
	 * English language file for phpPgAdmin.  Use this as a basis
	 * for new translations.
	 * $Id: english.php,v 1.232 2008/02/23 16:34:33 ioguix Exp $

	// Language and character set
	$lang['applang'] = 'English';
	$lang['appcharset'] = 'ISO-8859-1';
	$lang['applocale'] = 'en_US';
	$lang['appdbencoding'] = 'LATIN1';
	$lang['applangdir'] = 'ltr';

	// Welcome
	$lang['strintro'] = 'Welcome to phpPgAdmin.';
	$lang['strppahome'] = 'phpPgAdmin Homepage';
	$lang['strpgsqlhome'] = 'PostgreSQL Homepage';
	$lang['strpgsqlhome_url'] = 'http://www.postgresql.org/';
	$lang['strlocaldocs'] = 'PostgreSQL Documentation (local)';
	$lang['strreportbug'] = 'Report a Bug';
	$lang['strviewfaq'] = 'View online FAQ';
	$lang['strviewfaq_url'] = 'http://phppgadmin.sourceforge.net/?page=faq';
	// Basic strings
	$lang['strlogin'] = 'Login';
	$lang['strloginfailed'] = 'Login failed';
	$lang['strlogindisallowed'] = 'Login disallowed for security reasons.';
	$lang['strserver'] = 'Server';
	$lang['strservers'] = 'Servers';
	$lang['strgroupservers'] = 'Servers in group "%s"';
	$lang['strallservers'] = 'All servers';
	$lang['strintroduction'] = 'Introduction';
	$lang['strhost'] = 'Host';
	$lang['strport'] = 'Port';
	$lang['strlogout'] = 'Logout';
	$lang['strowner'] = 'Owner';
	$lang['straction'] = 'Action';
	$lang['stractions'] = 'Actions';
	$lang['strname'] = 'Name';
	$lang['strdefinition'] = 'Definition';
	$lang['strproperties'] = 'Properties';
	$lang['strbrowse'] = 'Browse';
	$lang['strenable'] = 'Enable';
	$lang['strdisable'] = 'Disable';
	$lang['strdrop'] = 'Drop';
	$lang['strdropped'] = 'Dropped';
	$lang['strnull'] = 'Null';
	$lang['strnotnull'] = 'Not Null';
	$lang['strprev'] = '< Prev';
	$lang['strnext'] = 'Next >';
	$lang['strfirst'] = '<< First';
	$lang['strlast'] = 'Last >>';
	$lang['strfailed'] = 'Failed';
	$lang['strcreate'] = 'Create';
	$lang['strcreated'] = 'Created';
	$lang['strcomment'] = 'Comment';
	$lang['strlength'] = 'Length';
	$lang['strdefault'] = 'Default';
	$lang['stralter'] = 'Alter';
	$lang['strok'] = 'OK';
	$lang['strcancel'] = 'Cancel';
	$lang['strkill'] = 'Kill';
	$lang['strac'] = 'Enable AutoComplete';
	$lang['strsave'] = 'Save';
	$lang['strreset'] = 'Reset';
	$lang['strrestart'] = 'Restart';
	$lang['strinsert'] = 'Insert';
	$lang['strselect'] = 'Select';
	$lang['strdelete'] = 'Delete';
	$lang['strupdate'] = 'Update';
	$lang['strreferences'] = 'References';
	$lang['stryes'] = 'Yes';
	$lang['strno'] = 'No';
	$lang['strtrue'] = 'TRUE';
	$lang['strfalse'] = 'FALSE';
	$lang['stredit'] = 'Edit';
	$lang['strcolumn'] = 'Column';
	$lang['strcolumns'] = 'Columns';
	$lang['strrows'] = 'row(s)';
	$lang['strrowsaff'] = 'row(s) affected.';
	$lang['strobjects'] = 'object(s)';
	$lang['strback'] = 'Back';
	$lang['strqueryresults'] = 'Query Results';
	$lang['strshow'] = 'Show';
	$lang['strempty'] = 'Empty';
	$lang['strlanguage'] = 'Language';
	$lang['strencoding'] = 'Encoding';
	$lang['strvalue'] = 'Value';
	$lang['strunique'] = 'Unique';
	$lang['strprimary'] = 'Primary';
	$lang['strexport'] = 'Export';
	$lang['strimport'] = 'Import';
	$lang['strallowednulls'] = 'Allowed NULL characters';
	$lang['strbackslashn'] = '\N';
	$lang['stremptystring'] = 'Empty string/field';
	$lang['strsql'] = 'SQL';
	$lang['stradmin'] = 'Admin';
	$lang['strvacuum'] = 'Vacuum';
	$lang['stranalyze'] = 'Analyze';
	$lang['strclusterindex'] = 'Cluster';
	$lang['strclustered'] = 'Clustered?';
	$lang['strreindex'] = 'Reindex';
	$lang['strexecute'] = 'Execute';
	$lang['stradd'] = 'Add';
	$lang['strevent'] = 'Event';
	$lang['strwhere'] = 'Where';
	$lang['strinstead'] = 'Do Instead';
	$lang['strwhen'] = 'When';
	$lang['strformat'] = 'Format';
	$lang['strdata'] = 'Data';
	$lang['strconfirm'] = 'Confirm';
	$lang['strexpression'] = 'Expression';
	$lang['strellipsis'] = '...';
	$lang['strseparator'] = ': ';
	$lang['strexpand'] = 'Expand';
	$lang['strcollapse'] = 'Collapse';
	$lang['strfind'] = 'Find';
	$lang['stroptions'] = 'Options';
	$lang['strrefresh'] = 'Refresh';
	$lang['strdownload'] = 'Download';
	$lang['strdownloadgzipped'] = 'Download compressed with gzip';
	$lang['strinfo'] = 'Info';
	$lang['stroids'] = 'OIDs';
	$lang['stradvanced'] = 'Advanced';
	$lang['strvariables'] = 'Variables';
	$lang['strprocess'] = 'Process';
	$lang['strprocesses'] = 'Processes';
	$lang['strsetting'] = 'Setting';
	$lang['streditsql'] = 'Edit SQL';
	$lang['strruntime'] = 'Total runtime: %s ms';
	$lang['strpaginate'] = 'Paginate results';
	$lang['struploadscript'] = 'or upload an SQL script:';
	$lang['strstarttime'] = 'Start Time';
	$lang['strfile'] = 'File';
	$lang['strfileimported'] = 'File imported.';
	$lang['strtrycred'] = 'Use these credentials for all servers';
	$lang['strconfdropcred'] = 'For security reason, disconnecting will destroy your shared login information. Are you sure you want to disconnect ?';
	$lang['stractionsonmultiplelines'] = 'Actions on multiple lines';
	$lang['strselectall'] = 'Select all';
	$lang['strunselectall'] = 'Unselect all';
	$lang['strlocale'] = 'Locale';
	$lang['strcollation'] = 'Collation';
	$lang['strctype'] = 'Character Type';
	$lang['strdefaultvalues'] = 'Default values';
	$lang['strnewvalues'] = 'New values';
	$lang['strstart'] = 'Start';
	$lang['strstop'] = 'Stop';
	$lang['strgotoppage'] = 'back to top';
	$lang['strtheme'] = 'Theme';
	// Admin
	$lang['stradminondatabase'] = 'The following administrative tasks apply on the whole %s database.';
	$lang['stradminontable'] = 'The following administrative tasks apply on the table %s.';
	// User-supplied SQL history
	$lang['strhistory'] = 'History';
	$lang['strnohistory'] = 'No history.';
	$lang['strclearhistory'] = 'Clear history';
	$lang['strdelhistory'] = 'Delete from history';
	$lang['strconfdelhistory'] = 'Really remove this request from history?';
	$lang['strconfclearhistory'] = 'Really clear history?';
	$lang['strnodatabaseselected'] = 'Please, select a database.';

