getDefaultWithOid(); if ($default_with_oids == 'off') $_REQUEST['withoutoids'] = 'on'; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['name'])) $_REQUEST['name'] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['fields'])) $_REQUEST['fields'] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['tblcomment'])) $_REQUEST['tblcomment'] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['spcname'])) $_REQUEST['spcname'] = ''; switch ($_REQUEST['stage']) { case 1: // Fetch all tablespaces from the database if ($data->hasTablespaces()) $tablespaces = $data->getTablespaces(); $misc->printTrail('schema'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strcreatetable'], 'pg.table.create'); $misc->printMsg($msg); echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n\t\n"; echo "\t\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n\t\n"; echo "\t\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n\t\n"; // Tablespace (if there are any) if ($data->hasTablespaces() && $tablespaces->recordCount() > 0) { echo "\t\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n\t\n"; } echo "\t\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n\t\n"; echo "
{$lang['strname']}_maxNameLen}\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['name']), "\" />
{$lang['strnumcols']}_maxNameLen}\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['fields']), "\" />
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "
\n"; break; case 2: global $lang; // Check inputs $fields = trim($_REQUEST['fields']); if (trim($_REQUEST['name']) == '') { $_REQUEST['stage'] = 1; doCreate($lang['strtableneedsname']); return; } elseif ($fields == '' || !is_numeric($fields) || $fields != (int)$fields || $fields < 1) { $_REQUEST['stage'] = 1; doCreate($lang['strtableneedscols']); return; } $types = $data->getTypes(true, false, true); $types_for_js = array(); $misc->printTrail('schema'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strcreatetable'], 'pg.table.create'); $misc->printMsg($msg); echo ""; echo "
\n"; // Output table header echo "\n"; echo "\t"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $_REQUEST['fields']; $i++) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['field'][$i])) $_REQUEST['field'][$i] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['length'][$i])) $_REQUEST['length'][$i] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['default'][$i])) $_REQUEST['default'][$i] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['colcomment'][$i])) $_REQUEST['colcomment'][$i] = ''; echo "\t\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t"; } // Output array type selector echo "\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n\t\n"; } echo "
", $i + 1, ". _maxNameLen}\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['field'][$i]), "\" />\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n"; if($i==0) { // only define js types array once $predefined_size_types = array_intersect($data->predefined_size_types,array_keys($types_for_js)); $escaped_predef_types = array(); // the JS escaped array elements foreach($predefined_size_types as $value) { $escaped_predef_types[] = "'{$value}'"; } echo "\n\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if (isset($_REQUEST['withoutoids'])) { echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; if (isset($_REQUEST['spcname'])) { echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "
\n"; break; case 3: global $data, $lang, $_reload_browser; if (!isset($_REQUEST['notnull'])) $_REQUEST['notnull'] = array(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['uniquekey'])) $_REQUEST['uniquekey'] = array(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['primarykey'])) $_REQUEST['primarykey'] = array(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['length'])) $_REQUEST['length'] = array(); // Default tablespace to null if it isn't set if (!isset($_REQUEST['spcname'])) $_REQUEST['spcname'] = null; // Check inputs $fields = trim($_REQUEST['fields']); if (trim($_REQUEST['name']) == '') { $_REQUEST['stage'] = 1; doCreate($lang['strtableneedsname']); return; } elseif ($fields == '' || !is_numeric($fields) || $fields != (int)$fields || $fields <= 0) { $_REQUEST['stage'] = 1; doCreate($lang['strtableneedscols']); return; } $status = $data->createTable($_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['fields'], $_REQUEST['field'], $_REQUEST['type'], $_REQUEST['array'], $_REQUEST['length'], $_REQUEST['notnull'], $_REQUEST['default'], isset($_REQUEST['withoutoids']), $_REQUEST['colcomment'], $_REQUEST['tblcomment'], $_REQUEST['spcname'], $_REQUEST['uniquekey'], $_REQUEST['primarykey']); if ($status == 0) { $_reload_browser = true; doDefault($lang['strtablecreated']); } elseif ($status == -1) { $_REQUEST['stage'] = 2; doCreate($lang['strtableneedsfield']); return; } else { $_REQUEST['stage'] = 2; doCreate($lang['strtablecreatedbad']); return; } break; default: echo "


