class window.Player bar_width: 263 jp: null scrobbled: false albums: [] playlist: [] initJplayer: -> self = this @jp = $("#jplayer") @jp.jPlayer swfPath: "/js" supplied: "mp3" cssSelectorAncestor: "" cssSelector: play: ".player .play" pause: ".player .pause" stop: "" videoPlay: "" seekBar: "" playBar: "" mute: "" unmute: "" volumeBar: "" volumeBarValue: "" currentTime: "" duration: "" @jp.bind $.jPlayer.event.timeupdate, (e) -> data = e.jPlayer.status if not _player.scrobbled and data.currentPercentAbsolute > 50 $obj = $('.playlist') self.scrobble $obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-album'), $obj.attr('data-track') _player.scrobbled = true $('.player .progress .loaded').width(data.seekPercent * self.bar_width / 100) $('.player .progress .played').width(data.currentPercentAbsolute * self.bar_width / 100) @jp.bind $.jPlayer.event.ended, (e) -> next = self.nextTrack() if not next $('#jplayer').jPlayer 'clearMedia' $('.player .now-playing').html 'Nothing left to lose play' $('.player .loaded, .player .played').width 0 $('.playlist li').removeClass 'now' else self.setTrack next false addTracks: (tracks, autoplay) -> if not autoplay? autoplay = false initial_count = $('.playlist li').length for item in tracks $('.playlist').append '
  • ' +item.duration+ '
    ' +item.artist+ '
    ' '
  • ' _player.playlist.push item $('.playlist').sortable axis: 'y', handle: '.drag' if initial_count == 0 and not _player.hasTrack() _player.setTrack($('.playlist li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1]) false getDataFromLi: (obj) -> id = $(obj).attr 'data-id' track_name = $(obj).find('.trackname').html() length = $(obj).find('.length').html() id: id, name: track_name, length: length setTrack: (id) -> $obj = $('#i' +id) track = _player.getTrackInfo $obj.attr('data-id') query = track.artist+ ' — ' $('.player .loaded, .player .played').width 0 $('.player .now-playing').html query $('.playlist li').removeClass 'now' $obj.addClass 'now' console.log(track) _vkontakte.loadTracksData track.artist,, track.duration, (url) -> _player.playSource url this.updateNowListening track.artist, track.album, false getTrackInfo: (id) -> for track in _player.playlist if == parseInt(id, 10) return track false hasTrack: -> if $('#jplayer audio').length > 0 return $('#jplayer audio').attr('src')? and $('#jplayer audio').attr('src') != '' else if $('#jplayer object').length > 0 $('#jplayer').jPlayer 'play' true false playSource: (url) -> @scrobbled = false $('#jplayer').jPlayer 'setMedia', mp3: url $('#jplayer').jPlayer 'play' false nextTrack: (manual) -> manual = manual? cnt = $('.playlist li').length if not this.onShuffle() # Shuffle off if $('.playlist .now').next().length == 0 # Last track and repeat is on if _player.onRepeat() or manual # Repeat or manual click return $('.playlist li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1] else false else return $('.playlist .now').next().attr('id').split('i')[1] else if cnt == 1 # Single track in the playlist return $('.playlist li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1] else # Shuffle on while true rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * (cnt + .999)) $li = $('.playlist li').eq rnd if $li.length > 0 and not $li.hasClass 'now' return $li.attr('id').split('i')[1] false prevTrack: -> cnt = $('.playlist li').length if not _player.onShuffle() # Shuffle off if $('.playlist .now').prev().length == 0 # First track in the playlist return $('.playlist li').last().attr('id').split('i')[1] else return $('.playlist .now').prev().attr('id').split('i')[1] else if cnt == 1 # Single track in the playlist return $('.playlist li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1] else # Shuffle on while true rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * (cnt + .999)) $li = $('.playlist li').eq rnd if $li.length > 0 and not $li.hasClass 'now' return $li.attr('id').split('i')[1] false onShuffle: -> #return $('#shuffle').hasClass 'active' onRepeat: -> #return $('#repeat').hasClass 'active' updateNowListening: (artist, album, track) -> if _session.getUser().lastfm_username _session.query '/lastfm/listening?r=' +Math.random(), artist: artist, album: album, track: track false scrobble: (artist, album, track) -> if _session.getUser().lastfm_username _session.query '/lastfm/scrobble?r=' +Math.random(), artist: artist, album: album, track: track false # Player Controls $('.player .prev').live 'click', -> _player.setTrack _player.prevTrack() false $('.player .next').live 'click', -> _player.setTrack _player.nextTrack(true) false $('.player .play').live 'click', -> if $('.playlist li').length > 0 and not _player.hasTrack() _player.setTrack $('.playlist li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1] false $('.player .progress').live 'click', (e) -> $('#jplayer').jPlayer 'playHead', Math.round((e.offsetX / _player.bar_width) * 100) false # Player Additional Controls $('#repeat, #shuffle').live 'click', -> $(this).toggleClass 'active' false $('#empty-playlist').live 'click', -> if confirm('Are you sure?') $('.playlist li').remove() $('#jplayer').jPlayer 'clearMedia' $('.player .now-playing').text 'Add some music to playlist' $('.player .loaded, .player .played').width 0 false # Playlist Actions $('.playlist li .artist-name, .playlist li .song-title, .playlist li .song-duration, .playlist li .remove').live 'mousemove mouseover mouseout', (e) -> if e.type in ['mouseover', 'mousemove'] and ($(window).width() - e.clientX) < 60 + $(window).width() - $('.playlist').offset().left - $('.playlist').outerWidth() $(this).parent().find('.song-duration').hide() $(this).parent().find('.remove').show() else $(this).parent().find('.remove').hide() $(this).parent().find('.song-duration').show() false $('.playlist li .remove').live 'click', (e) -> $li = $(this).parent() if $li.hasClass 'now' $('#jplayer').jPlayer 'clearMedia' $('.player .now-playing').text '...' $('.player .loaded, .player .played').width 0 $li.remove() e.preventDefault() false $('.playlist li').live 'click', -> _player.setTrack $(this).attr('id').split('i')[1] false # Adding To Playlist actions $('.add-album').live 'click', -> artist = $('.artist-info h2').text() album = _player.albums[$(this).attr('data-album-id')] for item in album.tracks.album item['artist'] = artist item['album'] = _player.addTracks album.tracks.album false