# Registering global objects window._beathaven = null window._session = 1 window._vkontakte = null window._ajax = null window._player = null window._search = null window._pages = null window._settings = null $ -> l = document.location if l.hostname not in ['beathaven.org', 'dev.beathaven.org'] l.href = 'http://beathaven.org/'+ l.hash window._beathaven = new BeatHaven() window._beathaven.init() $(window).resize -> _beathaven.adjustSizes() _beathaven.redrawScrollbar() false window.setTimeout -> window._beathaven.checkRedrawScrollbar() false , 500 class BeatHaven last_height: false lang: 'ru' init: -> this.adjustSizes() this.checkRedrawScrollbar() # if document.location.host == 'beathaven.org' then 2335068 else 2383163 window._vkontakte = new Vkontakte(2335068) window._vkontakte.init() window._ajax = new Ajax() window._player = new Player() window._player.initJplayer() window._search = new Search() window._pages = new Pages() window._settings = new Settings() false adjustSizes: -> $('.data-container').height $(window).height() - $('.header-container').height() - $('.pulldown').height() $('.data-container').width $(window).width() - $('.player').width() $('.player-container').height $(window).height() $('.playlist').height $(window).height() - $('.player').height() - $('.player-container .additional-controls').height() $('.data-container').scrollbar() $('.playlist').scrollbar() false checkRedrawScrollbar: -> focused_id = false if document.activeElement.id? focused_id = document.activeElement.id; outer_height = $('.data-container > div').outerHeight() if outer_height > 300 and outer_height != _beathaven.last_height _beathaven.last_height = outer_height _beathaven.redrawScrollbar() if focused_id document.getElementById(focused_id).focus() focused_id = false window.setTimeout -> _beathaven.checkRedrawScrollbar() false , 500 false redrawScrollbar: -> $('.data-container').html $('.data-container').find('.inner').first() $('.data-container').scrollbar() false localizeHTML: (obj, lang) -> unless obj? obj = $('body') unless lang? lang = _beathaven.lang $(obj).find('[data-ls]').each -> if _locale[$(this).attr 'data-ls']? and _locale[$(this).attr 'data-ls'][lang]? if this.nodeName is 'INPUT' $(this).val _locale[$(this).attr 'data-ls'][lang] else $(this).text _locale[$(this).attr 'data-ls'][lang] return obj ls: (id, lang) -> unless lang? lang = _beathaven.lang if _locale[id]? and _locale[id][lang]? _locale[id][lang] else id pdShowSpinner: -> $('.pulldown').html '