Holy fuck. It works!
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,42 +3,46 @@ class Ajax
referer: false
loadArtistData: (name) ->
name = name.split(' ').join('+')
$.get '/artist/' +name+ '/', (data) ->
if data.status?
if data.status is 'loading'
search.showArtistPics data.pics
_search.showArtistPics data.pics
setTimeout () ->
this.loadArtistData name
_ajax.loadArtistData name
, 3000
else if data.status is 'corrected'
ajax.loadArtistData data.page
_ajax.loadArtistData data.page
else if data.status is 'suggestions'
search.showSuggestions data.values
_search.showSuggestions data.values
else if data.status == 'loading_failed'
this.setArchor '/artist/' +name+ '/'
pages.renderArtist data
_ajax.setArchor '/artist/' +name+ '/'
_pages.renderArtist data
loadSearchPage: ->
$.get '/templates/search.html', (data) ->
this.setArchor '/search/'
pages.renderSearch data
_ajax.setArchor '/search/'
_pages.renderSearch data
loadSettingsPage: ->
$.get '/templates/settings.html', (data) ->
this.setArchor '/settings/'
pages.renderSettings data
_ajax.setArchor '/settings/'
_pages.renderSettings data
load404Page: ->
$.get '/404.html', (data) ->
$('.data-container .inner').html data
setArchor: (anchor) ->
@referer = this.getAnchor()
@ -49,22 +53,26 @@ class Ajax
setTitle: (title) ->
document.title = title+ ' @ BeatHaven'
go: (url) ->
this.setArchor url
detectPage: () ->
if m = this.getAnchor().match /\/artist\/(.+)\//
this.loadArtistData m[1]
else if this.getAnchor() == '' or Ajax.getAnchor().match /\/search\//
else if this.getAnchor().match /\/settings\//
if m = _ajax.getAnchor().match /\/artist\/(.+)\//
_ajax.loadArtistData m[1]
else if _ajax.getAnchor() == '' or _ajax.getAnchor().match /\/search\//
else if _ajax.getAnchor().match /\/settings\//
$ ->
window.ajax = new Ajax()
$('a.data.artist').live 'click', ->
ajax.loadArtistData $(this).html()
$(window).bind 'hashchange', ->
$('a.data.artist').live 'click', ->
_ajax.loadArtistData $(this).html()
$(window).bind 'hashchange', ->
@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
# Registering global objects
_beathaven = null
_session = 1
_vkontakte = null
_ajax = null
_player = null
_search = null
_pages = null
_settings = null
$ ->
l = document.location
if l.host not in ['beathaven.org', 'localhost']
l.href = 'http://beathaven.org/'+ l.hash
window.beathaven = new BeatHaven()
window.vkontakte = new Vkontakte(if l.host == 'beathaven.org' then 2335068 else 2383163)
_beathaven = new BeatHaven()
$(window).resize ->
window.setTimeout ->
, 500
class BeatHaven
@ -20,9 +27,24 @@ class BeatHaven
last_height: false
init: ->
_vkontakte = new Vkontakte(if document.location.host == 'beathaven.org' then 2335068 else 2383163)
_ajax = new Ajax()
_player = new Player()
_search = new Search()
_pages = new Pages()
_settings = new Settings()
adjustSizes: ->
$('.data-container').height $(window).height() - $('.header-container').height()
@ -45,7 +67,7 @@ class BeatHaven
focused_id = false
window.setTimeout ->
, 500
redrawScrollbar: ->
@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ class Pages
$('.data-container').css backgroundImage: 'none'
$('.data-container .inner').html('').append(artist_info).append(albums_info)
yaCounter7596904.hit ajax.getAnchor(), data.artist.name, ajax.referer
ajax.setTitle data.artist.name
yaCounter7596904.hit _ajax.getAnchor(), data.artist.name, _ajax.referer
_ajax.setTitle data.artist.name
renderSearch: (data) ->
$('.data-container').css background: 'url(/images/concrete_wall_2.png) 0 -30px repeat'
@ -69,20 +70,18 @@ class Pages
zIndex: 9999 # z-index списка
deferRequestBy: 500 # Задержка запроса (мсек)
onSelect: ->
_ajax.loadArtistData $('#search_field').val()
, 501
yaCounter7596904.hit ajax.getAnchor(), 'Artist Search', ajax.referer
ajax.setTitle 'Artist Search'
yaCounter7596904.hit _ajax.getAnchor(), 'Artist Search', _ajax.referer
_ajax.setTitle 'Artist Search'
renderSettings: (data) ->
$('.data-container').css background: 'none'
$('.data-container .inner').html data
yaCounter7596904.hit ajax.getAnchor(), 'Settings', ajax.referer
ajax.setTitle 'Settings'
yaCounter7596904.hit _ajax.getAnchor(), 'Settings', _ajax.referer
_ajax.setTitle 'Settings'
$('.settings-container .tabs .tab').first().trigger 'click'
$ ->
window.pages = new Pages()
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ class Player
supplied: "mp3"
cssSelectorAncestor: ""
play: "#player .play"
pause: "#player .pause"
play: ".player .play"
pause: ".player .pause"
stop: ""
videoPlay: ""
seekBar: ""
@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ class Player
@jp.bind $.jPlayer.event.timeupdate, (e) ->
data = e.jPlayer.status
if not Player.scrobbled and data.currentPercentAbsolute > 50
if not _player.scrobbled and data.currentPercentAbsolute > 50
$obj = $('.playlist-tracks li.now')
self.scrobble $obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-album'), $obj.attr('data-track')
Player.scrobbled = true
$('#player .progress .loaded').width(data.seekPercent * self.bar_width / 100)
$('#player .progress .played').width(data.currentPercentAbsolute * self.bar_width / 100)
_player.scrobbled = true
$('.player .progress .loaded').width(data.seekPercent * self.bar_width / 100)
$('.player .progress .played').width(data.currentPercentAbsolute * self.bar_width / 100)
@jp.bind $.jPlayer.event.ended, (e) ->
next = self.nextTrack()
if not next
$('#jplayer').jPlayer 'clearMedia'
$('#player .now-playing').html 'Nothing left to <strike>lose</strike> play'
$('#player .loaded, #player .played').width 0
$('.player .now-playing').html 'Nothing left to <strike>lose</strike> play'
$('.player .loaded, .player .played').width 0
$('.playlist-tracks li').removeClass 'now'
self.setTrack next
@ -54,31 +54,31 @@ class Player
<li id="i' +Math.round(Math.random() * 999999)+ '" data-artist="' +artist.trim()+ '" data-album="' +album.trim()+ '" data-track="' +track.trim()+ '" data-length="' +length+ '">
<div class="item">
<div class="fade"></div>
<span class="title" title="' +artist.htmlsafe()+ ' &mdash ' +track.htmlsafe()+ '">' +artist+ ' &mdash ' +track+ '</span>
<span class="title" title="' +artist.htmlsafe()+ " — " +track.htmlsafe()+ '">' +artist+ ' — ' +track+ '</span>
<span class="duration">' +length+ '</span>
<div class="remove">remove</div>
if autoplay
Player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').last().attr('id').split('i')[1])
else if initial_count == 0 and not Player.hasTrack()
Player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1])
_player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').last().attr('id').split('i')[1])
else if initial_count == 0 and not _player.hasTrack()
_player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1])
setTrack: (id) ->
$obj = $('#i' +id)
query = $obj.attr('data-artist')+ ' &mdash ' +$obj.attr('data-track')
query = $obj.attr('data-artist')+ ' — ' +$obj.attr('data-track')
$('#player .now-playing').html query+ '<div class="fade"></div>'
$('.player .now-playing').html query+ '<div class="fade"></div>'
$('.playlist-tracks li').removeClass 'now'
$obj.addClass 'now'
$('#player .loaded, #player .played').width 0
$('.player .loaded, .player .played').width 0
vkontakte.loadTracksData $obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-track'), $obj.attr('data-length'), ->
_vkontakte.loadTracksData $obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-track'), $obj.attr('data-length'), (url)->
_player.playSource url
this.updateNowListening $obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-album'), $obj.attr('data-track')
hasTrack: ->
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class Player
cnt = $('.playlist-tracks li').length
