2011-06-15 05:42:50 +04:00
/*jslint eqeqeq: true, regexp: true */
/*global document, window, setInterval, clearInterval, handler, jQuery */
/ *
* Scrollbar - a jQuery plugin for custom scrollbars
* @ author Thomas Duerr , me @ thomd . net
* @ date 03.2010
* @ requires jquery v1 . 4.2
* @ version 0.3
* Usage :
* Append scrollbar to an arbitrary container with overflowed content :
* $ ( 'selector' ) . scrollbar ( ) ;
* Append scrollbar without arrows on top / bottom :
* $ ( 'selector' ) . scrollbar ( {
* arrows : false
* } ) ;
* A vertical scrollbar is based on the following box model :
* + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +
* | < -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - content container
* | + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - + + -- -- -- + |
* | | | | < -- -- -- -- -- -- -- handle arrow up
* | | | | | |
* | | | + -- -- -- + |
* | | | | + -- + | |
* | | | | | | | |
* | | | | | < -- -- -- -- -- -- -- handle
* | | | | | | | |
* | | | | | | | |
* | | | | | | | |
* | | | | + -- + | |
* | | | | | |
* | | | | < -- -- -- -- -- -- -- handle container
* | | | | | |
* | | < -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - pane
* | | | | | |
* | | | | | |
* | | | + -- -- -- + |
* | | | | | |
* | | | | < -- -- -- -- -- -- -- handle arrow down
* | + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - + + -- -- -- + |
* | |
* + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +
* /
( function ( $ , document ) {
$ . fn . scrollbar = function ( opts ) {
// Extend default options
var options = $ . extend ( { } , $ . fn . scrollbar . defaults , opts ) ;
// append scrollbar to selected overflowed containers and return jquery object for chainability
return this . each ( function ( ) {
var container = $ ( this )
// properties
, props = {
arrows : options . arrows
} ;
// set container height explicitly if given by an option
if ( options . containerHeight != 'auto' ) {
container . height ( options . containerHeight ) ;
// save container height in properties
props . containerHeight = container . height ( ) ;
// save content height in properties
props . contentHeight = $ . fn . scrollbar . contentHeight ( container ) ;
// if the content height is lower than the container height, do nothing and return.
if ( props . contentHeight <= props . containerHeight ) {
return true ;
// create a new scrollbar object
var scrollbar = new $ . fn . scrollbar . Scrollbar ( container , props , options ) ;
// build HTML, initialize Handle and append Events
scrollbar . buildHtml ( ) . initHandle ( ) . appendEvents ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// # default options
$ . fn . scrollbar . defaults = {
// ### containerHeight `Number` or `'auto'`
// height of content container. If set to `'auto'`, the naturally rendered height is used
containerHeight : 'auto' ,
arrows : true , // render up- and down-arrows
handleHeight : 'auto' , // height of handle [px || 'auto']. If set to 'auto', the height will be calculated proportionally to the container-content height.
handleMinHeight : 30 , // min-height of handle [px]. This property will only be used if handleHeight is set to 'auto'
scrollSpeed : 50 , // speed of handle while mousedown on arrows [milli sec]
scrollStep : 20 , // handle increment between two mousedowns on arrows [px]
scrollSpeedArrows : 40 , // speed of handle while mousedown within the handle container [milli sec]
scrollStepArrows : 3 // handle increment between two mousedowns within the handle container [px]
} ;
// Scrollbar constructor
$ . fn . scrollbar . Scrollbar = function ( container , props , options ) {
// set object properties
this . container = container ;
this . props = props ;
this . opts = options ;
this . mouse = { } ;
// disable arrows via class attribute 'no-arrows' on a container
this . props . arrows = this . container . hasClass ( 'no-arrows' ) ? false : this . props . arrows ;
} ;
// Scrollbar methods
$ . fn . scrollbar . Scrollbar . prototype = {
// build DOM nodes for pane and scroll-handle
// from:
// <div class="foo"> --> arbitrary element with a fixed height or a max-height lower that its containing elements
// [...]