\n"; } } /** * Dsiplay a screen where user can create a table from an existing one. * We don't have to check if pg supports schema cause create table like * is available under pg 7.4+ which has schema. */ function doCreateLike($confirm, $msg = '') { global $data, $misc, $lang; if (!$confirm) { include_once('./classes/Gui.php'); if (!isset($_REQUEST['name'])) $_REQUEST['name'] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['like'])) $_REQUEST['like'] = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['tablespace'])) $_REQUEST['tablespace'] = ''; $misc->printTrail('schema'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strcreatetable'], 'pg.table.create'); $misc->printMsg($msg); $tbltmp = $data->getTables(true); $tbltmp = $tbltmp->getArray(); $tables = array(); $tblsel = ''; foreach ($tbltmp as $a) { $data->fieldClean($a['nspname']); $data->fieldClean($a['relname']); $tables["\"{$a['nspname']}\".\"{$a['relname']}\""] = serialize(array('schema' => $a['nspname'], 'table' => $a['relname'])); if ($_REQUEST['like'] == $tables["\"{$a['nspname']}\".\"{$a['relname']}\""]) $tblsel = htmlspecialchars($tables["\"{$a['nspname']}\".\"{$a['relname']}\""]); } unset($tbltmp); echo "
\n"; echo "\n\t\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n\t\n"; echo "\t\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n\t\n"; if ($data->hasTablespaces()) { $tblsp_ = $data->getTablespaces(); if ($tblsp_->recordCount() > 0) { $tblsp_ = $tblsp_->getArray(); $tblsp = array(); foreach($tblsp_ as $a) $tblsp[$a['spcname']] = $a['spcname']; echo "\t\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\n\t\n"; } } echo "\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n"; echo "
{$lang['strname']}_maxNameLen}\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['name']), "\" />
{$lang['strcreatetablelikeparent']}"; echo GUI::printCombo($tables, 'like', true, $tblsel, false); echo "
{$lang['strtablespace']}"; echo GUI::printCombo($tblsp, 'tablespace', true, $_REQUEST['tablespace'], false); echo "
{$lang['stroptions']}"; echo ""; if ($data->hasCreateTableLikeWithConstraints()) { echo "
"; } if ($data->hasCreateTableLikeWithIndexes()) { echo "
"; } echo "
"; echo "\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "

\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "
\n"; } else { global $_reload_browser; if (trim($_REQUEST['name']) == '') { doCreateLike(false, $lang['strtableneedsname']); return; } if (trim($_REQUEST['like']) == '') { doCreateLike(false, $lang['strtablelikeneedslike']); return; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['tablespace'])) $_REQUEST['tablespace'] = ''; $status = $data->createTableLike($_REQUEST['name'], unserialize($_REQUEST['like']), isset($_REQUEST['withdefaults']), isset($_REQUEST['withconstraints']), isset($_REQUEST['withindexes']), $_REQUEST['tablespace']); if ($status == 0) { $_reload_browser = true; doDefault($lang['strtablecreated']); } else { doCreateLike(false, $lang['strtablecreatedbad']); return; } } } /** * Ask for select parameters and perform select */ function doSelectRows($confirm, $msg = '') { global $data, $misc, $_no_output; global $lang; if ($confirm) { $misc->printTrail('table'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strselect'], ''); $misc->printMsg($msg); $attrs = $data->getTableAttributes($_REQUEST['table']); echo "
\n"; if ($attrs->recordCount() > 0) { // JavaScript for select all feature echo "\n"; echo "\n"; // Output table header echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $i = 0; while (!$attrs->EOF) { $attrs->fields['attnotnull'] = $data->phpBool($attrs->fields['attnotnull']); // Set up default value if there isn't one already if (!isset($_REQUEST['values'][$attrs->fields['attname']])) $_REQUEST['values'][$attrs->fields['attname']] = null; if (!isset($_REQUEST['ops'][$attrs->fields['attname']])) $_REQUEST['ops'][$attrs->fields['attname']] = null; // Continue drawing row $id = (($i % 2) == 0 ? '1' : '2'); echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "\n"; $i++; $attrs->moveNext(); } // Select all checkbox echo ""; echo "