if not this.onShuffle() # Shuffle off
if $('.playlist-tracks .now').next().length == 0 # Last track and repeat is on
if Player.onRepeat() or manual # Repeat or manual click
if _player.onRepeat() or manual # Repeat or manual click
return $('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1]
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class Player
prevTrack: ->
cnt = $('.playlist-tracks li').length
if not Player.onShuffle() # Shuffle off
if not _player.onShuffle() # Shuffle off
if $('.playlist-tracks .now').prev().length == 0 # First track in the playlist
return $('.playlist-tracks li').last().attr('id').split('i')[1]
@ -139,37 +139,31 @@ class Player
return $('#repeat').hasClass 'active'
updateNowListening: (artist, album, track) ->
if session.user.lastfm_username
session.query '/lastfm/listening?r=' +Math.random(), artist: artist, album: album, track: track
if _session.getUser().lastfm_username
_session.query '/lastfm/listening?r=' +Math.random(), artist: artist, album: album, track: track
scrobble: (artist, album, track) ->
if session.user.lastfm_username
session.query '/lastfm/scrobble?r=' +Math.random(), artist: artist, album: album, track: track
$ ->
window.player = new Player()
if _session.getUser().lastfm_username
_session.query '/lastfm/scrobble?r=' +Math.random(), artist: artist, album: album, track: track
# Player Controls
$('#player .controls .prev').live 'click', ->
Player.setTrack Player.prevTrack()
$('.player .controls .prev').live 'click', ->
_player.setTrack _player.prevTrack()
$('#player .controls .next').live 'click', ->
Player.setTrack Player.nextTrack(true)
$('.player .controls .next').live 'click', ->
_player.setTrack _player.nextTrack(true)
$('#player .play').live 'click', ->
if $('.playlist-tracks li').length > 0 and not Player.hasTrack()
player.setTrack $('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1]
$('.player .play').live 'click', ->
if $('.playlist-tracks li').length > 0 and not _player.hasTrack()
_player.setTrack $('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1]
$('#player .progress').live 'click', (e) ->
$('#jplayer').jPlayer 'playHead', Math.round((e.offsetX / Player.bar_width) * 100)
$('.player .progress').live 'click', (e) ->
$('#jplayer').jPlayer 'playHead', Math.round((e.offsetX / _player.bar_width) * 100)
# Player Additional Controls
@ -182,8 +176,8 @@ $('#empty-playlist').live 'click', ->
if confirm('Are you sure?')
$('.playlist-tracks li').remove()
$('#jplayer').jPlayer 'clearMedia'
$('#player .now-playing').text 'Add some music to playlist'
$('#player .loaded, #player .played').width 0
$('.player .now-playing').text 'Add some music to playlist'
$('.player .loaded, .player .played').width 0
# Playlist Actions
@ -201,13 +195,13 @@ $('.playlist-tracks li .remove').live 'click', ->
$li = $(this).parent().parent()
if $li.hasClass 'now'
$('#jplayer').jPlayer 'clearMedia'
$('#player .now-playing').text '...'
$('#player .loaded, #player .played').width 0
$('.player .now-playing').text '...'
$('.player .loaded, .player .played').width 0
$('.playlist-tracks li').live 'dblclick', ->
player.setTrack $(this).attr('id').split('i')[1]
_player.setTrack $(this).attr('id').split('i')[1]
# Adding To Playlist actions
@ -218,7 +212,7 @@ $('.add-album').live 'click', ->
for item in $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.tracklist li')
track_name = $(item).find('.trackname').html()
length = $(item).find('.length').html()
Player.addTrack artist, album, track_name, length
_player.addTrack artist, album, track_name, length
$('.add-track').live 'click', ->
@ -226,7 +220,7 @@ $('.add-track').live 'click', ->
album = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().find('h2.name').text().replace /\s\([\d]{4}\)$/, ''
track_name = $(this).parent().find('.trackname').html()
length = $(this).parent().find('.length').html()
Player.addTrack artist, album, track_name, length
_player.addTrack artist, album, track_name, length
$('.tracklist li').live 'mouseover mouseout', (e) ->
@ -241,5 +235,5 @@ $('.tracklist li').live 'dblclick', (e) ->
album = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('h2.name').text().replace /\s\([\d]{4}\)$/, ''
track_name = $(this).find('.trackname').html()
length = $(this).find('.length').html()
Player.addTrack artist, album, track_name, length, true
_player.addTrack artist, album, track_name, length, true
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class Search
$('.suggestions ul').append '
<a class="data artist">' +item.name+ '</a>
' +(if item.desc then '<br/><span>'+ item.desc +'</span>' else '')+ '
' +(if item.desc? then '<br/><span>'+item.desc+'</span>' else '')+ '
@ -48,16 +48,12 @@ class Search
@pics = []
$ ->
window.search = new Search()
$('.search').live 'click', ->
_ajax.go '/search/'
$('#search_form').live 'submit', ->
ajax.loadArtistData $('#search_field').val()
_ajax.loadArtistData $('#search_field').val()
$('.suggestions a').live 'click', ->
$('#search_field').val $(this).text()
@ -3,7 +3,21 @@ class Session
vk_params: null
user: null
constructor: (@vk_params) ->
constructor: (params) ->
attrs = ['expire', 'mid', 'secret', 'sid', 'sig']
_params = {}
for key in attrs
if params[key]?
_params[key] = params[key]
@vk_params = _params
setUser: (user) ->
@user = user
getUser: ->
query: (url, params, callback) ->
q_params = @vk_params
@ -11,13 +25,3 @@ class Session
q_params[attr] = params[attr]
$.post url, q_params, callback
setVkParams: (params) ->
attrs = ['expire', 'mid', 'secret', 'sid', 'sig']
for key in attrs
@vk_params[key] = params[key]
$ ->
window.session = new Session()
@ -1,35 +1,32 @@
class Settings
getAccountInfo: (callback) ->
session.query '/user/update/', {}, callback
_session.query '/user/update/', {}, callback
saveAccountInfo: (params, callback) ->
session.query '/user/update', params, callback
_session.query '/user/update', params, callback
loadFormData: (form) ->
if form == 'account'
$('.settings-container .form input[name$="username"]').val session.user.name
$('.settings-container .form input[name$="email"]').val session.email
$('.settings-container .form input[name$="username"]').val _session.getUser().name
$('.settings-container .form input[name$="email"]').val _session.getUser().email
else if form == 'lastfm'
if @user.lastfm_username
$('.form-container input[name$="username"]').first().val session.lastfm_username
if _session.getUser().lastfm_username
$('.form-container input[name$="username"]').first().val _session.getUser().lastfm_username
$ ->
window.settings = new Settings()
$('.settings') .live 'click', ->
$('.settings-container .tabs .tab').live 'click', ->
if $(this).hasClass 'active'
if not $(this).hasClass 'active'
$('.settings-container .tabs .tab').removeClass 'active'
$(this).addClass 'active'
$('.form-container').html $('.forms .'+ $(this).attr 'data-fieldset').html()
settings.loadFormData $(this).attr 'data-fieldset'
_settings.loadFormData $(this).attr 'data-fieldset'
$('.lastfm-connect') .live 'click', ->
window.open session.user.lastfm_login_url
window.open _session.getUser().lastfm_login_url
$('.settings-container .form input').live 'blur', ->
active_tab = $('.settings-container .tabs .tab.active').attr 'data-fieldset'
@ -37,5 +34,5 @@ $('.settings-container .form input').live 'blur', ->
params =
username: $('.settings-container .form input[name$="username"]').first().val()
email: $('.settings-container .form input[name$="email"]').first().val()
settings.saveAccountInfo params, ->
_settings.saveAccountInfo params, ->
$('#header-container .hello .greating').text 'Hi there, ' +(if params.username.length > 0 then params.username else '%username%')+ '!'