// </div>
// to:
// <div class="foo"> --> this.container
// <div class="scrollbar-pane"> --> this.pane
// [...]
// </div>
// <div class="scrollbar-handle-container"> --> this.handleContainer
// <div class="scrollbar-handle"></div> --> this.handle
// </div>
// <div class="scrollbar-handle-up"></div> --> this.handleArrows
// <div class="scrollbar-handle-down"></div> --> this.handleArrows
// </div>
// TODO: use detach-transform-attach or DOMfragment
buildHtml : function ( ) {
// build new DOM nodes
this . container . children ( ) . wrapAll ( '<div class="scrollbar-pane"/>' ) ;
this . container . append ( '<div class="scrollbar-handle-container"><div class="scrollbar-handle"/></div>' ) ;
if ( this . props . arrows ) {
this . container . append ( '<div class="scrollbar-handle-up"/>' ) . append ( '<div class="scrollbar-handle-down"/>' ) ;
// save height of container to re-set it after some DOM manipulations
var height = this . container . height ( ) ;
// set scrollbar-object properties
this . pane = this . container . find ( '.scrollbar-pane' ) ;
this . handle = this . container . find ( '.scrollbar-handle' ) ;
this . handleContainer = this . container . find ( '.scrollbar-handle-container' ) ;
this . handleArrows = this . container . find ( '.scrollbar-handle-up, .scrollbar-handle-down' ) ;
this . handleArrowUp = this . container . find ( '.scrollbar-handle-up' ) ;
this . handleArrowDown = this . container . find ( '.scrollbar-handle-down' ) ;
// set some default CSS attributes (may be overwritten by CSS definitions in an external CSS file)
this . pane . defaultCss ( {
'top' : 0 ,
'left' : 0
} ) ;
this . handleContainer . defaultCss ( {
'right' : 0
} ) ;
this . handle . defaultCss ( {
'top' : 0 ,
'right' : 0
} ) ;
this . handleArrows . defaultCss ( {
'right' : 0
} ) ;
this . handleArrowUp . defaultCss ( {
'top' : 0
} ) ;
this . handleArrowDown . defaultCss ( {
'bottom' : 0
} ) ;
// set some necessary CSS attributes (can NOT be overwritten by CSS definitions)
this . container . css ( {
'position' : this . container . css ( 'position' ) === 'absolute' ? 'absolute' : 'relative' ,
'overflow' : 'hidden' ,
'height' : height
} ) ;
this . pane . css ( {
'position' : 'absolute' ,
'overflow' : 'visible' ,
'height' : 'auto'
} ) ;
this . handleContainer . css ( {
'position' : 'absolute' ,
'top' : this . handleArrowUp . outerHeight ( true ) ,
'height' : ( this . props . containerHeight - ( this . container . outerHeight ( true ) - this . container . height ( ) ) - this . handleArrowUp . outerHeight ( true ) - this . handleArrowDown . outerHeight ( true ) ) + 'px'
} ) ;
this . handle . css ( {
'position' : 'absolute' ,
'cursor' : 'pointer'
} ) ;
this . handleArrows . css ( {
'position' : 'absolute' ,
'cursor' : 'pointer'
} ) ;
return this ;
} ,
// calculate positions and dimensions of handle and arrow-handles
initHandle : function ( ) {
this . props . handleContainerHeight = this . handleContainer . height ( ) ;
this . props . contentHeight = this . pane . height ( ) ;
// height of handle
this . props . handleHeight = this . opts . handleHeight == 'auto' ? Math . max ( Math . ceil ( this . props . containerHeight * this . props . handleContainerHeight / this . props . contentHeight ) , this . opts . handleMinHeight ) : this . opts . handleHeight ;
this . handle . height ( this . props . handleHeight ) ;
// if handle has a border (always be aware of the css box-model), we need to correct the handle height.