	// Database sizes
	$lang['strnoaccess'] = 'No Access'; 
	$lang['strsize'] = 'Size';
	$lang['strbytes'] = 'bytes';
	$lang['strkb'] = 'kB';
	$lang['strmb'] = 'MB';
	$lang['strgb'] = 'GB';
	$lang['strtb'] = 'TB';

	// Error handling
	$lang['strnoframes'] = 'This application works best with a frames-enabled browser, but can be used without frames by following the link below.';
	$lang['strnoframeslink'] = 'Use without frames';
	$lang['strbadconfig'] = 'Your config.inc.php is out of date. You will need to regenerate it from the new config.inc.php-dist.';
	$lang['strnotloaded'] = 'Your PHP installation does not support PostgreSQL. You need to recompile PHP using the --with-pgsql configure option.';
	$lang['strpostgresqlversionnotsupported'] = 'Version of PostgreSQL not supported. Please upgrade to version %s or later.';
	$lang['strbadschema'] = 'Invalid schema specified.';
	$lang['strbadencoding'] = 'Failed to set client encoding in database.';
	$lang['strsqlerror'] = 'SQL error:';
	$lang['strinstatement'] = 'In statement:';
	$lang['strinvalidparam'] = 'Invalid script parameters.';
	$lang['strnodata'] = 'No rows found.';
	$lang['strnoobjects'] = 'No objects found.';
	$lang['strrownotunique'] = 'No unique identifier for this row.';
	$lang['strnoreportsdb'] = 'You have not created the reports database. Read the INSTALL file for directions.';
	$lang['strnouploads'] = 'File uploads are disabled.';
	$lang['strimporterror'] = 'Import error.';
	$lang['strimporterror-fileformat'] = 'Import error: Failed to automatically determine the file format.';
	$lang['strimporterrorline'] = 'Import error on line %s.';
	$lang['strimporterrorline-badcolumnnum'] = 'Import error on line %s: Line does not possess the correct number of columns.';
	$lang['strimporterror-uploadedfile'] = 'Import error: File could not be uploaded to the server';
	$lang['strcannotdumponwindows'] = 'Dumping of complex table and schema names on Windows is not supported.';
	$lang['strinvalidserverparam'] = 'Attempt to connect with invalid server parameter, possibly someone is trying to hack your system.'; 
	$lang['strnoserversupplied'] = 'No server supplied!';
	$lang['strbadpgdumppath'] = 'Export error: Failed to execute pg_dump (given path in your conf/config.inc.php : %s). Please, fix this path in your configuration and relog.';
	$lang['strbadpgdumpallpath'] = 'Export error: Failed to execute pg_dumpall (given path in your conf/config.inc.php : %s). Please, fix this path in your configuration and relog.';
	$lang['strconnectionfail'] = 'Can not connect to server.';

	// Tables
	$lang['strtable'] = 'Table';
	$lang['strtables'] = 'Tables';
	$lang['strshowalltables'] = 'Show all tables';
	$lang['strnotables'] = 'No tables found.';
	$lang['strnotable'] = 'No table found.';
	$lang['strcreatetable'] = 'Create table';
	$lang['strcreatetablelike'] = 'Create table like';
	$lang['strcreatetablelikeparent'] = 'Source table';
	$lang['strcreatelikewithdefaults'] = 'INCLUDE DEFAULTS';
	$lang['strcreatelikewithconstraints'] = 'INCLUDE CONSTRAINTS';
	$lang['strcreatelikewithindexes'] = 'INCLUDE INDEXES';
	$lang['strtablename'] = 'Table name';
	$lang['strtableneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your table.';
	$lang['strtablelikeneedslike'] = 'You must give a table to copy properties from.';
	$lang['strtableneedsfield'] = 'You must specify at least one field.';
	$lang['strtableneedscols'] = 'You must specify a valid number of columns.';
	$lang['strtablecreated'] = 'Table created.';
	$lang['strtablecreatedbad'] = 'Table creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdroptable'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the table "%s"?';
	$lang['strtabledropped'] = 'Table dropped.';
	$lang['strtabledroppedbad'] = 'Table drop failed.';
	$lang['strconfemptytable'] = 'Are you sure you want to empty the table "%s"?';
	$lang['strtableemptied'] = 'Table emptied.';
	$lang['strtableemptiedbad'] = 'Table empty failed.';
	$lang['strinsertrow'] = 'Insert row';
	$lang['strrowinserted'] = 'Row inserted.';
	$lang['strrowinsertedbad'] = 'Row insert failed.';
	$lang['strnofkref'] = 'There is no matching value in the foreign key %s.';
	$lang['strrowduplicate'] = 'Row insert failed, attempted to do duplicate insert.';
	$lang['streditrow'] = 'Edit row';
	$lang['strrowupdated'] = 'Row updated.';
	$lang['strrowupdatedbad'] = 'Row update failed.';
	$lang['strdeleterow'] = 'Delete Row';
	$lang['strconfdeleterow'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this row?';
	$lang['strrowdeleted'] = 'Row deleted.';
	$lang['strrowdeletedbad'] = 'Row deletion failed.';
	$lang['strinsertandrepeat'] = 'Insert & Repeat';
	$lang['strnumcols'] = 'Number of columns';
	$lang['strcolneedsname'] = 'You must specify a name for the column';
	$lang['strselectallfields'] = 'Select all fields';
	$lang['strselectneedscol'] = 'You must show at least one column.';
	$lang['strselectunary'] = 'Unary operators cannot have values.';
	$lang['strcolumnaltered'] = 'Column altered.';
	$lang['strcolumnalteredbad'] = 'Column alteration failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropcolumn'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop column "%s" from table "%s"?';
	$lang['strcolumndropped'] = 'Column dropped.';
	$lang['strcolumndroppedbad'] = 'Column drop failed.';
	$lang['straddcolumn'] = 'Add column';
	$lang['strcolumnadded'] = 'Column added.';
	$lang['strcolumnaddedbad'] = 'Column add failed.';
	$lang['strcascade'] = 'CASCADE';
	$lang['strtablealtered'] = 'Table altered.';
	$lang['strtablealteredbad'] = 'Table alteration failed.';
	$lang['strdataonly'] = 'Data only';
	$lang['strstructureonly'] = 'Structure only';
	$lang['strstructureanddata'] = 'Structure and data';
	$lang['strtabbed'] = 'Tabbed';
	$lang['strauto'] = 'Auto';
	$lang['strconfvacuumtable'] = 'Are you sure you want to vacuum "%s"?';
	$lang['strconfanalyzetable'] = 'Are you sure you want to analyze "%s"?';
	$lang['strconfreindextable'] = 'Are you sure you want to reindex "%s"?';
	$lang['strconfclustertable'] = 'Are you sure you want to cluster "%s"?';
	$lang['strestimatedrowcount'] = 'Estimated row count';
	$lang['strspecifytabletoanalyze'] = 'You must specify at least one table to analyze.';
	$lang['strspecifytabletoempty'] = 'You must specify at least one table to empty.';
	$lang['strspecifytabletodrop'] = 'You must specify at least one table to drop.';
	$lang['strspecifytabletovacuum'] = 'You must specify at least one table to vacuum.';
	$lang['strspecifytabletoreindex'] = 'You must specify at least one table to reindex.';
	$lang['strspecifytabletocluster'] = 'You must specify at least one table to cluster.';
	$lang['strnofieldsforinsert'] = 'You cannot insert a row into a table with no column.';