@ -1,50 +1,53 @@
class Vkontakte
qr: []
qr: null
constructor: (@api_id) ->
init: ->
@qr = []
apiId: @api_id
nameTransportPath: '/xd_receiver.html'
VK.Auth.getLoginStatus this.authInfo
authInfo: (response) ->
if typeof response isnt 'undefined' and response.session
session.setVkParams response.session
if typeof response isnt 'undefined' and response.session
_session = new Session(response.session)
$('#vk_login, .auth_notice').hide()
$('#vk_logout').css display: 'block'
$('#search_field').focus() if $('#search_field').length > 0
session.query '/user/auth', {}, (ar) ->
_session.query '/user/auth', {}, (ar) ->
if ar.newbie
VK.Api.call 'getVariable', key: 1281, (r) ->
Session.query '/user/update', name: r.response, (ar2) ->
session.user = ar2.user
$('#header-container .hello .greating')
.text 'Hi there, ' +(if session.user.name then session.user.name else '%username%')+ '!'
_session.query '/user/update', name: r.response, (ar2) ->
_session.setUser ar2.user
$('.header-container .hello .greating')
.text 'Hi there, ' +(if _session.getUser().name then _session.getUser().name else '%username%')+ '!'
session.user = ar.user
_session.setUser ar.user
$('#header-container .hello .greating')
.text 'Hi there, ' +( if session.user.name then session.user.name else '%username%')+ '!'
$('.header-container .hello .greating')
.text 'Hi there, ' +(if _session.getUser().name then _session.getUser().name else '%username%')+ '!'
_session = new Session({})
$('#vk_login, .auth_notice').css display: 'block'
window._session = _session
loadTracksData: (artist, track, duration, callback) ->
track_prepared = track.replace(/\(.*\)/i, '').split('/')[0];
query = artist +' '+ track_prepared;
if @qr[query]?
callback @qr[query]
query = artist+' '+track_prepared;
if url = _vkontakte.getQR query
callback url
VK.Api.call 'audio.search', q: query, (r) ->
url = this.matchPerfectResult r.response, artist, track, duration
@qr[query] = url;
r.response.splice 0, 1
url = _vkontakte.matchPerfectResult r.response, artist, track, duration
_vkontakte.addQR query, url
callback url
matchPerfectResult: (data, artist, track, duration) ->
@ -84,9 +87,17 @@ class Vkontakte
return best_result.url
return best_result.url
addQR: (query, url) ->
@qr[query] = url;
getQR: (query) ->
if @qr[query]?
$ ->
$('#vk_login').click ->
VK.Auth.login vkontakte.authInfo, 8
VK.Auth.login _vkontakte.authInfo(), 8
$('#vk_logout').click ->
VK.Auth.logout vkontakte.authInfo
VK.Auth.logout _vkontakte.authInfo()
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class ArtistController < ApplicationController
render :json => {status: 'corrected', page: results[0][:name]}
render :json => {status: 'suggestions', values: results}
render :json => {status: 'suggestions', values: results.take(5)}
@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
<%= javascript_include_tag "jquery/jquery.contentchange.js" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "jquery/jquery.jplayer.js" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "jquery/jquery.scroll.js" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "coffee/beathaven.js", :type => "text/javascript", :charset => "utf-8" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "coffee/vkontakte.js", :type => "text/javascript", :charset => "utf-8" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "coffee/session.js", :type => "text/javascript", :charset => "utf-8" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "coffee/ajax.js", :type => "text/javascript", :charset => "utf-8" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "coffee/player.js", :type => "text/javascript", :charset => "utf-8" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "coffee/search.js", :type => "text/javascript", :charset => "utf-8" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "coffee/pages.js", :type => "text/javascript", :charset => "utf-8" %>
@ -63,7 +66,6 @@
<li class="search">Search</li>
<li><a href="https://twitter.com/#!/beat_haven" target="_blank">News</a></li>
<li class="vk_auth" id="vk_login">Login</li>
<li class="vk_auth" id="vk_logout">Logout</li>
<div class="data-container" class="css-scrollbar">
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Barista.configure do |c|
# c.register :tests, :root => Rails.root.join('test', 'coffeescript'), :output_prefix => 'test'
# Disable wrapping in a closure:
# c.bare = true
c.bare = true
# ... or ...
# c.bare!
@ -1,87 +1,89 @@
/* DO NOT MODIFY. This file was compiled Mon, 27 Jun 2011 17:43:40 GMT from
* /Users/chez/Sites/beathaven/app/coffeescripts/ajax.coffee
(function() {
var Ajax;
Ajax = (function() {
function Ajax() {}
Ajax.prototype.referer = false;
Ajax.prototype.loadArtistData = function(name) {
name = name.split(' ').join('+');
return $.get('/artist/' + name + '/', function(data) {
if (data.status != null) {
if (data.status === 'loading') {
return setTimeout(function() {
return this.loadArtistData(name);
}, 3000);
} else if (data.status === 'corrected') {
return ajax.loadArtistData(data.page);
} else if (data.status === 'suggestions') {
return search.showSuggestions(data.values);
} else if (data.status === 'loading_failed') {
return search.showError();
} else {
this.setArchor('/artist/' + name + '/');
return beathaven.redrawScrollbar();
var Ajax;
Ajax = (function() {
function Ajax() {}
Ajax.prototype.referer = false;
Ajax.prototype.loadArtistData = function(name) {
name = name.split(' ').join('+');
$.get('/artist/' + name + '/', function(data) {
if (data.status != null) {
if (data.status === 'loading') {
return setTimeout(function() {
return _ajax.loadArtistData(name);
}, 3000);
} else if (data.status === 'corrected') {
return _ajax.loadArtistData(data.page);
} else if (data.status === 'suggestions') {
return _search.showSuggestions(data.values);
} else if (data.status === 'loading_failed') {
return _search.showError();
Ajax.prototype.loadSearchPage = function() {
return $.get('/templates/search.html', function(data) {
return pages.renderSearch(data);
Ajax.prototype.loadSettingsPage = function() {
return $.get('/templates/settings.html', function(data) {
return pages.renderSettings(data);
Ajax.prototype.load404Page = function() {
return $.get('/404.html', function(data) {
$('.data-container .inner').html(data);
return beathaven.redrawScrollbar();
Ajax.prototype.setArchor = function(anchor) {
this.referer = this.getAnchor();
return window.location.hash = '#' + anchor;
Ajax.prototype.getAnchor = function() {
return window.location.hash.substring(1);
Ajax.prototype.setTitle = function(title) {
return document.title = title + ' @ BeatHaven';
Ajax.prototype.detectPage = function() {
var m;
if (m = this.getAnchor().match(/\/artist\/(.+)\//)) {
return this.loadArtistData(m[1]);
} else if (this.getAnchor() === '' || Ajax.getAnchor().match(/\/search\//)) {
return this.loadSearchPage();
} else if (this.getAnchor().match(/\/settings\//)) {
return this.loadSearchPage();
} else {
return this.load404Page();
_ajax.setArchor('/artist/' + name + '/');
return _beathaven.redrawScrollbar();
return Ajax;
$(function() {
$('a.data.artist').live('click', function() {
return false;
return $(window).bind('hashchange', function() {
return ajax.detectPage();
return false;
Ajax.prototype.loadSearchPage = function() {
$.get('/templates/search.html', function(data) {
return _pages.renderSearch(data);
return false;
Ajax.prototype.loadSettingsPage = function() {
$.get('/templates/settings.html', function(data) {
return _pages.renderSettings(data);
return false;
Ajax.prototype.load404Page = function() {
$.get('/404.html', function(data) {
$('.data-container .inner').html(data);
return _beathaven.redrawScrollbar();
return false;
Ajax.prototype.setArchor = function(anchor) {
this.referer = this.getAnchor();
return window.location.hash = '#' + anchor;
Ajax.prototype.getAnchor = function() {
return window.location.hash.substring(1);
Ajax.prototype.setTitle = function(title) {
return document.title = title + ' @ BeatHaven';