this . handle . height ( 2 * this . handle . height ( ) - this . handle . outerHeight ( true ) ) ;
// min- and max-range for handle
this . props . handleTop = {
min : 0 ,
2011-06-16 04:19:40 +04:00
max : ( this . props . handleContainerHeight - this . props . handleHeight )
2011-06-15 05:42:50 +04:00
} ;
// ratio of handle-container-height to content-container-height (to calculate position of content related to position of handle)
this . props . handleContentRatio = ( this . props . contentHeight - this . props . containerHeight ) / ( this . props . handleContainerHeight - this . props . handleHeight ) ;
// initial position of handle at top
this . handle . top = 0 ;
return this ;
} ,
// append events on handle and handle-container
appendEvents : function ( ) {
// append drag-drop event on scrollbar-handle
this . handle . bind ( 'mousedown.handle' , $ . proxy ( this , 'startOfHandleMove' ) ) ;
// append mousedown event on handle-container
this . handleContainer . bind ( 'mousedown.handle' , $ . proxy ( this , 'onHandleContainerMousedown' ) ) ;
// append hover event on handle-container
this . handleContainer . bind ( 'mouseenter.container mouseleave.container' , $ . proxy ( this , 'onHandleContainerHover' ) ) ;
// append click event on scrollbar-up- and scrollbar-down-handles
this . handleArrows . bind ( 'mousedown.arrows' , $ . proxy ( this , 'onArrowsMousedown' ) ) ;
// append mousewheel event on content container
this . container . bind ( 'mousewheel.container' , $ . proxy ( this , 'onMouseWheel' ) ) ;
// append hover event on content container
this . container . bind ( 'mouseenter.container mouseleave.container' , $ . proxy ( this , 'onContentHover' ) ) ;
// do not bubble down click events into content container
this . handle . bind ( 'click.scrollbar' , this . preventClickBubbling ) ;
this . handleContainer . bind ( 'click.scrollbar' , this . preventClickBubbling ) ;
this . handleArrows . bind ( 'click.scrollbar' , this . preventClickBubbling ) ;
return this ;
} ,
// get mouse position helper
mousePosition : function ( ev ) {
return ev . pageY || ( ev . clientY + ( document . documentElement . scrollTop || document . body . scrollTop ) ) || 0 ;
} ,
// ---------- event handler ---------------------------------------------------------------
// start moving of handle
startOfHandleMove : function ( ev ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
ev . stopPropagation ( ) ;
// set start position of mouse
this . mouse . start = this . mousePosition ( ev ) ;
// set start position of handle
this . handle . start = this . handle . top ;
// bind mousemove- and mouseout-event on document (binding it to document allows having a mousepointer outside handle while moving)
$ ( document ) . bind ( 'mousemove.handle' , $ . proxy ( this , 'onHandleMove' ) ) . bind ( 'mouseup.handle' , $ . proxy ( this , 'endOfHandleMove' ) ) ;
// add class for visual change while moving handle
this . handle . addClass ( 'move' ) ;
this . handleContainer . addClass ( 'move' ) ;
} ,
// on moving of handle
onHandleMove : function ( ev ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
// calculate distance since last fireing of this handler
var distance = this . mousePosition ( ev ) - this . mouse . start ;
// calculate new handle position
this . handle . top = this . handle . start + distance ;
// update positions
this . setHandlePosition ( ) ;
this . setContentPosition ( ) ;
} ,
// end moving of handle
endOfHandleMove : function ( ev ) {
// remove handle events (which were attached in the startOfHandleMove-method)
$ ( document ) . unbind ( '.handle' ) ;
// remove class for visual change
this . handle . removeClass ( 'move' ) ;
this . handleContainer . removeClass ( 'move' ) ;
} ,
// set position of handle
setHandlePosition : function ( ) {
// stay within range [handleTop.min, handleTop.max]
this . handle . top = ( this . handle . top > this . props . handleTop . max ) ? this . props . handleTop . max : this . handle . top ;
this . handle . top = ( this . handle . top < this . props . handleTop . min ) ? this . props . handleTop . min : this . handle . top ;
this . handle [ 0 ] . style . top = this . handle . top + 'px' ;
} ,
// set position of content
setContentPosition : function ( ) {
// derive position of content from position of handle
this . pane . top = - 1 * this . props . handleContentRatio * this . handle . top ;
this . pane [ 0 ] . style . top = this . pane . top + 'px' ;
} ,
// mouse wheel movement
onMouseWheel : function ( ev , delta ) {
// calculate new handle position
this . handle . top -= delta * 5 ; // awfull fix
this . setHandlePosition ( ) ;
this . setContentPosition ( ) ;
// prevent default scrolling of the entire document if handle is within [min, max]-range
if ( this . handle . top > this . props . handleTop . min && this . handle . top < this . props . handleTop . max ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ,
// append click handler on handle-container (outside of handle itself) to click up and down the handle
onHandleContainerMousedown : function ( ev ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
// do nothing if clicked on handle
if ( ! $ ( ev . target ) . hasClass ( 'scrollbar-handle-container' ) ) {
return false ;
// determine direction for handle movement (clicked above or below the handler?)
