var Router = ReactRouter, Link = Router.Link; var Storage = { set: function(category, key, value) { window.localStorage.setItem(category +'-'+ key, JSON.stringify(value)); }, get: function(category, key) { var val = window.localStorage.getItem(category +'-'+ key); return val === null ? null : JSON.parse(val); } }; var App = React.createClass({ mixins: [Router.Navigation, Router.State], orgsURL: '/api/orgs', teamsURL: '/api/teams?org=', usersURL: '/api/users?org=', getInitialState: function() { return { orgs: [], org: null, teams: [], team: null }; }, componentDidMount: function() { this.loadOrgs(); this.loadTeams(); this.loadUsers(); }, loadOrgs: function() { $.get(this.orgsURL, function(res){ this.setState({orgs: res}); if (res !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { var org = res[i]; Storage.set('org', org.login, org); } } }.bind(this)); }, loadTeams: function() { $.get(this.teamsURL + this.getParams().org, function(res){ this.setState({teams: res}); if (res !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { var team = res[i]; Storage.set('team',, team); } } }.bind(this)); }, loadUsers: function() { $.get(this.usersURL + this.getParams().org, function(res){ this.setState({users: res}); if (res !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { var user = res[i]; Storage.set('user', user.login, user); } } }.bind(this)); }, render: function(){ return (
); } }); var Menu = React.createClass({ mixins: [Router.State], render: function() { var renderOrg = function(org) { return (
  • {org.login}
  • ) }.bind(this); var renderTeam = function(team) { return (
  • {}
  • ) }.bind(this); return (
    ); } }); var Org = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return ( ); } }); var Dashboard = React.createClass({ mixins: [Router.State], render: function(){ var p = this.getParams(), infoImage, infoTitle, bcApi, bcItems, sacApi, sacItems; if ( { infoTitle =; bcApi = '/api/stat/teams/top'; bcItems = ['repo', 'user'], sacApi = '/api/stat/teams/activity'; sacItems = ['user', 'repo']; } else if (p.user) { var info = Storage.get('user', p.user); infoImage = info ? info.avatar_url : null; infoTitle = info && ? : p.user; bcApi = '/api/stat/users/top'; bcItems = ['repo'], sacApi = '/api/stat/users/activity'; sacItems = ['repo']; } else if (p.repo) { infoTitle = p.repo; bcApi = '/api/stat/repos/top'; bcItems = ['user', 'team'], sacApi = '/api/stat/repos/activity'; sacItems = ['user', 'team']; } else { var info = Storage.get('org',; infoImage = info.avatar_url; infoTitle = info.login; bcApi = '/api/stat/orgs/top'; bcItems = ['repo', 'team', 'user'], sacApi = '/api/stat/orgs/activity'; sacItems = ['team', 'user', 'repo']; } return (
    ); } }); var NotFound = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (
    NOT FOUND :(
    ); } }); var SelectOrg = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return (
    Please select organization from the menu!
    ); } }); var InfoBlock = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (


    ) } }); var WeekIntervalSelector = React.createClass({ mixins: [ReactRouter.Navigation, ReactRouter.State], monthNames: [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ], getInitialState: function() { var ms = 1000, daySeconds = 86400, weekSeconds = daySeconds*7, today = new Date(), sunday = new Date(today - daySeconds*ms*today.getDay()), perfectSunday = new Date(Date.UTC(sunday.getFullYear(), sunday.getMonth(), sunday.getDate())), lastWeek = perfectSunday.setHours(0)/ms, firstWeek = lastWeek - 51*weekSeconds; var weeks = []; for (var i = lastWeek; i >= firstWeek; i -= weekSeconds) { weeks.push(i); }; var from = (this.getQuery().f ? parseInt(this.getQuery().f, 10)*100 : lastWeek - 7*weekSeconds), to = (this.getQuery().t ? parseInt(this.getQuery().t, 10)*100 : lastWeek); return { from: from, to: to, weeks: weeks }; }, componentDidMount: function() { this.updateLocation(); }, handleChange: function(thing, e) { var patch = {}; patch[thing] =; this.setState(patch, this.updateLocation); }, updateLocation: function() { this.transitionTo(document.location.pathname, null, { f: this.state.from/100, t: }); }, formatDate: function(ts, showYear) { var d = new Date(ts*1000), day = d.getDate(), month = this.monthNames[d.getMonth()], year = (''+ d.getFullYear()).slice(2); if (showYear) { return month +' '+ day +" '"+ year; } else { return month +' '+ day; } }, render: function() { var weeksBefore = _(this.state.weeks) .filter(function(week) { return week <=; }.bind(this)) .sort() .reverse() .value(); var weeksAfter = _(this.state.weeks) .filter(function(week) { return week >= this.state.from; }.bind(this)) .sort() .value(); var renderOption = function(ts) { return ( ); }.bind(this); return (
    ); } }); var routes = [ ];, Router.HistoryLocation, function(Handler) { React.render(, document.body); });