Ajax.prototype.go = function(url) {
return false;
Ajax.prototype.detectPage = function() {
var m;
if (m = _ajax.getAnchor().match(/\/artist\/(.+)\//)) {
} else if (_ajax.getAnchor() === '' || _ajax.getAnchor().match(/\/search\//)) {
} else if (_ajax.getAnchor().match(/\/settings\//)) {
} else {
return false;
return Ajax;
$('a.data.artist').live('click', function() {
return false;
$(window).bind('hashchange', function() {
return false;
@ -1,95 +1,97 @@
/* DO NOT MODIFY. This file was compiled Mon, 27 Jun 2011 17:49:39 GMT from
* /Users/chez/Sites/beathaven/app/coffeescripts/beathaven.coffee
(function() {
var BeatHaven;
$(function() {
var ajax, beathaven, l, pages, player, search, session, settings, vkontakte, _ref;
l = document.location;
if ((_ref = l.host) !== 'beathaven.org' && _ref !== 'localhost') {
l.href = 'http://beathaven.org/' + l.hash;
beathaven = new BeatHaven();
vkontakte = new Vkontakte(l.host === 'beathaven.org' ? 2335068 : 2383163);
session = new Session();
ajax = new Ajax();
player = new Player();
search = new Search();
pages = new Pages();
settings = new Settings();
$(window).resize(function() {
return beathaven.adjustSizes();
return window.setTimeout(function() {
return beathaven.checkRedrawScrollbar();
}, 500);
var BeatHaven, _ajax, _beathaven, _pages, _player, _search, _session, _settings, _vkontakte;
_beathaven = null;
_session = 1;
_vkontakte = null;
_ajax = null;
_player = null;
_search = null;
_pages = null;
_settings = null;
$(function() {
var l, _ref;
l = document.location;
if ((_ref = l.host) !== 'beathaven.org' && _ref !== 'localhost') {
l.href = 'http://beathaven.org/' + l.hash;
_beathaven = new BeatHaven();
$(window).resize(function() {
return _beathaven.adjustSizes();
BeatHaven = (function() {
function BeatHaven() {}
BeatHaven.prototype.last_height = false;
BeatHaven.prototype.init = function() {
return ajax.detectPage();
BeatHaven.prototype.adjustSizes = function() {
$('.data-container').height($(window).height() - $('.header-container').height());
$('.data-container').width($(window).width() - $('.player').width());
$('.playlist').height($(window).height() - $('.player').height() - $('.player-container .additional-controls').height());
return $('.playlist').scrollbar();
BeatHaven.prototype.checkRedrawScrollbar = function() {
var focused_id, outer_height;
return window.setTimeout(function() {
return _beathaven.checkRedrawScrollbar();
}, 500);
BeatHaven = (function() {
function BeatHaven() {}
BeatHaven.prototype.last_height = false;
BeatHaven.prototype.init = function() {
_vkontakte = new Vkontakte(document.location.host === 'beathaven.org' ? 2335068 : 2383163);
_ajax = new Ajax();
_player = new Player();
_search = new Search();
_pages = new Pages();
_settings = new Settings();
return _ajax.detectPage();
BeatHaven.prototype.adjustSizes = function() {
$('.data-container').height($(window).height() - $('.header-container').height());
$('.data-container').width($(window).width() - $('.player').width());
$('.playlist').height($(window).height() - $('.player').height() - $('.player-container .additional-controls').height());
return $('.playlist').scrollbar();
BeatHaven.prototype.checkRedrawScrollbar = function() {
var focused_id, outer_height;
focused_id = false;
if (document.activeElement.id != null) {
focused_id = document.activeElement.id;
outer_height = $('.data-container > div').outerHeight();
if (outer_height > 300 && outer_height !== this.last_height) {
this.last_height = outer_height;
if (focused_id) {
focused_id = false;
if (document.activeElement.id != null) {
focused_id = document.activeElement.id;
outer_height = $('.data-container > div').outerHeight();
if (outer_height > 300 && outer_height !== this.last_height) {
this.last_height = outer_height;
if (focused_id) {
focused_id = false;
return window.setTimeout(function() {
return beathaven.checkRedrawScrollbar();
}, 500);
BeatHaven.prototype.redrawScrollbar = function() {
return $('.data-container').scrollbar();
return BeatHaven;
String.prototype.htmlsafe = function() {
var item, replaces, str, _i, _len;
replaces = [["\\", "\\\\"], ["\"", """], ["<", "<"], [">", ">"]];
str = this;
for (_i = 0, _len = replaces.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
item = replaces[_i];
str = str.replace(item[0], item[1]);
return str;
return window.setTimeout(function() {
return _beathaven.checkRedrawScrollbar();
}, 500);
String.prototype.trim = function() {
var str;
str = this;
while (str.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
str = str.replace(' ', ' ');
if (str.charAt(0) === ' ') {
str = str.substring(1);
if (str.charAt(str.length - 1) === ' ') {
str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
return str;
BeatHaven.prototype.redrawScrollbar = function() {
return $('.data-container').scrollbar();
return BeatHaven;
String.prototype.htmlsafe = function() {
var item, replaces, str, _i, _len;
replaces = [["\\", "\\\\"], ["\"", """], ["<", "<"], [">", ">"]];
str = this;
for (_i = 0, _len = replaces.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
item = replaces[_i];
str = str.replace(item[0], item[1]);
return str;
String.prototype.trim = function() {
var str;
str = this;
while (str.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
str = str.replace(' ', ' ');
if (str.charAt(0) === ' ') {
str = str.substring(1);
if (str.charAt(str.length - 1) === ' ') {
str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
return str;
@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
/* DO NOT MODIFY. This file was compiled Mon, 27 Jun 2011 17:49:39 GMT from
* /Users/chez/Sites/beathaven/app/coffeescripts/pages.coffee
(function() {
var Pages;
Pages = (function() {
function Pages() {}
Pages.prototype.renderArtist = function(data) {
var albums_info, artist_info;
artist_info = $('\
var Pages;
Pages = (function() {
function Pages() {}
Pages.prototype.renderArtist = function(data) {
var albums_info, artist_info;
artist_info = $('\
<div class="artist-info">\
<div class="pic">\
<img src="' + data.artist.pic + '" alt="' + data.artist.name + '" width="250" />\
@ -18,11 +13,11 @@
' + data.artist.desc + '\
albums_info = $('<div class="albums"></div>');
$.each(data.albums, function(i, album) {
var album_info;
if (album.year != null) {
album_info = $('\
albums_info = $('<div class="albums"></div>');
$.each(data.albums, function(i, album) {
var album_info;
if (album.year != null) {
album_info = $('\
<div class="album">\
<h2 class="name">' + album.name + ' (' + album.year + ')</h2>\
<div class="pic">\
@ -34,9 +29,9 @@
<div class="tracklist"><ul></ul></div>\
<div class="kaboom"></div>');
$.each(album.tracks.album, function(i, track) {
var track_info;
track_info = $('\
$.each(album.tracks.album, function(i, track) {
var track_info;
track_info = $('\
<div class="add-track button gray">+</div>\
<div class="track-container">\
@ -46,51 +41,53 @@
<div class="length">' + track.duration + '</div>\
return $(album_info).find('.tracklist ul').append(track_info);
return $(albums_info).append(album_info);
return $(album_info).find('.tracklist ul').append(track_info);
return $(albums_info).append(album_info);
backgroundImage: 'none'
$('.data-container .inner').html('').append(artist_info).append(albums_info);
yaCounter7596904.hit(_ajax.getAnchor(), data.artist.name, _ajax.referer);
return false;
Pages.prototype.renderSearch = function(data) {
background: 'url(/images/concrete_wall_2.png) 0 -30px repeat'
$('.data-container .inner').html(data);
$('.search-container').css('marginLeft', ($('.data-container').width() - 425) / 2 + 'px').css('marginTop', ($('.data-container').height() / 2 - 230) + 'px').height(($('.data-container').height() - $('#search_form').height()) / 2);
setTimeout(function() {
serviceUrl: '/artist/autocomplete',
minChars: 2,
delimiter: /(,|;)\s*/,
maxHeight: 400,
width: 415,
zIndex: 9999,
deferRequestBy: 500,
onSelect: function() {
return _ajax.loadArtistData($('#search_field').val());