this . handle . direction = ( this . handle . offset ( ) . top < this . mousePosition ( ev ) ) ? 1 : - 1 ;
// set incremental step of handle
this . handle . step = this . opts . scrollStep ;
// stop handle movement on mouseup
var that = this ;
$ ( document ) . bind ( 'mouseup.handlecontainer' , function ( ) {
clearInterval ( timer ) ;
that . handle . unbind ( 'mouseenter.handlecontainer' ) ;
$ ( document ) . unbind ( 'mouseup.handlecontainer' ) ;
} ) ;
// stop handle movement when mouse is over handle
// TODO: this event is fired by Firefox only. Damn!
// Right now, I do not know any workaround for this. Mayby I should solve this by collision-calculation of mousepointer and handle
this . handle . bind ( 'mouseenter.handlecontainer' , function ( ) {
clearInterval ( timer ) ;
} ) ;
// repeat handle movement while mousedown
var timer = setInterval ( $ . proxy ( this . moveHandle , this ) , this . opts . scrollSpeed ) ;
} ,
// append mousedown handler on handle-arrows
onArrowsMousedown : function ( ev ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
// determine direction for handle movement
this . handle . direction = $ ( ev . target ) . hasClass ( 'scrollbar-handle-up' ) ? - 1 : 1 ;
// set incremental step of handle
this . handle . step = this . opts . scrollStepArrows ;
// add class for visual change while moving handle
$ ( ev . target ) . addClass ( 'move' ) ;
// repeat handle movement while mousedown
var timer = setInterval ( $ . proxy ( this . moveHandle , this ) , this . opts . scrollSpeedArrows ) ;
// stop handle movement on mouseup
$ ( document ) . one ( 'mouseup.arrows' , function ( ) {
clearInterval ( timer ) ;
$ ( ev . target ) . removeClass ( 'move' ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
// move handle by a distinct step while click on arrows or handle-container
moveHandle : function ( ) {
this . handle . top = ( this . handle . direction === 1 ) ? Math . min ( this . handle . top + this . handle . step , this . props . handleTop . max ) : Math . max ( this . handle . top - this . handle . step , this . props . handleTop . min ) ;
this . handle [ 0 ] . style . top = this . handle . top + 'px' ;
this . setContentPosition ( ) ;
} ,
// add class attribute on content while interacting with content
onContentHover : function ( ev ) {
if ( ev . type === 'mouseenter' ) {
this . container . addClass ( 'hover' ) ;
this . handleContainer . addClass ( 'hover' ) ;
} else {
this . container . removeClass ( 'hover' ) ;
this . handleContainer . removeClass ( 'hover' ) ;
} ,
// add class attribute on handle-container while hovering it
onHandleContainerHover : function ( ev ) {
if ( ev . type === 'mouseenter' ) {
this . handleArrows . addClass ( 'hover' ) ;
} else {
this . handleArrows . removeClass ( 'hover' ) ;
} ,
// do not bubble down to avoid triggering click events attached within the container
preventClickBubbling : function ( ev ) {
ev . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} ;
// ----- helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// determine content height
$ . fn . scrollbar . contentHeight = function ( elem ) {
// clone and wrap content temporarily and meassure content height within the original context.
