2011-09-08 04:36:04 +04:00
%title BeatHaven
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2011-09-08 14:56:10 +04:00
%a{ :href => "#/" } BeatHaven
2011-09-08 04:36:04 +04:00
2011-09-08 14:56:10 +04:00
%a{ :href => "http://blog.beathaven.org/", :"data-ls" => "NEWS" } Blog
2011-09-08 04:36:04 +04:00
2011-09-08 14:56:10 +04:00
%a.about{ :href => "#/about/" } About
2011-09-08 04:36:04 +04:00
%form{ :action => "" }
2011-09-08 14:56:10 +04:00
%input#search{ :type => "text", :placeholder => "Search" }
2011-09-09 11:41:45 +04:00
= image_tag "artist_loader.gif"
2011-09-08 04:36:04 +04:00
%a.dropdown-toggle{ :href => "#" } chez
%a{ :href => "#" } Preferences
%a{ :href => "#" } Logout
2011-09-08 14:56:10 +04:00
2011-09-08 04:36:04 +04:00
2011-09-08 14:56:10 +04:00
2011-09-08 04:36:04 +04:00
2011-09-08 05:48:33 +04:00
%h5.now-playing Foo Fighters — Long Road to Ruin
%a.btn.small-round «
%a.btn.large.large-round ►
%a.btn.small-round »
.artist-name Foo Fighters
The Pretender
%td.song-duration 4:29
.artist-name Foo Fighters
Let It Die
%td.song-duration 4:29
.artist-name Foo Fighters
%td.song-duration 4:29
.artist-name Foo Fighters
Long Road to Ruin
%td.song-duration 4:29
2011-09-08 14:56:10 +04:00
2011-09-08 17:10:52 +04:00
2011-09-09 11:41:45 +04:00
= image_tag "loader.gif"
2011-09-08 17:10:52 +04:00
2011-09-08 14:56:10 +04:00
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