"; echo "fields['attname']), "]\"", isset($_REQUEST['show'][$attrs->fields['attname']]) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', " />", $misc->printVal($attrs->fields['attname']), "", $misc->printVal($data->formatType($attrs->fields['type'], $attrs->fields['atttypmod'])), ""; echo "\n", $data->printField("values[{$attrs->fields['attname']}]", $_REQUEST['values'][$attrs->fields['attname']], $attrs->fields['type']), "
\n"; } else echo "


\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "
\n"; } else { if (!isset($_POST['show'])) $_POST['show'] = array(); if (!isset($_POST['values'])) $_POST['values'] = array(); if (!isset($_POST['nulls'])) $_POST['nulls'] = array(); // Verify that they haven't supplied a value for unary operators foreach ($_POST['ops'] as $k => $v) { if ($data->selectOps[$v] == 'p' && $_POST['values'][$k] != '') { doSelectRows(true, $lang['strselectunary']); return; } } if (sizeof($_POST['show']) == 0) doSelectRows(true, $lang['strselectneedscol']); else { // Generate query SQL $query = $data->getSelectSQL($_REQUEST['table'], array_keys($_POST['show']), $_POST['values'], $_POST['ops']); $_REQUEST['query'] = $query; $_REQUEST['return_url'] = "tables.php?action=confselectrows&{$misc->href}&table={$_REQUEST['table']}"; $_REQUEST['return_desc'] = $lang['strback']; $_no_output = true; include('./display.php'); exit; } } } /** * Ask for insert parameters and then actually insert row */ function doInsertRow($confirm, $msg = '') { global $data, $misc, $conf; global $lang; if ($confirm) { $misc->printTrail('table'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strinsertrow'], 'pg.sql.insert'); $misc->printMsg($msg); $attrs = $data->getTableAttributes($_REQUEST['table']); if (($conf['autocomplete'] != 'disable')) { $fksprops = $misc->getAutocompleteFKProperties($_REQUEST['table']); if ($fksprops !== false) echo $fksprops['code']; } else $fksprops = false; echo "
\n"; if ($attrs->recordCount() > 0) { echo "\n"; // Output table header echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $i = 0; $fields = array(); while (!$attrs->EOF) { $fields[$attrs->fields['attnum']] = $attrs->fields['attname']; $attrs->fields['attnotnull'] = $data->phpBool($attrs->fields['attnotnull']); // Set up default value if there isn't one already if (!isset($_REQUEST['values'][$attrs->fields['attnum']])) $_REQUEST['values'][$attrs->fields['attnum']] = $attrs->fields['adsrc']; // Default format to 'VALUE' if there is no default, // otherwise default to 'EXPRESSION' if (!isset($_REQUEST['format'][$attrs->fields['attnum']])) $_REQUEST['format'][$attrs->fields['attnum']] = ($attrs->fields['adsrc'] === null) ? 'VALUE' : 'EXPRESSION'; // Continue drawing row $id = (($i % 2) == 0 ? '1' : '2'); echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; } else { echo " "; } echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $i++; $attrs->moveNext(); } echo "
", $misc->printVal($attrs->fields['attname']), "\n"; echo $misc->printVal($data->formatType($attrs->fields['type'], $attrs->fields['atttypmod'])); echo "fields['attnum']}]\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($attrs->fields['type']), "\" />\n"; echo "\n"; // Output null box if the column allows nulls (doesn't look at CHECKs or ASSERTIONS) if (!$attrs->fields['attnotnull']) { echo "fields['attnum']}]\"", isset($_REQUEST['nulls'][$attrs->fields['attnum']]) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', " />fields['attnum']}\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">"; if (($fksprops !== false) && isset($fksprops['byfield'][$attrs->fields['attnum']])) { echo $data->printField("values[{$attrs->fields['attnum']}]", $_REQUEST['values'][$attrs->fields['attnum']], 'fktype'/*force FK*/, array( 'id' => "attr_{$attrs->fields['attnum']}", 'autocomplete' => 'off' ) ); } else { echo $data->printField("values[{$attrs->fields['attnum']}]", $_REQUEST['values'][$attrs->fields['attnum']], $attrs->fields['type']); } echo "
\n"; if (!isset($_SESSION['counter'])) { $_SESSION['counter'] = 0; } echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if($fksprops !== false) { if ($conf['autocomplete'] != 'default off') echo "\n"; else echo "\n"; } echo "

\n"; } else { echo "


\n"; echo "\n"; } echo $misc->form; echo "
