
pause: "#player .pause",
stop: "",
videoPlay: "",
seekBar: "",
playBar: "",
mute: "",
unmute: "",
volumeBar: "",
volumeBarValue: "",
currentTime: "",
duration: ""
this.jp.bind($.jPlayer.event.timeupdate, function(e){
data = e.jPlayer.status;
if (!Player.scrobbled && data.currentPercentAbsolute > 50) {
var $obj = $('.playlist-tracks li.now');
Player.scrobble($obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-album'), $obj.attr('data-track'));
Player.scrobbled = true;
$('#player .progress .loaded').width(data.seekPercent * Player.bar_width / 100);
$('#player .progress .played').width(data.currentPercentAbsolute * Player.bar_width / 100);
this.jp.bind($.jPlayer.event.ended, function(e){
var next = Player.nextTrack();
if (next === false) {
$('#player .now-playing').html('Nothing left to <strike>lose</strike> play');
$('#player .loaded, #player .played').width(0);
$('.playlist-tracks li').removeClass('now');
} else {
addTrack: function(artist, album, track, length, autoplay) {
if (typeof autoplay === 'undefined') {
autoplay = false;
var initial_count = $('.playlist-tracks li').length;
<li id="i'+ Math.round(Math.random() * 999999) +'" data-artist="'+ artist +'" data-album="'+ album +'" data-track="'+ track +'" data-length="'+ length +'">\
<div class="item">\
<div class="fade"></div>\
<span class="title" title="'+ artist.htmlsafe() +' — '+ track.htmlsafe() +'">'+ artist +' — '+ track +'</span>\
<span class="duration">'+ length +'</span>\
<div class="remove">remove</div>\
if (autoplay) {
Player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').last().attr('id').split('i')[1]);
} else if (initial_count === 0 && !Player.hasTrack()) {
Player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1]);
setTrack: function(id) {
var $obj = $('#i'+ id);
var query = $obj.attr('data-artist') +' — '+ $obj.attr('data-track');
$('#player .now-playing').html(query +'<div class="fade"></div>');
$('.playlist-tracks li').removeClass('now');
$('#player .loaded, #player .played').width(0);
loadTracksData($obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-track'), $obj.attr('data-length'), Player.playSource);
Player.updateNowListening($obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-album'), $obj.attr('data-track'));
hasTrack: function() {
if ($('#jplayer audio').length > 0) {
return typeof $('#jplayer audio').attr('src') !== 'undefined';
} else if ($('#jplayer audio').length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
playSource: function(url) {
$('#jplayer').jPlayer('setMedia', {mp3: url}).jPlayer('play');
Player.scrobbled = false;
nextTrack: function(manual) {
var manual = typeof manual !== 'undefined'
var cnt = $('.playlist-tracks li').length;
if (!Player.onShuffle()) { // Shuffle off
if ($('.playlist-tracks .now').next().length == 0 && true) {
if (Player.onRepeat() || manual) { // Last track and repeat is on
return $('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else {
return false;
} else {
return $('.playlist-tracks .now').next().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else if (cnt === 1) { // Single track in the playlist
return $('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else { // Shuffle on
while (1) {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * (cnt + .999));
var $li = $('.playlist-tracks li').eq(rnd);
if ($li.length > 0 && !$li.hasClass('now')) {
return $li.attr('id').split('i')[1];
prevTrack: function() {
var cnt = $('.playlist-tracks li').length;
if (!Player.onShuffle()) { // Shuffle off
if ($('.playlist-tracks .now').prev().length == 0 && true) { // First track in the playlist
return $('.playlist-tracks li').last().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else {
return $('.playlist-tracks .now').prev().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else if (cnt === 1) { // Single track in the playlist
return $('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else { // Shuffle on
while (1) {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * (cnt + .999));
var $li = $('.playlist-tracks li').eq(rnd);
if ($li.length > 0 && !$li.hasClass('now')) {
return $li.attr('id').split('i')[1];
onShuffle: function() {
return $('#shuffle').hasClass('active');
onRepeat: function() {
return $('#repeat').hasClass('active');
updateNowListening: function(artist, album, track) {
if (Settings.user.lastfm_username) {
Session.query('/lastfm/listening?r='+ Math.random(), {'artist': artist, 'album': album, 'track': track});
scrobble: function(artist, album, track) {
if (Settings.user.lastfm_username) {
Session.query('/lastfm/scrobble?r='+ Math.random(), {'artist': artist, 'album': album, 'track': track});
$('#player .controls .prev').live('click', function(){
$('#player .controls .next').live('click', function(){
$('.add-album').live('click', function() {
var artist = $('.artist-info .name').html();
var album = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('h2.name').text().replace(/\s\([\d]{4}\)$/, '');
$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.tracklist li').each(function(i, item){
var track_name = $(item).find('.trackname').html();
var length = $(item).find('.length').html();
Player.addTrack(artist, album, track_name, length);
$('.add-track').live('click', function(){
var artist = $('.artist-info .name').html();
var album = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().find('h2.name').text().replace(/\s\([\d]{4}\)$/, '');
var track_name = $(this).parent().find('.trackname').html();
var length = $(this).parent().find('.length').html();
Player.addTrack(artist, album, track_name, length);
$('#player .play').live('click', function(){
if ($('.playlist-tracks li').length > 0 && !Player.hasTrack()) {
Player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1]);
$('.tracklist li').live('mouseover mouseout', function(e){
if (e.type == 'mouseover') {
} else {
}).live('dblclick', function(e){
var artist = $('.artist-info .name').html();
var album = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('h2.name').text().replace(/\s\([\d]{4}\)$/, '');
var track_name = $(this).find('.trackname').html();
var length = $(this).find('.length').html();
Player.addTrack(artist, album, track_name, length, true);
$('.playlist-tracks li .fade, .playlist-tracks li .duration, .playlist-tracks li .remove').live('mouseover mouseout', function(e){
if (e.type == 'mouseover') {
} else {
$('.playlist-tracks li .remove').live('click', function(){
var $li = $(this).parent().parent();
if ($li.hasClass('now')) {
$('#player .now-playing').text('...');
$('#player .loaded, #player .played').width(0);
$('.playlist-tracks li').live('dblclick', function(){
$('#player .progress').live('click', function(e){
$('#jplayer').jPlayer('playHead', Math.round((e.offsetX / Player.bar_width) * 100));
$('#repeat, #shuffle').live('click', function(){
$('#empty-playlist').live('click', function(){
if (confirm('Are you sure?')) {
$('.playlist-tracks li').remove();
$('#player .now-playing').text('Add some music to playlist');
$('#player .loaded, #player .played').width(0);
}); |