	// Columns
	$lang['strcolprop'] = 'Column properties';
	$lang['strnotableprovided'] = 'No table provided!';
	// Users
	$lang['struser'] = 'User';
	$lang['strusers'] = 'Users';
	$lang['strusername'] = 'Username';
	$lang['strpassword'] = 'Password';
	$lang['strsuper'] = 'Superuser?';
	$lang['strcreatedb'] = 'Create DB?';
	$lang['strexpires'] = 'Expires';
	$lang['strsessiondefaults'] = 'Session defaults';
	$lang['strnousers'] = 'No users found.';
	$lang['struserupdated'] = 'User updated.';
	$lang['struserupdatedbad'] = 'User update failed.';
	$lang['strshowallusers'] = 'Show all users';
	$lang['strcreateuser'] = 'Create user';
	$lang['struserneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your user.';
	$lang['strusercreated'] = 'User created.';
	$lang['strusercreatedbad'] = 'Failed to create user.';
	$lang['strconfdropuser'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the user "%s"?';
	$lang['struserdropped'] = 'User dropped.';
	$lang['struserdroppedbad'] = 'Failed to drop user.';
	$lang['straccount'] = 'Account';
	$lang['strchangepassword'] = 'Change password';
	$lang['strpasswordchanged'] = 'Password changed.';
	$lang['strpasswordchangedbad'] = 'Failed to change password.';
	$lang['strpasswordshort'] = 'Password is too short.';
	$lang['strpasswordconfirm'] = 'Password does not match confirmation.';
	// Groups
	$lang['strgroup'] = 'Group';
	$lang['strgroups'] = 'Groups';
	$lang['strshowallgroups'] = 'Show all groups';
	$lang['strnogroup'] = 'Group not found.';
	$lang['strnogroups'] = 'No groups found.';
	$lang['strcreategroup'] = 'Create group';
	$lang['strgroupneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your group.';
	$lang['strgroupcreated'] = 'Group created.';
	$lang['strgroupcreatedbad'] = 'Group creation failed.';	
	$lang['strconfdropgroup'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the group "%s"?';
	$lang['strgroupdropped'] = 'Group dropped.';
	$lang['strgroupdroppedbad'] = 'Group drop failed.';
	$lang['strmembers'] = 'Members';
	$lang['strmemberof'] = 'Member of';
	$lang['stradminmembers'] = 'Admin members';
	$lang['straddmember'] = 'Add member';
	$lang['strmemberadded'] = 'Member added.';
	$lang['strmemberaddedbad'] = 'Member add failed.';
	$lang['strdropmember'] = 'Drop member';
	$lang['strconfdropmember'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the member "%s" from the group "%s"?';
	$lang['strmemberdropped'] = 'Member dropped.';
	$lang['strmemberdroppedbad'] = 'Member drop failed.';

	// Roles
	$lang['strrole'] = 'Role';
	$lang['strroles'] = 'Roles';
	$lang['strshowallroles'] = 'Show all roles';
	$lang['strnoroles'] = 'No roles found.';
	$lang['strinheritsprivs'] = 'Inherits privileges?';
	$lang['strcreaterole'] = 'Create role';
	$lang['strcancreaterole'] = 'Can create role?';
	$lang['strrolecreated'] = 'Role created.';
	$lang['strrolecreatedbad'] = 'Create role failed.';
	$lang['strrolealtered'] = 'Role altered.';
	$lang['strrolealteredbad'] = 'Role alter failed.';
	$lang['strcanlogin'] = 'Can login?';
	$lang['strconnlimit'] = 'Connection limit';
	$lang['strdroprole'] = 'Drop role';
	$lang['strconfdroprole'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the role "%s"?';
	$lang['strroledropped'] = 'Role dropped.';
	$lang['strroledroppedbad'] = 'Role drop failed.';
	$lang['strnolimit'] = 'No limit';
	$lang['strnever'] = 'Never';
	$lang['strroleneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for the role.';

	// Privileges
	$lang['strprivilege'] = 'Privilege';
	$lang['strprivileges'] = 'Privileges';
	$lang['strnoprivileges'] = 'This object has default owner privileges.';
	$lang['strgrant'] = 'Grant';
	$lang['strrevoke'] = 'Revoke';
	$lang['strgranted'] = 'Privileges changed.';
	$lang['strgrantfailed'] = 'Failed to change privileges.';
	$lang['strgrantbad'] = 'You must specify at least one user or group and at least one privilege.';
	$lang['strgrantor'] = 'Grantor';
	$lang['strasterisk'] = '*';

	// Databases
	$lang['strdatabase'] = 'Database';
	$lang['strdatabases'] = 'Databases';
	$lang['strshowalldatabases'] = 'Show all databases';
	$lang['strnodatabases'] = 'No databases found.';
	$lang['strcreatedatabase'] = 'Create database';
	$lang['strdatabasename'] = 'Database name';
	$lang['strdatabaseneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your database.';
	$lang['strdatabasecreated'] = 'Database created.';
	$lang['strdatabasecreatedbad'] = 'Database creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropdatabase'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the database "%s"?';
	$lang['strdatabasedropped'] = 'Database dropped.';
	$lang['strdatabasedroppedbad'] = 'Database drop failed.';
	$lang['strentersql'] = 'Enter the SQL to execute below:';
	$lang['strsqlexecuted'] = 'SQL executed.';
	$lang['strvacuumgood'] = 'Vacuum complete.';
	$lang['strvacuumbad'] = 'Vacuum failed.';
	$lang['stranalyzegood'] = 'Analyze complete.';
	$lang['stranalyzebad'] = 'Analyze failed.';
	$lang['strreindexgood'] = 'Reindex complete.';
	$lang['strreindexbad'] = 'Reindex failed.';
	$lang['strfull'] = 'Full';
	$lang['strfreeze'] = 'Freeze';
	$lang['strforce'] = 'Force';
	$lang['strsignalsent'] = 'Signal sent.';
	$lang['strsignalsentbad'] = 'Sending signal failed.';
	$lang['strallobjects'] = 'All objects';
	$lang['strdatabasealtered'] = 'Database altered.';
	$lang['strdatabasealteredbad'] = 'Database alter failed.';
	$lang['strspecifydatabasetodrop'] = 'You must specify at least one database to drop.';
	$lang['strtemplatedb'] = 'Template';
	$lang['strconfanalyzedatabase'] = 'Are you sure you want to analyze all tables in database "%s"?';
	$lang['strconfvacuumdatabase'] = 'Are you sure you want to vacuum all tables in database "%s"?';
	$lang['strconfreindexdatabase'] = 'Are you sure you want to reindex all tables in database "%s"?';
	$lang['strconfclusterdatabase'] = 'Are you sure you want to cluster all tables in database "%s"?';