\n"; } else { if (!isset($_POST['values'])) $_POST['values'] = array(); if (!isset($_POST['nulls'])) $_POST['nulls'] = array(); $_POST['fields'] = unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode($_POST['fields'], ENT_QUOTES)); if ($_SESSION['counter']++ == $_POST['protection_counter']) { $status = $data->insertRow($_POST['table'], $_POST['fields'], $_POST['values'], $_POST['nulls'], $_POST['format'], $_POST['types']); if ($status == 0) { if (isset($_POST['insert'])) doDefault($lang['strrowinserted']); else { $_REQUEST['values'] = array(); $_REQUEST['nulls'] = array(); doInsertRow(true, $lang['strrowinserted']); } } else doInsertRow(true, $lang['strrowinsertedbad']); } else doInsertRow(true, $lang['strrowduplicate']); } } /** * Show confirmation of empty and perform actual empty */ function doEmpty($confirm) { global $data, $misc; global $lang; if (empty($_REQUEST['table']) && empty($_REQUEST['ma'])) { doDefault($lang['strspecifytabletoempty']); exit(); } if ($confirm) { if (isset($_REQUEST['ma'])) { $misc->printTrail('schema'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strempty'],'pg.table.empty'); echo "
\n"; foreach ($_REQUEST['ma'] as $v) { $a = unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode($v, ENT_QUOTES)); echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfemptytable'], $misc->printVal($a['table'])), "

\n"; printf('', htmlspecialchars($a['table'])); } } // END mutli empty else { $misc->printTrail('table'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strempty'],'pg.table.empty'); echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfemptytable'], $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['table'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } // END not mutli empty echo "\n"; echo $misc->form; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; } // END if confirm else { // Do Empty if (is_array($_REQUEST['table'])) { $msg=''; foreach($_REQUEST['table'] as $t) { $status = $data->emptyTable($t); if ($status == 0) $msg.= sprintf('%s: %s
', htmlentities($t), $lang['strtableemptied']); else { doDefault(sprintf('%s%s: %s
', $msg, htmlentities($t), $lang['strtableemptiedbad'])); return; } } doDefault($msg); } // END mutli empty else { $status = $data->emptyTable($_POST['table']); if ($status == 0) doDefault($lang['strtableemptied']); else doDefault($lang['strtableemptiedbad']); } // END not mutli empty } // END do Empty } /** * Show confirmation of drop and perform actual drop */ function doDrop($confirm) { global $data, $misc; global $lang, $_reload_browser; if (empty($_REQUEST['table']) && empty($_REQUEST['ma'])) { doDefault($lang['strspecifytabletodrop']); exit(); } if ($confirm) { //If multi drop if (isset($_REQUEST['ma'])) { $misc->printTrail('schema'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strdrop'], 'pg.table.drop'); echo "
\n"; foreach($_REQUEST['ma'] as $v) { $a = unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode($v, ENT_QUOTES)); echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfdroptable'], $misc->printVal($a['table'])), "

\n"; printf('', htmlspecialchars($a['table'])); } } else { $misc->printTrail('table'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strdrop'], 'pg.table.drop'); echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfdroptable'], $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['table'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; }// END if multi drop echo "\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } // END confirm else { //If multi drop if (is_array($_REQUEST['table'])) { $msg=''; $status = $data->beginTransaction(); if ($status == 0) { foreach($_REQUEST['table'] as $t) { $status = $data->dropTable($t, isset($_POST['cascade'])); if ($status == 0) $msg.= sprintf('%s: %s
', htmlentities($t), $lang['strtabledropped']); else { $data->endTransaction(); doDefault(sprintf('%s%s: %s
', $msg, htmlentities($t), $lang['strtabledroppedbad'])); return; } } } if($data->endTransaction() == 0) { // Everything went fine, back to the Default page.... $_reload_browser = true; doDefault($msg); } else doDefault($lang['strtabledroppedbad']); } else { $status = $data->dropTable($_POST['table'], isset($_POST['cascade'])); if ($status == 0) { $_reload_browser = true; doDefault($lang['strtabledropped']); } else doDefault($lang['strtabledroppedbad']); } } // END DROP }// END Function /** * Show default list of tables in the database */ function doDefault($msg = '') { global $data, $conf, $misc, $data; global $lang; $misc->printTrail('schema'); $misc->printTabs('schema','tables'); $misc->printMsg($msg); $tables = $data->getTables(); $columns = array( 'table' => array( 'title' => $lang['strtable'], 'field' => field('relname'), 'url' => "redirect.php?subject=table&{$misc->href}&", 'vars' => array('table' => 'relname'), ), 'owner' => array( 'title' => $lang['strowner'], 'field' => field('relowner'), ), 'tablespace' => array( 'title' => $lang['strtablespace'], 'field' => field('tablespace') ), 'tuples' => array( 'title' => $lang['strestimatedrowcount'], 'field' => field('reltuples'), 'type' => 'numeric' ), 'actions' => array( 'title' => $lang['stractions'], ), 'comment' => array( 'title' => $lang['strcomment'], 'field' => field('relcomment'), ), ); $actions = array( 'multiactions' => array( 'keycols' => array('table' => 'relname'), 'url' => 'tables.php', 'default' => 'analyze', ), 'browse' => array( 'title' => $lang['strbrowse'], 'url' => "display.php?