backgroundImage: 'none'
$('.data-container .inner').html('').append(artist_info).append(albums_info);
yaCounter7596904.hit(ajax.getAnchor(), data.artist.name, ajax.referer);
return ajax.setTitle(data.artist.name);
Pages.prototype.renderSearch = function(data) {
background: 'url(/images/concrete_wall_2.png) 0 -30px repeat'
$('.data-container .inner').html(data);
$('.search-container').css('marginLeft', ($('.data-container').width() - 425) / 2 + 'px').css('marginTop', ($('.data-container').height() / 2 - 230) + 'px').height(($('.data-container').height() - $('#search_form').height()) / 2);
setTimeout(function() {
serviceUrl: '/artist/autocomplete',
minChars: 2,
delimiter: /(,|;)\s*/,
maxHeight: 400,
width: 415,
zIndex: 9999,
deferRequestBy: 500,
onSelect: function() {
return ajax.loadArtistData();
return $('#search_field').focus();
}, 501);
yaCounter7596904.hit(ajax.getAnchor(), 'Artist Search', ajax.referer);
return ajax.setTitle('Artist Search');
Pages.prototype.renderSettings = function(data) {
background: 'none'
$('.data-container .inner').html(data);
yaCounter7596904.hit(ajax.getAnchor(), 'Settings', ajax.referer);
return $('.settings-container .tabs .tab').first().trigger('click');
return Pages;
return $('#search_field').focus();
}, 501);
yaCounter7596904.hit(_ajax.getAnchor(), 'Artist Search', _ajax.referer);
_ajax.setTitle('Artist Search');
return false;
Pages.prototype.renderSettings = function(data) {
background: 'none'
$('.data-container .inner').html(data);
yaCounter7596904.hit(_ajax.getAnchor(), 'Settings', _ajax.referer);
$('.settings-container .tabs .tab').first().trigger('click');
return false;
return Pages;
@ -1,285 +1,276 @@
/* DO NOT MODIFY. This file was compiled Mon, 27 Jun 2011 17:49:39 GMT from
* /Users/chez/Sites/beathaven/app/coffeescripts/player.coffee
(function() {
var Player;
Player = (function() {
function Player() {}
Player.prototype.bar_width = 330;
Player.prototype.jp = null;
Player.prototype.scrobbled = false;
Player.prototype.initJplayer = function() {
var self;
self = this;
this.jp = $("#jplayer");
swfPath: "/js",
supplied: "mp3",
cssSelectorAncestor: "",
cssSelector: {
play: "#player .play",
pause: "#player .pause",
stop: "",
videoPlay: "",
seekBar: "",
playBar: "",
mute: "",
unmute: "",
volumeBar: "",
volumeBarValue: "",
currentTime: "",
duration: ""
this.jp.bind($.jPlayer.event.timeupdate, function(e) {
var $obj, data;
data = e.jPlayer.status;
if (!Player.scrobbled && data.currentPercentAbsolute > 50) {
$obj = $('.playlist-tracks li.now');
self.scrobble($obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-album'), $obj.attr('data-track'));
Player.scrobbled = true;
$('#player .progress .loaded').width(data.seekPercent * self.bar_width / 100);
return $('#player .progress .played').width(data.currentPercentAbsolute * self.bar_width / 100);
this.jp.bind($.jPlayer.event.ended, function(e) {
var next;
next = self.nextTrack();
if (!next) {
$('#player .now-playing').html('Nothing left to <strike>lose</strike> play');
$('#player .loaded, #player .played').width(0);
return $('.playlist-tracks li').removeClass('now');
} else {
return self.setTrack(next);
return false;
Player.prototype.addTrack = function(artist, album, track, length, autoplay) {
var initial_count;
if (!(autoplay != null)) {
autoplay = false;
var Player;
Player = (function() {
function Player() {}
Player.prototype.bar_width = 330;
Player.prototype.jp = null;
Player.prototype.scrobbled = false;
Player.prototype.initJplayer = function() {
var self;
self = this;
this.jp = $("#jplayer");
swfPath: "/js",
supplied: "mp3",
cssSelectorAncestor: "",
cssSelector: {
play: ".player .play",
pause: ".player .pause",
stop: "",
videoPlay: "",
seekBar: "",
playBar: "",
mute: "",
unmute: "",
volumeBar: "",
volumeBarValue: "",
currentTime: "",
duration: ""
initial_count = $('.playlist-tracks li').length;
this.jp.bind($.jPlayer.event.timeupdate, function(e) {
var $obj, data;
data = e.jPlayer.status;
if (!_player.scrobbled && data.currentPercentAbsolute > 50) {
$obj = $('.playlist-tracks li.now');
self.scrobble($obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-album'), $obj.attr('data-track'));
_player.scrobbled = true;
$('.player .progress .loaded').width(data.seekPercent * self.bar_width / 100);
return $('.player .progress .played').width(data.currentPercentAbsolute * self.bar_width / 100);
this.jp.bind($.jPlayer.event.ended, function(e) {
var next;
next = self.nextTrack();
if (!next) {
$('.player .now-playing').html('Nothing left to <strike>lose</strike> play');
$('.player .loaded, .player .played').width(0);
return $('.playlist-tracks li').removeClass('now');
} else {
return self.setTrack(next);
return false;
Player.prototype.addTrack = function(artist, album, track, length, autoplay) {
var initial_count;
if (!(autoplay != null)) {
autoplay = false;
initial_count = $('.playlist-tracks li').length;
<li id="i' + Math.round(Math.random() * 999999) + '" data-artist="' + artist.trim() + '" data-album="' + album.trim() + '" data-track="' + track.trim() + '" data-length="' + length + '">\
<div class="item">\
<div class="fade"></div>\
<span class="title" title="' + artist.htmlsafe() + ' &mdash ' + track.htmlsafe() + '">' + artist + ' &mdash ' + track + '</span>\
<span class="title" title="' + artist.htmlsafe() + " — " + track.htmlsafe() + '">' + artist + ' — ' + track + '</span>\
<span class="duration">' + length + '</span>\
<div class="remove">remove</div>\
if (autoplay) {
return Player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').last().attr('id').split('i')[1]);
} else if (initial_count === 0 && !Player.hasTrack()) {
return Player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1]);
Player.prototype.setTrack = function(id) {
var $obj, query;
$obj = $('#i' + id);
query = $obj.attr('data-artist') + ' &mdash ' + $obj.attr('data-track');
$('#player .now-playing').html(query + '<div class="fade"></div>');
$('.playlist-tracks li').removeClass('now');
$('#player .loaded, #player .played').width(0);
vkontakte.loadTracksData($obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-track'), $obj.attr('data-length'), function() {
return player.playSource();
return this.updateNowListening($obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-album'), $obj.attr('data-track'));
Player.prototype.hasTrack = function() {
if ($('#jplayer audio').length > 0) {
return $('#jplayer audio').attr('src') != null;
} else if ($('#jplayer object').length > 0) {
return false;
Player.prototype.playSource = function(url) {
$('#jplayer').jPlayer('setMedia', {
mp3: url
if (autoplay) {
return _player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').last().attr('id').split('i')[1]);
} else if (initial_count === 0 && !_player.hasTrack()) {
return _player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1]);
Player.prototype.setTrack = function(id) {
var $obj, query;
$obj = $('#i' + id);
query = $obj.attr('data-artist') + ' — ' + $obj.attr('data-track');
$('.player .now-playing').html(query + '<div class="fade"></div>');
$('.playlist-tracks li').removeClass('now');
$('.player .loaded, .player .played').width(0);
_vkontakte.loadTracksData($obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-track'), $obj.attr('data-length'), function(url) {
return _player.playSource(url);
return this.updateNowListening($obj.attr('data-artist'), $obj.attr('data-album'), $obj.attr('data-track'));
Player.prototype.hasTrack = function() {
if ($('#jplayer audio').length > 0) {
return $('#jplayer audio').attr('src') != null;
} else if ($('#jplayer object').length > 0) {
return this.scrobbled = false;
Player.prototype.nextTrack = function(manual) {
var $li, cnt, rnd;
manual = manual != null;
cnt = $('.playlist-tracks li').length;
if (!this.onShuffle()) {
if ($('.playlist-tracks .now').next().length === 0) {
if (Player.onRepeat() || manual) {
return $('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else {
return false;
