var fkl_hasnext=false; var fkl_hasprev=false; /* hide the value list */ function hideAc() { jQuery.ppa.o=0; with (jQuery.ppa) { fklist.hide(); fkbg.hide(); } } /* enable/disable auto-complete feature */ function triggerAc(ac) { if (ac) { jQuery.ppa.attrs .bind('keyup.ac_action', autocomplete) .bind('focus.ac_action', autocomplete) .bind('keypress.ac_action', move) .addClass('ac_field'); } else { jQuery.ppa.attrs .removeClass('ac_field') .unbind('.ac_action'); } } /* select the given index value and highlight it */ function selectVal(index) { if (index == jQuery.ppa.i) return; // we catch the header as well so it takes th index 0 var trs = jQuery.ppa.fklist.find('tr'); // change colors for unselected if (jQuery.ppa.i > 0) trs.eq(jQuery.ppa.i).find('*').css({ 'background-color': '#fff', 'color': '' }); // change colors for newly selected trs.eq(index).find('*').css({ 'background-color': '#3d80df', 'color': '#fff' }); jQuery.ppa.i = index; } function openlist(e) { var elt = jQuery(e); var attnum = elt.attr('id').match(/\d+/)[0]; /* FIXME we only support the first FK constraint of the field */ var conid = attrs['attr_'+attnum][0]; var constr = constrs["constr_" + conid]; // get the changed attribute position in the arrays for (i=0; (constr.pattnums[i] != attnum);i++); var datas = { fattpos: i, fvalue: e.value, database: database, 'keys[]': constr.pattnums, 'keynames[]': constr.pattnames, 'fkeynames[]': constr.fattnames, f_table: constr.f_table, f_schema: constr.f_schema, offset: jQuery.ppa.o }; jQuery.ajax({ url: 'ajax-ac-insert.php?server=' + server, type: 'post', data: datas, success: function (ret) { jQuery.ppa.i = 0;; with(jQuery.ppa.fklist) { html(ret); appendTo('#row_att_'+ attnum); css('width',elt.css('width')); show(); jQuery.ppa.numrow = find('tr').length; } } }); } /* move the cursor down or up, * load available next/prev values if going out of bound */ function move(event) { /* selecting next value down. * if the list is closed, it will open next */ if(event.keyCode == 40) { if (jQuery.ppa.fklist[0].style.display == 'block') { if ((jQuery.ppa.i + 1) < jQuery.ppa.numrow) { selectVal(jQuery.ppa.i + 1); } else if (fkl_hasnext == true) { jQuery.ppa.o+=11; openlist(this); } } else { openlist(this); } } /* selecting prev value up */ else if(event.keyCode == 38) { if ((jQuery.ppa.i - 1) > 0) { selectVal(jQuery.ppa.i - 1); } else if ((fkl_hasprev == true) && (jQuery.ppa.i == 1)) { jQuery.ppa.o-=11; openlist(this); } else { selectVal(jQuery.ppa.numrow -1); } } } /* open/update the value list */ function autocomplete(event) { /* if pressing enter, fire a click on the selected line */ if (event.keyCode == 13) { if (jQuery.ppa.i > 0) { jQuery.ppa.fklist.find('tr').eq(jQuery.ppa.i).click(); } return false; } /* ignoring 38:up and 40:down */ else if ( event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 40 ) { return false; } /* ignoring 9:tab, 37:left, 39:right, 16:shift, ctrl: 17, alt:18, 20:lockmaj */ else if ( event.keyCode == 9 || event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 16 || event.keyCode == 17 || event.keyCode == 18 || event.keyCode == 20) { return true; } /* esc */ else if (event.keyCode == 27) { hideAc(); } /* request the list of possible values asynchronously */ else { /* if we refresh because of a value update, * we reset back to offset 0 so we catch values * if list is smaller than 11 values */ if (event.type == 'keyup') jQuery.ppa.o = 0; openlist(this); } return true; } /* bind actions on values lines: hover for style change, click for select */ with(jQuery('tr.acline')) { live('mouseover', function () { selectVal(jQuery('table.ac_values tr').index(this)); }); live('click', function () { var a = jQuery(this).find('td > a.fkval'); for (i=0; i < a.length; i++) { jQuery('input[name="values['+ a[i].name +']"]').val(a[i].innerHTML); } hideAc(); }); } jQuery('#fkprev').live('click', function () { jQuery.ppa.o -= 11; /* get the field that is the previous html elt from the #fklist * and trigger its focus to refresh the list AND actualy * focus back on the field */ jQuery('#fklist').prev().focus(); }); jQuery('#fknext').live('click', function () { jQuery.ppa.o += 11; /* get the field that is the previous html elt from the #fklist * and trigger its focus to refresh the list AND actualy * focus back on the field*/ jQuery('#fklist').prev().focus(); }); jQuery(document).ready(function () { /* register some global value in the ppa namespace */ jQuery.ppa = { fklist: jQuery('#fklist'), attrs: jQuery('input[id^=attr_]'), // select fields with FK fkbg: jQuery('#fkbg'), i:0, // selected value indice o:0 // offset when navigating prev/next }; /* close the list when clicking outside of it */ (e) { hideAc(); }); /* do not submit the form when selecting a value by pressing enter */ jQuery.ppa.attrs .keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13 && jQuery.ppa.fklist[0].style.display == 'block') return false; }); /* enable/disable auto-complete according to the checkbox */ triggerAc( jQuery('#no_ac').click(function () { triggerAc(this.checked); })[0].checked ); });