	// Views
	$lang['strview'] = 'View';
	$lang['strviews'] = 'Views';
	$lang['strshowallviews'] = 'Show all views';
	$lang['strnoview'] = 'No view found.';
	$lang['strnoviews'] = 'No views found.';
	$lang['strcreateview'] = 'Create view';
	$lang['strviewname'] = 'View name';
	$lang['strviewneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your view.';
	$lang['strviewneedsdef'] = 'You must give a definition for your view.';
	$lang['strviewneedsfields'] = 'You must give the columns you want selected in your view.';
	$lang['strviewcreated'] = 'View created.';
	$lang['strviewcreatedbad'] = 'View creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropview'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the view "%s"?';
	$lang['strviewdropped'] = 'View dropped.';
	$lang['strviewdroppedbad'] = 'View drop failed.';
	$lang['strviewupdated'] = 'View updated.';
	$lang['strviewupdatedbad'] = 'View update failed.';
	$lang['strviewlink'] = 'Linking keys';
	$lang['strviewconditions'] = 'Additional conditions';
	$lang['strcreateviewwiz'] = 'Create view with wizard';
	$lang['strrenamedupfields'] = 'Rename duplicate fields';
	$lang['strdropdupfields'] = 'Drop duplicate fields';
	$lang['strerrordupfields'] = 'Error on duplicate fields';
	$lang['strviewaltered'] = 'View altered.';
	$lang['strviewalteredbad'] = 'View alteration failed.';
	$lang['strspecifyviewtodrop'] = 'You must specify at least one view to drop.';

	// Sequences
	$lang['strsequence'] = 'Sequence';
	$lang['strsequences'] = 'Sequences';
	$lang['strshowallsequences'] = 'Show all sequences';
	$lang['strnosequence'] = 'No sequence found.';
	$lang['strnosequences'] = 'No sequences found.';
	$lang['strcreatesequence'] = 'Create sequence';
	$lang['strlastvalue'] = 'Last value';
	$lang['strincrementby'] = 'Increment by';	
	$lang['strstartvalue'] = 'Start value';
	$lang['strrestartvalue'] = 'Restart value';
	$lang['strmaxvalue'] = 'Max value';
	$lang['strminvalue'] = 'Min value';
	$lang['strcachevalue'] = 'Cache value';
	$lang['strlogcount'] = 'Log count';
	$lang['strcancycle'] = 'Can cycle?';
	$lang['striscalled'] = 'Will increment last value before returning next value (is_called)?';
	$lang['strsequenceneedsname'] = 'You must specify a name for your sequence.';
	$lang['strsequencecreated'] = 'Sequence created.';
	$lang['strsequencecreatedbad'] = 'Sequence creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropsequence'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop sequence "%s"?';
	$lang['strsequencedropped'] = 'Sequence dropped.';
	$lang['strsequencedroppedbad'] = 'Sequence drop failed.';
	$lang['strsequencerestart'] = 'Sequence restarted.';
	$lang['strsequencerestartbad'] = 'Sequence restart failed.';
	$lang['strsequencereset'] = 'Sequence reset.';
	$lang['strsequenceresetbad'] = 'Sequence reset failed.';
 	$lang['strsequencealtered'] = 'Sequence altered.';
 	$lang['strsequencealteredbad'] = 'Sequence alteration failed.';
 	$lang['strsetval'] = 'Set value';
 	$lang['strsequencesetval'] = 'Sequence value set.';
 	$lang['strsequencesetvalbad'] = 'Sequence value set failed.';
 	$lang['strnextval'] = 'Increment value';
 	$lang['strsequencenextval'] = 'Sequence incremented.';
 	$lang['strsequencenextvalbad'] = 'Sequence increment failed.';
	$lang['strspecifysequencetodrop'] = 'You must specify at least one sequence to drop.';
	// Indexes
	$lang['strindex'] = 'Index';
	$lang['strindexes'] = 'Indexes';
	$lang['strindexname'] = 'Index name';
	$lang['strshowallindexes'] = 'Show all indexes';
	$lang['strnoindex'] = 'No index found.';
	$lang['strnoindexes'] = 'No indexes found.';
	$lang['strcreateindex'] = 'Create index';
	$lang['strtabname'] = 'Tab name';
	$lang['strcolumnname'] = 'Column name';
	$lang['strindexneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your index.';
	$lang['strindexneedscols'] = 'Indexes require a valid number of columns.';
	$lang['strindexcreated'] = 'Index created.';
	$lang['strindexcreatedbad'] = 'Index creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropindex'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the index "%s"?';
	$lang['strindexdropped'] = 'Index dropped.';
	$lang['strindexdroppedbad'] = 'Index drop failed.';
	$lang['strkeyname'] = 'Key name';
	$lang['struniquekey'] = 'Unique key';
	$lang['strprimarykey'] = 'Primary key';
 	$lang['strindextype'] = 'Type of index';
	$lang['strtablecolumnlist'] = 'Columns in table';
	$lang['strindexcolumnlist'] = 'Columns in index';
	$lang['strconfcluster'] = 'Are you sure you want to cluster on "%s"?';
	$lang['strclusteredgood'] = 'Cluster complete.';
	$lang['strclusteredbad'] = 'Cluster failed.';
	$lang['strconcurrently'] = 'Concurrently';
	$lang['strnoclusteravailable'] = 'Table not clustered on an index.';

	// Rules
	$lang['strrules'] = 'Rules';
	$lang['strrule'] = 'Rule';
	$lang['strshowallrules'] = 'Show all rules';
	$lang['strnorule'] = 'No rule found.';
	$lang['strnorules'] = 'No rules found.';
	$lang['strcreaterule'] = 'Create rule';
	$lang['strrulename'] = 'Rule name';
	$lang['strruleneedsname'] = 'You must specify a name for your rule.';
	$lang['strrulecreated'] = 'Rule created.';
	$lang['strrulecreatedbad'] = 'Rule creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdroprule'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the rule "%s" on "%s"?';
	$lang['strruledropped'] = 'Rule dropped.';
	$lang['strruledroppedbad'] = 'Rule drop failed.';