Player.prototype.playSource = function(url) {
$('#jplayer').jPlayer('setMedia', {
mp3: url
return this.scrobbled = false;
Player.prototype.nextTrack = function(manual) {
var $li, cnt, rnd;
manual = manual != null;
cnt = $('.playlist-tracks li').length;
if (!this.onShuffle()) {
if ($('.playlist-tracks .now').next().length === 0) {
if (_player.onRepeat() || manual) {
return $('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else {
return $('.playlist-tracks .now').next().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else if (cnt === 1) {
return $('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else {
while (true) {
rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * (cnt + .999));
$li = $('.playlist-tracks li').eq(rnd);
if ($li.length > 0 && !$li.hasClass('now')) {
return $li.attr('id').split('i')[1];
return $('.playlist-tracks .now').next().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else if (cnt === 1) {
return $('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else {
while (true) {
rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * (cnt + .999));
$li = $('.playlist-tracks li').eq(rnd);
if ($li.length > 0 && !$li.hasClass('now')) {
return $li.attr('id').split('i')[1];
return false;
Player.prototype.prevTrack = function() {
var $li, cnt, rnd;
cnt = $('.playlist-tracks li').length;
if (!Player.onShuffle()) {
if ($('.playlist-tracks .now').prev().length === 0) {
return $('.playlist-tracks li').last().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else {
return $('.playlist-tracks .now').prev().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else if (cnt === 1) {
return $('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1];
return false;
Player.prototype.prevTrack = function() {
var $li, cnt, rnd;
cnt = $('.playlist-tracks li').length;
if (!_player.onShuffle()) {
if ($('.playlist-tracks .now').prev().length === 0) {
return $('.playlist-tracks li').last().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else {
while (true) {
rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * (cnt + .999));
$li = $('.playlist-tracks li').eq(rnd);
if ($li.length > 0 && !$li.hasClass('now')) {
return $li.attr('id').split('i')[1];
return $('.playlist-tracks .now').prev().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else if (cnt === 1) {
return $('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1];
} else {
while (true) {
rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * (cnt + .999));
$li = $('.playlist-tracks li').eq(rnd);
if ($li.length > 0 && !$li.hasClass('now')) {
return $li.attr('id').split('i')[1];
return false;
Player.prototype.onShuffle = function() {
return $('#shuffle').hasClass('active');
Player.prototype.onRepeat = function() {
return $('#repeat').hasClass('active');
Player.prototype.updateNowListening = function(artist, album, track) {
if (session.user.lastfm_username) {
return session.query('/lastfm/listening?r=' + Math.random(), {
artist: artist,
album: album,
track: track
Player.prototype.scrobble = function(artist, album, track) {
if (session.user.lastfm_username) {
return session.query('/lastfm/scrobble?r=' + Math.random(), {
artist: artist,
album: album,
track: track
return Player;
$(function() {
return player.initJplayer();
$('#player .controls .prev').live('click', function() {
return false;
$('#player .controls .next').live('click', function() {
return false;
$('#player .play').live('click', function() {
if ($('.playlist-tracks li').length > 0 && !Player.hasTrack()) {
player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1]);
return false;
$('#player .progress').live('click', function(e) {
$('#jplayer').jPlayer('playHead', Math.round((e.offsetX / Player.bar_width) * 100));
return false;
$('#repeat, #shuffle').live('click', function() {
return false;
$('#empty-playlist').live('click', function() {
if (confirm('Are you sure?')) {
$('.playlist-tracks li').remove();
$('#player .now-playing').text('Add some music to playlist');
$('#player .loaded, #player .played').width(0);
Player.prototype.onShuffle = function() {
return $('#shuffle').hasClass('active');
Player.prototype.onRepeat = function() {
return $('#repeat').hasClass('active');
Player.prototype.updateNowListening = function(artist, album, track) {
if (_session.getUser().lastfm_username) {
return _session.query('/lastfm/listening?r=' + Math.random(), {
artist: artist,
album: album,
track: track
return false;
$('.playlist-tracks li .fade, .playlist-tracks li .duration, .playlist-tracks li .remove').live('mouseover mouseout', function(e) {
if (e.type === 'mouseover') {
} else {
Player.prototype.scrobble = function(artist, album, track) {
if (_session.getUser().lastfm_username) {
return _session.query('/lastfm/scrobble?r=' + Math.random(), {
artist: artist,
album: album,
track: track
return false;
$('.playlist-tracks li .remove').live('click', function() {
var $li;
$li = $(this).parent().parent();
if ($li.hasClass('now')) {
$('#player .now-playing').text('...');
$('#player .loaded, #player .played').width(0);
return false;
$('.playlist-tracks li').live('dblclick', function() {
return false;
$('.add-album').live('click', function() {
var album, artist, item, length, track_name, _i, _len, _ref;
artist = $('.artist-info .name').html();
album = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('h2.name').text().replace(/\s\([\d]{4}\)$/, '');
_ref = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.tracklist li');
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
item = _ref[_i];
track_name = $(item).find('.trackname').html();
length = $(item).find('.length').html();
Player.addTrack(artist, album, track_name, length);
return false;
$('.add-track').live('click', function() {
var album, artist, length, track_name;
artist = $('.artist-info .name').html();
album = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().find('h2.name').text().replace(/\s\([\d]{4}\)$/, '');
track_name = $(this).parent().find('.trackname').html();
length = $(this).parent().find('.length').html();
Player.addTrack(artist, album, track_name, length);
return false;
$('.tracklist li').live('mouseover mouseout', function(e) {
if (e.type === 'mouseover') {
} else {
return false;
$('.tracklist li').live('dblclick', function(e) {
var album, artist, length, track_name;
artist = $('.artist-info .name').html();
album = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('h2.name').text().replace(/\s\([\d]{4}\)$/, '');
track_name = $(this).find('.trackname').html();
length = $(this).find('.length').html();
Player.addTrack(artist, album, track_name, length, true);
return false;
return Player;
$('.player .controls .prev').live('click', function() {
return false;
$('.player .controls .next').live('click', function() {
return false;
$('.player .play').live('click', function() {
if ($('.playlist-tracks li').length > 0 && !_player.hasTrack()) {
_player.setTrack($('.playlist-tracks li').first().attr('id').split('i')[1]);
return false;
$('.player .progress').live('click', function(e) {
$('#jplayer').jPlayer('playHead', Math.round((e.offsetX / _player.bar_width) * 100));
return false;
$('#repeat, #shuffle').live('click', function() {
return false;
$('#empty-playlist').live('click', function() {
if (confirm('Are you sure?')) {
$('.playlist-tracks li').remove();
$('.player .now-playing').text('Add some music to playlist');
$('.player .loaded, .player .played').width(0);
return false;
$('.playlist-tracks li .fade, .playlist-tracks li .duration, .playlist-tracks li .remove').live('mouseover mouseout', function(e) {
if (e.type === 'mouseover') {
} else {
return false;
$('.playlist-tracks li .remove').live('click', function() {
var $li;
$li = $(this).parent().parent();
if ($li.hasClass('now')) {
$('.player .now-playing').text('...');
$('.player .loaded, .player .played').width(0);
return false;
$('.playlist-tracks li').live('dblclick', function() {
return false;
$('.add-album').live('click', function() {