{$misc->href}&subject=table&return_url=".urlencode("tables.php?{$misc->href}")."&return_desc=".urlencode($lang['strback'])."&", 'vars' => array('table' => 'relname'), ), 'select' => array( 'title' => $lang['strselect'], 'url' => "tables.php?action=confselectrows&{$misc->href}&", 'vars' => array('table' => 'relname'), ), 'insert' => array( 'title' => $lang['strinsert'], 'url' => "tables.php?action=confinsertrow&{$misc->href}&", 'vars' => array('table' => 'relname'), ), 'empty' => array( 'title' => $lang['strempty'], 'url' => "tables.php?action=confirm_empty&{$misc->href}&", 'vars' => array('table' => 'relname'), 'multiaction' => 'confirm_empty', ), 'alter' => array( 'title' => $lang['stralter'], 'url' => "tblproperties.php?action=confirm_alter&{$misc->href}&", 'vars' => array('table' => 'relname'), ), 'drop' => array( 'title' => $lang['strdrop'], 'url' => "tables.php?action=confirm_drop&{$misc->href}&", 'vars' => array('table' => 'relname'), 'multiaction' => 'confirm_drop', ), 'vacuum' => array( 'title' => $lang['strvacuum'], 'url' => "tables.php?action=confirm_vacuum&{$misc->href}&", 'vars' => array('table' => 'relname'), 'multiaction' => 'confirm_vacuum', ), 'analyze' => array( 'title' => $lang['stranalyze'], 'url' => "tables.php?action=confirm_analyze&{$misc->href}&", 'vars' => array('table' => 'relname'), 'multiaction' => 'confirm_analyze', ), 'reindex' => array( 'title' => $lang['strreindex'], 'url' => "tables.php?action=confirm_reindex&{$misc->href}&", 'vars' => array('table' => 'relname'), 'multiaction' => 'confirm_reindex', ), //'cluster' TODO ? ); if (!$data->hasTablespaces()) unset($columns['tablespace']); $misc->printTable($tables, $columns, $actions, $lang['strnotables']); echo "\n"; } require('./admin.php'); /** * Generate XML for the browser tree. */ function doTree() { global $misc, $data; $tables = $data->getTables(); $reqvars = $misc->getRequestVars('table'); $attrs = array( 'text' => field('relname'), 'icon' => 'Table', 'iconAction' => url('display.php', $reqvars, array('table' => field('relname')) ), 'toolTip'=> field('relcomment'), 'action' => url('redirect.php', $reqvars, array('table' => field('relname')) ), 'branch' => url('tables.php', $reqvars, array ( 'action' => 'subtree', 'table' => field('relname') ) ) ); $misc->printTreeXML($tables, $attrs); exit; } function doSubTree() { global $misc, $data; $tabs = $misc->getNavTabs('table'); $items = $misc->adjustTabsForTree($tabs); $reqvars = $misc->getRequestVars('table'); $attrs = array( 'text' => noEscape(field('title')), 'icon' => field('icon'), 'action' => url( field('url'), $reqvars, field('urlvars'), array('table' => $_REQUEST['table']) ), 'branch' => ifempty( field('branch'), '', url( field('url'), $reqvars, array( 'action' => 'tree', 'table' => $_REQUEST['table'] ) ) ), ); $misc->printTreeXML($items, $attrs); exit; } if ($action == 'tree') doTree(); if ($action == 'subtree') dosubTree(); $misc->printHeader($lang['strtables']); $misc->printBody(); switch ($action) { case 'create': if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) doDefault(); else doCreate(); break; case 'createlike': doCreateLike(false); break; case 'confcreatelike': if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) doDefault(); else doCreateLike(true); break; case 'selectrows': if (!isset($_POST['cancel'])) doSelectRows(false); else doDefault(); break; case 'confselectrows': doSelectRows(true); break; case 'insertrow': if (!isset($_POST['cancel'])) doInsertRow(false); else doDefault(); break; case 'confinsertrow': doInsertRow(true); break; case 'empty': if (isset($_POST['empty'])) doEmpty(false); else doDefault(); break; case 'confirm_empty': doEmpty(true); break; case 'drop': if (isset($_POST['drop'])) doDrop(false); else doDefault(); break; case 'confirm_drop': doDrop(true); break; default: if (adminActions($action, 'table') === false) doDefault(); break; } $misc->printFooter(); ?>