	// Constraints
	$lang['strconstraint'] = 'Constraint';
	$lang['strconstraints'] = 'Constraints';
	$lang['strshowallconstraints'] = 'Show all constraints';
	$lang['strnoconstraints'] = 'No constraints found.';
	$lang['strcreateconstraint'] = 'Create constraint';
	$lang['strconstraintcreated'] = 'Constraint created.';
	$lang['strconstraintcreatedbad'] = 'Constraint creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropconstraint'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the constraint "%s" on "%s"?';
	$lang['strconstraintdropped'] = 'Constraint dropped.';
	$lang['strconstraintdroppedbad'] = 'Constraint drop failed.';
	$lang['straddcheck'] = 'Add check';
	$lang['strcheckneedsdefinition'] = 'Check constraint needs a definition.';
	$lang['strcheckadded'] = 'Check constraint added.';
	$lang['strcheckaddedbad'] = 'Failed to add check constraint.';
	$lang['straddpk'] = 'Add primary key';
	$lang['strpkneedscols'] = 'Primary key requires at least one column.';
	$lang['strpkadded'] = 'Primary key added.';
	$lang['strpkaddedbad'] = 'Failed to add primary key.';
	$lang['stradduniq'] = 'Add unique key';
	$lang['struniqneedscols'] = 'Unique key requires at least one column.';
	$lang['struniqadded'] = 'Unique key added.';
	$lang['struniqaddedbad'] = 'Failed to add unique key.';
	$lang['straddfk'] = 'Add foreign key';
	$lang['strfkneedscols'] = 'Foreign key requires at least one column.';
	$lang['strfkneedstarget'] = 'Foreign key requires a target table.';
	$lang['strfkadded'] = 'Foreign key added.';
	$lang['strfkaddedbad'] = 'Failed to add foreign key.';
	$lang['strfktarget'] = 'Target table';
	$lang['strfkcolumnlist'] = 'Columns in key';
	$lang['strondelete'] = 'ON DELETE';
	$lang['stronupdate'] = 'ON UPDATE';

	// Functions
	$lang['strfunction'] = 'Function';
	$lang['strfunctions'] = 'Functions';
	$lang['strshowallfunctions'] = 'Show all functions';
	$lang['strnofunction'] = 'No function found.';
	$lang['strnofunctions'] = 'No functions found.';
	$lang['strcreateplfunction'] = 'Create SQL/PL function';
	$lang['strcreateinternalfunction'] = 'Create internal function';
	$lang['strcreatecfunction'] = 'Create C function';
	$lang['strfunctionname'] = 'Function name';
	$lang['strreturns'] = 'Returns';
	$lang['strproglanguage'] = 'Programming language';
	$lang['strfunctionneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your function.';
	$lang['strfunctionneedsdef'] = 'You must give a definition for your function.';
	$lang['strfunctioncreated'] = 'Function created.';
	$lang['strfunctioncreatedbad'] = 'Function creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropfunction'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the function "%s"?';
	$lang['strfunctiondropped'] = 'Function dropped.';
	$lang['strfunctiondroppedbad'] = 'Function drop failed.';
	$lang['strfunctionupdated'] = 'Function updated.';
	$lang['strfunctionupdatedbad'] = 'Function update failed.';
	$lang['strobjectfile'] = 'Object File';
	$lang['strlinksymbol'] = 'Link Symbol';
	$lang['strarguments'] = 'Arguments';
	$lang['strargmode'] = 'Mode';
	$lang['strargtype'] = 'Type';
	$lang['strargadd'] = 'Add another argument';
	$lang['strargremove'] = 'Remove this argument';
	$lang['strargnoargs'] = 'This function will not take any arguments.';
	$lang['strargenableargs'] = 'Enable arguments being passed to this function.';
	$lang['strargnorowabove'] = 'There needs to be a row above this row.';
	$lang['strargnorowbelow'] = 'There needs to be a row below this row.';
	$lang['strargraise'] = 'Move up.';
	$lang['strarglower'] = 'Move down.';
	$lang['strargremoveconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this argument? This CANNOT be undone.';
	$lang['strfunctioncosting'] = 'Function Costing';
	$lang['strresultrows'] = 'Result Rows';
	$lang['strexecutioncost'] = 'Execution Cost';
	$lang['strspecifyfunctiontodrop'] = 'You must specify at least one function to drop.';

	// Triggers
	$lang['strtrigger'] = 'Trigger';
	$lang['strtriggers'] = 'Triggers';
	$lang['strshowalltriggers'] = 'Show all triggers';
	$lang['strnotrigger'] = 'No trigger found.';
	$lang['strnotriggers'] = 'No triggers found.';
	$lang['strcreatetrigger'] = 'Create trigger';
	$lang['strtriggerneedsname'] = 'You must specify a name for your trigger.';
	$lang['strtriggerneedsfunc'] = 'You must specify a function for your trigger.';
	$lang['strtriggercreated'] = 'Trigger created.';
	$lang['strtriggercreatedbad'] = 'Trigger creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdroptrigger'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the trigger "%s" on "%s"?';
	$lang['strconfenabletrigger'] = 'Are you sure you want to enable the trigger "%s" on "%s"?';
	$lang['strconfdisabletrigger'] = 'Are you sure you want to disable the trigger "%s" on "%s"?';
	$lang['strtriggerdropped'] = 'Trigger dropped.';
	$lang['strtriggerdroppedbad'] = 'Trigger drop failed.';
	$lang['strtriggerenabled'] = 'Trigger enabled.';
	$lang['strtriggerenabledbad'] = 'Trigger enable failed.';
	$lang['strtriggerdisabled'] = 'Trigger disabled.';
	$lang['strtriggerdisabledbad'] = 'Trigger disable failed.';
	$lang['strtriggeraltered'] = 'Trigger altered.';
	$lang['strtriggeralteredbad'] = 'Trigger alteration failed.';
	$lang['strforeach'] = 'For each';

	// Types
	$lang['strtype'] = 'Type';
	$lang['strtypes'] = 'Types';
	$lang['strshowalltypes'] = 'Show all types';
	$lang['strnotype'] = 'No type found.';
	$lang['strnotypes'] = 'No types found.';
	$lang['strcreatetype'] = 'Create type';
	$lang['strcreatecomptype'] = 'Create composite type';
	$lang['strcreateenumtype'] = 'Create enum type';
	$lang['strtypeneedsfield'] = 'You must specify at least one field.';
	$lang['strtypeneedsvalue'] = 'You must specify at least one value.';
	$lang['strtypeneedscols'] = 'You must specify a valid number of fields.';
	$lang['strtypeneedsvals'] = 'You must specify a valid number of values.';
	$lang['strinputfn'] = 'Input function';
	$lang['stroutputfn'] = 'Output function';
	$lang['strpassbyval'] = 'Passed by val?';
	$lang['stralignment'] = 'Alignment';
	$lang['strelement'] = 'Element';
	$lang['strdelimiter'] = 'Delimiter';
	$lang['strstorage'] = 'Storage';
	$lang['strfield'] = 'Field';
	$lang['strnumfields'] = 'Num. of fields';
	$lang['strnumvalues'] = 'Num. of values';
	$lang['strtypeneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your type.';
	$lang['strtypeneedslen'] = 'You must give a length for your type.';
	$lang['strtypecreated'] = 'Type created.';
	$lang['strtypecreatedbad'] = 'Type creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdroptype'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the type "%s"?';
	$lang['strtypedropped'] = 'Type dropped.';
	$lang['strtypedroppedbad'] = 'Type drop failed.';
	$lang['strflavor'] = 'Flavor';
	$lang['strbasetype'] = 'Base';
	$lang['strcompositetype'] = 'Composite';
	$lang['strpseudotype'] = 'Pseudo';
	$lang['strenum'] = 'Enum';
	$lang['strenumvalues'] = 'Enum values';