var album, artist, item, length, track_name, _i, _len, _ref;
artist = $('.artist-info .name').html();
album = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('h2.name').text().replace(/\s\([\d]{4}\)$/, '');
_ref = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.tracklist li');
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
item = _ref[_i];
track_name = $(item).find('.trackname').html();
length = $(item).find('.length').html();
_player.addTrack(artist, album, track_name, length);
return false;
$('.add-track').live('click', function() {
var album, artist, length, track_name;
artist = $('.artist-info .name').html();
album = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().find('h2.name').text().replace(/\s\([\d]{4}\)$/, '');
track_name = $(this).parent().find('.trackname').html();
length = $(this).parent().find('.length').html();
_player.addTrack(artist, album, track_name, length);
return false;
$('.tracklist li').live('mouseover mouseout', function(e) {
if (e.type === 'mouseover') {
} else {
return false;
$('.tracklist li').live('dblclick', function(e) {
var album, artist, length, track_name;
artist = $('.artist-info .name').html();
album = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('h2.name').text().replace(/\s\([\d]{4}\)$/, '');
track_name = $(this).find('.trackname').html();
length = $(this).find('.length').html();
_player.addTrack(artist, album, track_name, length, true);
return false;
@ -1,81 +1,73 @@
/* DO NOT MODIFY. This file was compiled Mon, 27 Jun 2011 17:49:39 GMT from
* /Users/chez/Sites/beathaven/app/coffeescripts/search.coffee
(function() {
var Search;
Search = (function() {
function Search() {}
Search.prototype.pics = [];
Search.prototype.showSpinner = function() {
$('.search-container input').attr({
disabled: 'disabled'
$('.search-container img').show();
return false;
Search.prototype.hideSpinner = function() {
$('.search-container input').removeAttr('disabled');
$('.search-container img').hide();
return false;
Search.prototype.showSuggestions = function(values) {
var item, _i, _len;
for (_i = 0, _len = values.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
item = values[_i];
$('.suggestions ul').append('\
var Search;
Search = (function() {
function Search() {}
Search.prototype.pics = [];
Search.prototype.showSpinner = function() {
$('.search-container input').attr({
disabled: 'disabled'
$('.search-container img').show();
return false;
Search.prototype.hideSpinner = function() {
$('.search-container input').removeAttr('disabled');
$('.search-container img').hide();
return false;
Search.prototype.showSuggestions = function(values) {
var item, _i, _len;
for (_i = 0, _len = values.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
item = values[_i];
$('.suggestions ul').append('\
<a class="data artist">' + item.name + '</a>\
' + (item.desc ? '<br/><span>' + item.desc(+'</span>') : '') + '\
' + (item.desc != null ? '<br/><span>' + item.desc + '</span>' : '') + '\
return false;
Search.prototype.hideSuggestions = function() {
$('.suggestions ul li').remove();
return false;
Search.prototype.showArtistPics = function(pics) {
var pic, _i, _len;
$('.artist_loading.ok, .artist_pics').show();
for (_i = 0, _len = pics.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
pic = pics[_i];
if (this.pics.indexOf(pic) === -1) {
return false;
Search.prototype.hideSuggestions = function() {
$('.suggestions ul li').remove();
return false;
Search.prototype.showArtistPics = function(pics) {
var pic, _i, _len;
$('.artist_loading.ok, .artist_pics').show();
for (_i = 0, _len = pics.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
pic = pics[_i];
if (this.pics.indexOf(pic) === -1) {
<div class="pic">\
<img src="' + pic + '" alt=""/>\
return false;
Search.prototype.showError = function() {
$('.artist_loading.ok, .artist_pics').hide();
return this.pics = [];
return Search;
$(function() {
$('.search').live('click', function() {
return false;
$('#search_form').live('submit', function() {
return false;
return $('.suggestions a').live('click', function() {
return false;
return false;
Search.prototype.showError = function() {
$('.artist_loading.ok, .artist_pics').hide();
return this.pics = [];
return Search;
$('.search').live('click', function() {
return false;
$('#search_form').live('submit', function() {
return false;
$('.suggestions a').live('click', function() {
return false;
@ -1,34 +1,36 @@
/* DO NOT MODIFY. This file was compiled Mon, 27 Jun 2011 17:49:39 GMT from
* /Users/chez/Sites/beathaven/app/coffeescripts/session.coffee
(function() {
var Session;
Session = (function() {
Session.prototype.vk_params = null;
Session.prototype.user = null;
function Session(vk_params) {
this.vk_params = vk_params;
var Session;
Session = (function() {
Session.prototype.vk_params = null;
Session.prototype.user = null;
function Session(params) {
var attrs, key, _i, _len, _params;
attrs = ['expire', 'mid', 'secret', 'sid', 'sig'];
_params = {};
for (_i = 0, _len = attrs.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
key = attrs[_i];
if (params[key] != null) {
_params[key] = params[key];
Session.prototype.query = function(url, params, callback) {
var attr, q_params, _i, _len;
q_params = this.vk_params;
for (_i = 0, _len = params.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
attr = params[_i];
q_params[attr] = params[attr];
$.post(url, q_params, callback);
return false;
Session.prototype.setVkParams = function(params) {
var attrs, key, _i, _len;
attrs = ['expire', 'mid', 'secret', 'sid', 'sig'];
for (_i = 0, _len = attrs.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
key = attrs[_i];
this.vk_params[key] = params[key];
return false;
return Session;
this.vk_params = _params;
Session.prototype.setUser = function(user) {
this.user = user;
return false;
Session.prototype.getUser = function() {
return this.user;
Session.prototype.query = function(url, params, callback) {
var attr, q_params, _i, _len;
q_params = this.vk_params;
for (_i = 0, _len = params.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
attr = params[_i];
q_params[attr] = params[attr];
$.post(url, q_params, callback);
return false;
return Session;
@ -1,54 +1,48 @@
/* DO NOT MODIFY. This file was compiled Mon, 27 Jun 2011 14:00:02 GMT from
* /Users/chez/Sites/beathaven/app/coffeescripts/settings.coffee
(function() {
var Settings;
Settings = (function() {
function Settings() {}
Settings.prototype.getAccountInfo = function(callback) {
return session.query('/user/update/', {}, callback);
Settings.prototype.saveAccountInfo = function(params, callback) {
return session.query('/user/update', params, callback);
Settings.prototype.loadFormData = function(form) {
if (form === 'account') {
$('.settings-container .form input[name$="username"]').val(session.user.name);
return $('.settings-container .form input[name$="email"]').val(session.email);
} else if (form === 'lastfm') {
if (this.user.lastfm_username) {
return $('.form-container input[name$="username"]').first().val(session.lastfm_username);
var Settings;
Settings = (function() {
function Settings() {}
Settings.prototype.getAccountInfo = function(callback) {
return _session.query('/user/update/', {}, callback);
Settings.prototype.saveAccountInfo = function(params, callback) {
return _session.query('/user/update', params, callback);
Settings.prototype.loadFormData = function(form) {
if (form === 'account') {
$('.settings-container .form input[name$="username"]').val(_session.getUser().name);
return $('.settings-container .form input[name$="email"]').val(_session.getUser().email);
} else if (form === 'lastfm') {
if (_session.getUser().lastfm_username) {
return $('.form-container input[name$="username"]').first().val(_session.getUser().lastfm_username);
return Settings;
$('.settings').live('click', function() {
return _ajax.go('/settings/');
$('.settings-container .tabs .tab').live('click', function() {
if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) {