// wrapper container need to have an overflow set to 'hidden' to respect margin collapsing
// TODO: analyse anlternative which does not require an additional container. a clone may also allow to meassure a non visible element.
/ *
var clone = elem . clone ( ) . wrapInner ( '<div/>' ) . find ( ':first-child' ) ;
elem . append ( clone ) ;
var height = clone . css ( { overflow : 'hidden' } ) . height ( ) ;
clone . remove ( ) ;
return height ;
* /
var content = elem . wrapInner ( '<div/>' ) ;
var height = elem . find ( ':first' ) . css ( { overflow : 'hidden' } ) . height ( ) ;
return height ;
// FIXME: manipulating the DOM is not the resposibility of $.fn.scrollbar.contentHeight()
} ;
// ----- default css ---------------------------------------------------------------------
$ . fn . defaultCss = function ( styles ) {
// 'not-defined'-values
var notdef = {
'right' : 'auto' ,
'left' : 'auto' ,
'top' : 'auto' ,
'bottom' : 'auto' ,
'position' : 'static'
} ;
// loop through all style definitions and check for a definition already set by css.
// if no definition is found, apply the default css definition
return this . each ( function ( ) {
var elem = $ ( this ) ;
for ( var style in styles ) {
if ( elem . css ( style ) === notdef [ style ] ) {
elem . css ( style , styles [ style ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// ----- mousewheel event ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// based on jquery.mousewheel.js from Brandon Aaron (brandon.aaron@gmail.com || http://brandonaaron.net)
$ . event . special . mousewheel = {
setup : function ( ) {
if ( this . addEventListener ) {
this . addEventListener ( 'mousewheel' , $ . fn . scrollbar . mouseWheelHandler , false ) ;
this . addEventListener ( 'DOMMouseScroll' , $ . fn . scrollbar . mouseWheelHandler , false ) ;
} else {
this . onmousewheel = $ . fn . scrollbar . mouseWheelHandler ;
} ,
teardown : function ( ) {
if ( this . removeEventListener ) {
this . removeEventListener ( 'mousewheel' , $ . fn . scrollbar . mouseWheelHandler , false ) ;
this . removeEventListener ( 'DOMMouseScroll' , $ . fn . scrollbar . mouseWheelHandler , false ) ;
} else {
this . onmousewheel = null ;
} ;
$ . fn . extend ( {
mousewheel : function ( fn ) {
return fn ? this . bind ( "mousewheel" , fn ) : this . trigger ( "mousewheel" ) ;
} ,
unmousewheel : function ( fn ) {
return this . unbind ( "mousewheel" , fn ) ;
} ) ;
$ . fn . scrollbar . mouseWheelHandler = function ( event ) {
var orgEvent = event || window . event ,
args = [ ] . slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) ,
delta = 0 ,
returnValue = true ,
deltaX = 0 ,
deltaY = 0 ;
event = $ . event . fix ( orgEvent ) ;
event . type = "mousewheel" ;
// Old school scrollwheel delta
if ( event . wheelDelta ) {
delta = event . wheelDelta / 120 ;
if ( event . detail ) {
delta = - event . detail / 3 ;
// Gecko
if ( orgEvent . axis !== undefined && orgEvent . axis === orgEvent . HORIZONTAL _AXIS ) {
deltaY = 0 ;
deltaX = - 1 * delta ;
// Webkit
if ( orgEvent . wheelDeltaY !== undefined ) {
deltaY = orgEvent . wheelDeltaY / 120 ;
if ( orgEvent . wheelDeltaX !== undefined ) {
deltaX = - 1 * orgEvent . wheelDeltaX / 120 ;
// Add event and delta to the front of the arguments
args . unshift ( event , delta , deltaX , deltaY ) ;
return $ . event . handle . apply ( this , args ) ;
} ;
} ) ( jQuery , document ) ; // inject global jQuery object