	// Schemas
	$lang['strschema'] = 'Schema';
	$lang['strschemas'] = 'Schemas';
	$lang['strshowallschemas'] = 'Show all schemas';
	$lang['strnoschema'] = 'No schema found.';
	$lang['strnoschemas'] = 'No schemas found.';
	$lang['strcreateschema'] = 'Create schema';
	$lang['strschemaname'] = 'Schema name';
	$lang['strschemaneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your schema.';
	$lang['strschemacreated'] = 'Schema created.';
	$lang['strschemacreatedbad'] = 'Schema creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropschema'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the schema "%s"?';
	$lang['strschemadropped'] = 'Schema dropped.';
	$lang['strschemadroppedbad'] = 'Schema drop failed.';
	$lang['strschemaaltered'] = 'Schema altered.';
	$lang['strschemaalteredbad'] = 'Schema alteration failed.';
	$lang['strsearchpath'] = 'Schema search path';
	$lang['strspecifyschematodrop'] = 'You must specify at least one schema to drop.';

	// Reports
	$lang['strreport'] = 'Report';
	$lang['strreports'] = 'Reports';
	$lang['strshowallreports'] = 'Show all reports';
	$lang['strnoreports'] = 'No reports found.';
	$lang['strcreatereport'] = 'Create report';
	$lang['strreportdropped'] = 'Report dropped.';
	$lang['strreportdroppedbad'] = 'Report drop failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropreport'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the report "%s"?';
	$lang['strreportneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your report.';
	$lang['strreportneedsdef'] = 'You must give SQL for your report.';
	$lang['strreportcreated'] = 'Report saved.';
	$lang['strreportcreatedbad'] = 'Failed to save report.';

	// Domains
	$lang['strdomain'] = 'Domain';
	$lang['strdomains'] = 'Domains';
	$lang['strshowalldomains'] = 'Show all domains';
	$lang['strnodomains'] = 'No domains found.';
	$lang['strcreatedomain'] = 'Create domain';
	$lang['strdomaindropped'] = 'Domain dropped.';
	$lang['strdomaindroppedbad'] = 'Domain drop failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropdomain'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the domain "%s"?';
	$lang['strdomainneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your domain.';
	$lang['strdomaincreated'] = 'Domain created.';
	$lang['strdomaincreatedbad'] = 'Domain creation failed.';	
	$lang['strdomainaltered'] = 'Domain altered.';
	$lang['strdomainalteredbad'] = 'Domain alteration failed.';	

	// Operators
	$lang['stroperator'] = 'Operator';
	$lang['stroperators'] = 'Operators';
	$lang['strshowalloperators'] = 'Show all operators';
	$lang['strnooperator'] = 'No operator found.';
	$lang['strnooperators'] = 'No operators found.';
	$lang['strcreateoperator'] = 'Create operator';
	$lang['strleftarg'] = 'Left Arg Type';
	$lang['strrightarg'] = 'Right Arg Type';
	$lang['strcommutator'] = 'Commutator';
	$lang['strnegator'] = 'Negator';
	$lang['strrestrict'] = 'Restrict';
	$lang['strjoin'] = 'Join';
	$lang['strhashes'] = 'Hashes';
	$lang['strmerges'] = 'Merges';
	$lang['strleftsort'] = 'Left sort';
	$lang['strrightsort'] = 'Right sort';
	$lang['strlessthan'] = 'Less than';
	$lang['strgreaterthan'] = 'Greater than';
	$lang['stroperatorneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your operator.';
	$lang['stroperatorcreated'] = 'Operator created.';
	$lang['stroperatorcreatedbad'] = 'Operator creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropoperator'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the operator "%s"?';
	$lang['stroperatordropped'] = 'Operator dropped.';
	$lang['stroperatordroppedbad'] = 'Operator drop failed.';

	// Casts
	$lang['strcasts'] = 'Casts';
	$lang['strnocasts'] = 'No casts found.';
	$lang['strsourcetype'] = 'Source type';
	$lang['strtargettype'] = 'Target type';
	$lang['strimplicit'] = 'Implicit';
	$lang['strinassignment'] = 'In assignment';
	$lang['strbinarycompat'] = '(Binary compatible)';
	// Conversions
	$lang['strconversions'] = 'Conversions';
	$lang['strnoconversions'] = 'No conversions found.';
	$lang['strsourceencoding'] = 'Source encoding';
	$lang['strtargetencoding'] = 'Target encoding';
	// Languages
	$lang['strlanguages'] = 'Languages';
	$lang['strnolanguages'] = 'No languages found.';
	$lang['strtrusted'] = 'Trusted';
	// Info
	$lang['strnoinfo'] = 'No information available.';
	$lang['strreferringtables'] = 'Referring tables';
	$lang['strparenttables'] = 'Parent tables';
	$lang['strchildtables'] = 'Child tables';

	// Aggregates
	$lang['straggregate'] = 'Aggregate';
	$lang['straggregates'] = 'Aggregates';
	$lang['strnoaggregates'] = 'No aggregates found.';
	$lang['stralltypes'] = '(All types)';
	$lang['strcreateaggregate'] = 'Create aggregate';
	$lang['straggrbasetype'] = 'Input data type';
	$lang['straggrsfunc'] = 'State transition function';
	$lang['straggrstype'] = 'Data type for state value';
	$lang['straggrffunc'] = 'Final function';
	$lang['straggrinitcond'] = 'Initial condition';
	$lang['straggrsortop'] = 'Sort operator';
	$lang['strconfdropaggregate'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the aggregate "%s"?';
	$lang['straggregatedropped'] = 'Aggregate dropped.';
	$lang['straggregatedroppedbad'] = 'Aggregate drop failed.';
	$lang['straggraltered'] = 'Aggregate altered.';
	$lang['straggralteredbad'] = 'Aggregate alteration failed.';
	$lang['straggrneedsname'] = 'You must specify a name for the aggregate.';
	$lang['straggrneedsbasetype'] = 'You must specify the input data type for the aggregate.';
	$lang['straggrneedssfunc'] = 'You must specify the name of the state transition function for the aggregate.';
	$lang['straggrneedsstype'] = 'You must specify the data type for the aggregate\'s state value.';
	$lang['straggrcreated'] = 'Aggregate created.';
	$lang['straggrcreatedbad'] = 'Aggregate creation failed.';
	$lang['straggrshowall'] = 'Show all aggregates';

	// Operator Classes
	$lang['stropclasses'] = 'Op Classes';
	$lang['strnoopclasses'] = 'No operator classes found.';
	$lang['straccessmethod'] = 'Access method';

	// Stats and performance
	$lang['strrowperf'] = 'Row Performance';
	$lang['strioperf'] = 'I/O Performance';
	$lang['stridxrowperf'] = 'Index Row Performance';
	$lang['stridxioperf'] = 'Index I/O Performance';
	$lang['strpercent'] = '%';
	$lang['strsequential'] = 'Sequential';
	$lang['strscan'] = 'Scan';
	$lang['strread'] = 'Read';
	$lang['strfetch'] = 'Fetch';
	$lang['strheap'] = 'Heap';
	$lang['strtoast'] = 'TOAST';
	$lang['strtoastindex'] = 'TOAST Index';
	$lang['strcache'] = 'Cache';
	$lang['strdisk'] = 'Disk';
	$lang['strrows2'] = 'Rows';

