en: global: search: "Search" news: "News" about: "About" login: "Log in" logout: "Log out" do_add: "Add some music to playlist" do_login: "Don't forget to log in, please. It's simple." repeat: "Repeat" shuffle: "Shuffle" do_empty: "Empty playlist" hello: "Hi there" settings: "Settings" search: fail: "Something very bad happened while we tried out to load some info about this artist. How about some other one?" loading: "Artist info is loading for the first time now. Usually it takes less than a minute, please wait a bit." typo: "Misspelled?" settings: tab: account: "Account" site: "Site" music: "Music" lastfm: "Last.fm" music: title: "Show" albums: "Albums" singles: "Singles" live: "Live" bootlegs: "Bootlegs" username: "Username" email: "Email" lang: title: "Language" en: "English" ru: "Русский" es: "Español" cn: "简体中文" de: "Deutsch" fr: "Français" save: "Save" not_connected: "Not connected" connect: "Connect" reload_alert: "To change application language it is needed to reload page. Your current playlist will be emptied and music will stop. Do you really wish to continue?" player: add: "Add to Now Playing"