$('.settings-container .tabs .tab').removeClass('active');
$('.form-container').html($('.forms .' + $(this).attr('data-fieldset')).html());
return _settings.loadFormData($(this).attr('data-fieldset'));
$('.lastfm-connect').live('click', function() {
return window.open(_session.getUser().lastfm_login_url);
$('.settings-container .form input').live('blur', function() {
var active_tab, params;
active_tab = $('.settings-container .tabs .tab.active').attr('data-fieldset');
if (active_tab === 'account') {
params = {
username: $('.settings-container .form input[name$="username"]').first().val(),
email: $('.settings-container .form input[name$="email"]').first().val()
return Settings;
$('.settings').live('click', function() {
return ajax.loadSettingsPage();
$('.settings-container .tabs .tab').live('click', function() {
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
$('.settings-container .tabs .tab').removeClass('active');
$('.form-container').html($('.forms .' + $(this).attr('data-fieldset')).html());
return settings.loadFormData($(this).attr('data-fieldset'));
$('.lastfm-connect').live('click', function() {
return window.open(session.user.lastfm_login_url);
$('.settings-container .form input').live('blur', function() {
var active_tab, params;
active_tab = $('.settings-container .tabs .tab.active').attr('data-fieldset');
if (active_tab === 'account') {
params = {
username: $('.settings-container .form input[name$="username"]').first().val(),
email: $('.settings-container .form input[name$="email"]').first().val()
return settings.saveAccountInfo(params, function() {
return $('#header-container .hello .greating').text('Hi there, ' + (params.username.length > 0 ? params.username : '%username%') + '!');
return _settings.saveAccountInfo(params, function() {
return $('#header-container .hello .greating').text('Hi there, ' + (params.username.length > 0 ? params.username : '%username%') + '!');
@ -1,121 +1,127 @@
/* DO NOT MODIFY. This file was compiled Mon, 27 Jun 2011 17:49:39 GMT from
* /Users/chez/Sites/beathaven/app/coffeescripts/vkontakte.coffee
(function() {
var Vkontakte;
Vkontakte = (function() {
Vkontakte.prototype.qr = [];
function Vkontakte(api_id) {
this.api_id = api_id;
Vkontakte.prototype.init = function() {
apiId: this.api_id,
nameTransportPath: '/xd_receiver.html'
var Vkontakte;
Vkontakte = (function() {
Vkontakte.prototype.qr = null;
function Vkontakte(api_id) {
this.api_id = api_id;
Vkontakte.prototype.init = function() {
this.qr = [];
apiId: this.api_id
return VK.Auth.getLoginStatus(this.authInfo);
Vkontakte.prototype.authInfo = function(response) {
var _session;
if (typeof response !== 'undefined' && response.session) {
_session = new Session(response.session);
$('#vk_login, .auth_notice').hide();
display: 'block'
return VK.Auth.getLoginStatus(this.authInfo);
Vkontakte.prototype.authInfo = function(response) {
if (typeof response !== 'undefined' && response.session) {
$('#vk_login, .auth_notice').hide();
display: 'block'
if ($('#search_field').length > 0) {
return session.query('/user/auth', {}, function(ar) {
if (ar.newbie) {
VK.Api.call('getVariable', {
key: 1281
}, function(r) {
return Session.query('/user/update', {
name: r.response
}, function(ar2) {
session.user = ar2.user;
return $('#header-container .hello .greating').text('Hi there, ' + (session.user.name ? session.user.name : '%username%') + '!');
if ($('#search_field').length > 0) {
_session.query('/user/auth', {}, function(ar) {
if (ar.newbie) {
VK.Api.call('getVariable', {
key: 1281
}, function(r) {
return _session.query('/user/update', {
name: r.response
}, function(ar2) {
return $('.header-container .hello .greating').text('Hi there, ' + (_session.getUser().name ? _session.getUser().name : '%username%') + '!');
} else {
session.user = ar.user;
return $('#header-container .hello .greating').text('Hi there, ' + (session.user.name ? session.user.name : '%username%') + '!');
} else {
$('#vk_login, .auth_notice').css({
display: 'block'
return $('#vk_logout').hide();
Vkontakte.prototype.loadTracksData = function(artist, track, duration, callback) {
var query, track_prepared;
track_prepared = track.replace(/\(.*\)/i, '').split('/')[0];
query = artist(+' ' + track_prepared);
if (this.qr[query] != null) {
return callback(this.qr[query]);
} else {
return VK.Api.call('audio.search', {
q: query
}, function(r) {
var url;
url = this.matchPerfectResult(r.response, artist, track, duration);
this.qr[query] = url;
return callback(url);
Vkontakte.prototype.matchPerfectResult = function(data, artist, track, duration) {
var best_result, best_score, delta, item, score, _i, _len;
duration = duration.split(':');
duration = parseInt(duration[0], 10) * 60 + parseInt(duration[1], 10);
best_score = 0;
best_result = null;
for (_i = 0, _len = data.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
item = data[_i];
score = 0;
item.artist = item.artist.trim();
item.title = item.title.trim();
if (item.artist === artist) {
score += 10;
} else if (item.artist.split(artist).length === 2) {
score += 5;
} else if (item.title.split(artist).length === 2) {
score += 4;
if (item.title === track) {
score += 10;
} else if (item.title.split(track).length === 2) {
score += 5;
if (parseInt(item.duration, 10) === duration) {
score += 15;
} else {
delta = Math.abs(parseInt(item.duration, 10) - duration);
if (delta < 10) {
score += 10 - delta;
if (score > best_score) {
best_score = score;
best_result = item;
if (score === 35) {
return best_result.url;
return $('.header-container .hello .greating').text('Hi there, ' + (_session.getUser().name ? _session.getUser().name : '%username%') + '!');
} else {
_session = new Session({});
$('#vk_login, .auth_notice').css({
display: 'block'
return window._session = _session;
Vkontakte.prototype.loadTracksData = function(artist, track, duration, callback) {
var query, track_prepared, url;
track_prepared = track.replace(/\(.*\)/i, '').split('/')[0];
query = artist + ' ' + track_prepared;
if (url = _vkontakte.getQR(query)) {
return callback(url);
} else {
return VK.Api.call('audio.search', {
q: query
}, function(r) {
r.response.splice(0, 1);
url = _vkontakte.matchPerfectResult(r.response, artist, track, duration);
_vkontakte.addQR(query, url);
return callback(url);
Vkontakte.prototype.matchPerfectResult = function(data, artist, track, duration) {
var best_result, best_score, delta, item, score, _i, _len;
duration = duration.split(':');
duration = parseInt(duration[0], 10) * 60 + parseInt(duration[1], 10);
best_score = 0;
best_result = null;
for (_i = 0, _len = data.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
item = data[_i];
score = 0;
item.artist = item.artist.trim();
item.title = item.title.trim();
if (item.artist === artist) {
score += 10;
} else if (item.artist.split(artist).length === 2) {
score += 5;
} else if (item.title.split(artist).length === 2) {
score += 4;
if (item.title === track) {
score += 10;
} else if (item.title.split(track).length === 2) {
score += 5;
if (parseInt(item.duration, 10) === duration) {
score += 15;
} else {
delta = Math.abs(parseInt(item.duration, 10) - duration);
if (delta < 10) {
score += 10 - delta;
return best_result.url;
return Vkontakte;
$(function() {
$('#vk_login').click(function() {
return VK.Auth.login(vkontakte.authInfo, 8);
return $('#vk_logout').click(function() {
return VK.Auth.logout(vkontakte.authInfo);
if (score > best_score) {
best_score = score;
best_result = item;
if (score === 35) {
return best_result.url;
return best_result.url;
Vkontakte.prototype.addQR = function(query, url) {
return this.qr[query] = url;
Vkontakte.prototype.getQR = function(query) {
if (this.qr[query] != null) {
return false;
return Vkontakte;
$(function() {
$('#vk_login').click(function() {
return VK.Auth.login(_vkontakte.authInfo(), 8);
return $('#vk_logout').click(function() {
return VK.Auth.logout(_vkontakte.authInfo());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user