	// Tablespaces
	$lang['strtablespace'] = 'Tablespace';
	$lang['strtablespaces'] = 'Tablespaces';
	$lang['strshowalltablespaces'] = 'Show all tablespaces';
	$lang['strnotablespaces'] = 'No tablespaces found.';
	$lang['strcreatetablespace'] = 'Create tablespace';
	$lang['strlocation'] = 'Location';
	$lang['strtablespaceneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your tablespace.';
	$lang['strtablespaceneedsloc'] = 'You must give a directory in which to create the tablespace.';
	$lang['strtablespacecreated'] = 'Tablespace created.';
	$lang['strtablespacecreatedbad'] = 'Tablespace creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdroptablespace'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the tablespace "%s"?';
	$lang['strtablespacedropped'] = 'Tablespace dropped.';
	$lang['strtablespacedroppedbad'] = 'Tablespace drop failed.';
	$lang['strtablespacealtered'] = 'Tablespace altered.';
	$lang['strtablespacealteredbad'] = 'Tablespace alteration failed.';

	// Slony clusters
	$lang['strcluster'] = 'Cluster';
	$lang['strnoclusters'] = 'No clusters found.';
	$lang['strconfdropcluster'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop cluster "%s"?';
	$lang['strclusterdropped'] = 'Cluster dropped.';
	$lang['strclusterdroppedbad'] = 'Cluster drop failed.';
	$lang['strinitcluster'] = 'Initialize cluster';
	$lang['strclustercreated'] = 'Cluster initialized.';
	$lang['strclustercreatedbad'] = 'Cluster initialization failed.';
	$lang['strclusterneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for the cluster.';
	$lang['strclusterneedsnodeid'] = 'You must give an ID for the local node.';

	// Slony nodes
	$lang['strnodes'] = 'Nodes';
	$lang['strnonodes'] = 'No nodes found.';
	$lang['strcreatenode'] = 'Create node';
	$lang['strid'] = 'ID';
	$lang['stractive'] = 'Active';
	$lang['strnodecreated'] = 'Node created.';
	$lang['strnodecreatedbad'] = 'Node creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropnode'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop node "%s"?';
	$lang['strnodedropped'] = 'Node dropped.';
	$lang['strnodedroppedbad'] = 'Node drop failed.';
	$lang['strfailover'] = 'Failover';
	$lang['strnodefailedover'] = 'Node failed over.';
	$lang['strnodefailedoverbad'] = 'Node failover failed.';
	$lang['strstatus'] = 'Status';	
	$lang['strhealthy'] = 'Healthy';
	$lang['stroutofsync'] = 'Out of sync';
	$lang['strunknown'] = 'Unknown';	

	// Slony paths	
	$lang['strpaths'] = 'Paths';
	$lang['strnopaths'] = 'No paths found.';
	$lang['strcreatepath'] = 'Create path';
	$lang['strnodename'] = 'Node name';
	$lang['strnodeid'] = 'Node ID';
	$lang['strconninfo'] = 'Connection string';
	$lang['strconnretry'] = 'Seconds before retry to connect';
	$lang['strpathneedsconninfo'] = 'You must give a connection string for the path.';
	$lang['strpathneedsconnretry'] = 'You must give the number of seconds to wait before retry to connect.';
	$lang['strpathcreated'] = 'Path created.';
	$lang['strpathcreatedbad'] = 'Path creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdroppath'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop path "%s"?';
	$lang['strpathdropped'] = 'Path dropped.';
	$lang['strpathdroppedbad'] = 'Path drop failed.';

	// Slony listens
	$lang['strlistens'] = 'Listens';
	$lang['strnolistens'] = 'No listens found.';
	$lang['strcreatelisten'] = 'Create listen';
	$lang['strlistencreated'] = 'Listen created.';
	$lang['strlistencreatedbad'] = 'Listen creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdroplisten'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop listen "%s"?';
	$lang['strlistendropped'] = 'Listen dropped.';
	$lang['strlistendroppedbad'] = 'Listen drop failed.';

	// Slony replication sets
	$lang['strrepsets'] = 'Replication sets';
	$lang['strnorepsets'] = 'No replication sets found.';
	$lang['strcreaterepset'] = 'Create replication set';
	$lang['strrepsetcreated'] = 'Replication set created.';
	$lang['strrepsetcreatedbad'] = 'Replication set creation failed.';
	$lang['strconfdroprepset'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop replication set "%s"?';
	$lang['strrepsetdropped'] = 'Replication set dropped.';
	$lang['strrepsetdroppedbad'] = 'Replication set drop failed.';
	$lang['strmerge'] = 'Merge';
	$lang['strmergeinto'] = 'Merge into';
	$lang['strrepsetmerged'] = 'Replication sets merged.';
	$lang['strrepsetmergedbad'] = 'Replication sets merge failed.';
	$lang['strmove'] = 'Move';
	$lang['strneworigin'] = 'New origin';
	$lang['strrepsetmoved'] = 'Replication set moved.';
	$lang['strrepsetmovedbad'] = 'Replication set move failed.';
	$lang['strnewrepset'] = 'New replication set';
	$lang['strlock'] = 'Lock';
	$lang['strlocked'] = 'Locked';
	$lang['strunlock'] = 'Unlock';
	$lang['strconflockrepset'] = 'Are you sure you want to lock replication set "%s"?';
	$lang['strrepsetlocked'] = 'Replication set locked.';
	$lang['strrepsetlockedbad'] = 'Replication set lock failed.';
	$lang['strconfunlockrepset'] = 'Are you sure you want to unlock replication set "%s"?';
	$lang['strrepsetunlocked'] = 'Replication set unlocked.';
	$lang['strrepsetunlockedbad'] = 'Replication set unlock failed.';
	$lang['stronlyonnode'] = 'Only on node';
	$lang['strddlscript'] = 'DDL script';
	$lang['strscriptneedsbody'] = 'You must supply a script to be executed on all nodes.';
	$lang['strscriptexecuted'] = 'Replication set DDL script executed.';
	$lang['strscriptexecutedbad'] = 'Failed executing replication set DDL script.';
	$lang['strtabletriggerstoretain'] = 'The following triggers will NOT be disabled by Slony:';

	// Slony tables in replication sets
	$lang['straddtable'] = 'Add table';
	$lang['strtableneedsuniquekey'] = 'Table to be added requires a primary or unique key.';
	$lang['strtableaddedtorepset'] = 'Table added to replication set.';
	$lang['strtableaddedtorepsetbad'] = 'Failed adding table to replication set.';
	$lang['strconfremovetablefromrepset'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the table "%s" from replication set "%s"?';
	$lang['strtableremovedfromrepset'] = 'Table dropped from replication set.';
	$lang['strtableremovedfromrepsetbad'] = 'Failed to drop table from replication set.';

	// Slony sequences in replication sets
	$lang['straddsequence'] = 'Add sequence';
	$lang['strsequenceaddedtorepset'] = 'Sequence added to replication set.';
	$lang['strsequenceaddedtorepsetbad'] = 'Failed adding sequence to replication set.';
	$lang['strconfremovesequencefromrepset'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the sequence "%s" from replication set "%s"?';
	$lang['strsequenceremovedfromrepset'] = 'Sequence dropped from replication set.';
	$lang['strsequenceremovedfromrepsetbad'] = 'Failed to drop sequence from replication set.';

	// Slony subscriptions
	$lang['strsubscriptions'] = 'Subscriptions';
	$lang['strnosubscriptions'] = 'No subscriptions found.';

	// Miscellaneous
	$lang['strtopbar'] = '%s running on %s:%s -- You are logged in as user "%s"';
	$lang['strtimefmt'] = 'jS M, Y g:iA';
	$lang['strhelp'] = 'Help';
	$lang['strhelpicon'] = '?';
	$lang['strhelppagebrowser'] = 'Help page browser';
	$lang['strselecthelppage'] = 'Select a help page';
	$lang['strinvalidhelppage'] = 'Invalid help page.';
	$lang['strlogintitle'] = 'Login to %s';
	$lang['strlogoutmsg'] = 'Logged out of %s';
	$lang['strloading'] = 'Loading...';
	$lang['strerrorloading'] = 'Error Loading';
	$lang['strclicktoreload'] = 'Click to reload';

	// Autovacuum
	$lang['strautovacuum'] = 'Autovacuum';
	$lang['strturnedon'] = 'Turned On';
	$lang['strturnedoff'] = 'Turned Off';
	$lang['strenabled'] = 'Enabled';
	$lang['strnovacuumconf'] = 'No autovacuum configuration found.';
	$lang['strvacuumbasethreshold'] = 'Vacuum Base Threshold';
	$lang['strvacuumscalefactor'] = 'Vacuum Scale Factor';
	$lang['stranalybasethreshold'] = 'Analyze Base Threshold';
	$lang['stranalyzescalefactor'] = 'Analyze Scale Factor';
	$lang['strvacuumcostdelay'] = 'Vacuum Cost Delay';
	$lang['strvacuumcostlimit'] = 'Vacuum Cost Limit';
	$lang['strvacuumpertable'] = 'Autovacuum setup per table';
	$lang['straddvacuumtable'] = 'Add autovacuum setup for a table';
	$lang['streditvacuumtable'] = 'Edit autovacuum setup for table %s';
	$lang['strdelvacuumtable'] = 'Delete autovacuum setup for table %s ?';
	$lang['strvacuumtablereset'] = 'Autovacuum setup for table %s reset to default values';
	$lang['strdelvacuumtablefail'] = 'Fail to remove the autovacuum setup for table %s';
	$lang['strsetvacuumtablesaved'] = 'Autovacuum setup for table %s saved.';
	$lang['strsetvacuumtablefail'] = 'Autovacuum setup for table %s failed.';
	$lang['strspecifydelvacuumtable'] = 'You must specify the table you want remove the autovacuum parameters from.';
	$lang['strspecifyeditvacuumtable'] = 'You must specify the table you want to edit the autovacuum parameters from.';
	$lang['strnotdefaultinred'] = 'Not default values are in red.';

	// Table-level Locks
	$lang['strlocks'] = 'Locks';
	$lang['strtransaction'] = 'Transaction ID';
	$lang['strvirtualtransaction'] = 'Virtual Transaction ID';
	$lang['strprocessid'] = 'Process ID';
	$lang['strmode'] = 'Lock mode';
	$lang['strislockheld'] = 'Is lock held?';

	// Prepared transactions
	$lang['strpreparedxacts'] = 'Prepared transactions';
	$lang['strxactid'] = 'Transaction ID';
	$lang['strgid'] = 'Global ID';
	// Fulltext search
	$lang['strfulltext'] = 'Full Text Search';
	$lang['strftsconfig'] = 'FTS configuration';
	$lang['strftsconfigs'] = 'Configurations';
	$lang['strftscreateconfig'] = 'Create FTS configuration';
	$lang['strftscreatedict'] = 'Create dictionary';
	$lang['strftscreatedicttemplate'] = 'Create dictionary template';
	$lang['strftscreateparser'] = 'Create parser';
	$lang['strftsnoconfigs'] = 'No FTS configuration found.';
	$lang['strftsconfigdropped'] = 'FTS configuration dropped.';
	$lang['strftsconfigdroppedbad'] = 'FTS configuration drop failed.';
	$lang['strconfdropftsconfig'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the FTS configuration "%s"?';
	$lang['strconfdropftsdict'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop the FTS dictionary "%s"?';
	$lang['strconfdropftsmapping'] = 'Are you sure you want to drop mapping "%s" of FTS configuration "%s"?';
	$lang['strftstemplate'] = 'Template';
	$lang['strftsparser'] = 'Parser';
	$lang['strftsconfigneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your FTS configuration.';
	$lang['strftsconfigcreated'] = 'FTS configuration created.';
	$lang['strftsconfigcreatedbad'] = 'FTS configuration creation failed.';
	$lang['strftsmapping'] = 'Mapping';
	$lang['strftsdicts'] = 'Dictionaries';
	$lang['strftsdict'] = 'Dictionary';
	$lang['strftsemptymap'] = 'Empty FTS configuration map.';
	$lang['strftsconfigaltered'] = 'FTS configuration altered.';
	$lang['strftsconfigalteredbad'] = 'FTS configuration alter failed.';
	$lang['strftsconfigmap'] = 'FTS configuration map';
	$lang['strftsparsers'] = 'FTS parsers';
	$lang['strftsnoparsers'] = 'No FTS parsers available.';
	$lang['strftsnodicts'] = 'No FTS dictionaries available.';
	$lang['strftsdictcreated'] = 'FTS dictionary created.';
	$lang['strftsdictcreatedbad'] = 'FTS dictionary creation failed.';
	$lang['strftslexize'] = 'Lexize';
	$lang['strftsinit'] = 'Init';
	$lang['strftsoptionsvalues'] = 'Options and values';
	$lang['strftsdictneedsname'] = 'You must give a name for your FTS dictionary.';
	$lang['strftsdictdropped'] = 'FTS dictionary dropped.';
	$lang['strftsdictdroppedbad'] = 'FTS dictionary drop failed.';
	$lang['strftsdictaltered'] = 'FTS dictionary altered.';
	$lang['strftsdictalteredbad'] = 'FTS dictionary alter failed.';
	$lang['strftsaddmapping'] = 'Add new mapping';
	$lang['strftsspecifymappingtodrop'] = 'You must specify at least one mapping to drop.';
	$lang['strftsspecifyconfigtoalter'] = 'You must specify a FTS configuration to alter';
	$lang['strftsmappingdropped'] = 'FTS mapping dropped.';
	$lang['strftsmappingdroppedbad'] = 'FTS mapping drop failed.';
	$lang['strftsnodictionaries'] = 'No dictionaries found.';
	$lang['strftsmappingaltered'] = 'FTS mapping altered.';
	$lang['strftsmappingalteredbad'] = 'FTS mapping alter failed.';
	$lang['strftsmappingadded'] = 'FTS mapping added.';
	$lang['strftsmappingaddedbad'] = 'FTS mapping add failed.';
	$lang['strftstabconfigs'] = 'Configurations';
	$lang['strftstabdicts'] = 'Dictionaries';
	$lang['strftstabparsers'] = 'Parsers';
	$lang['strftscantparsercopy'] = 'Can\'t specify both parser and template during text search configuration creation.';