var BarChart = React.createClass({
mixins: [ReactRouter.Navigation, ReactRouter.State, SVGChartMixin, ChartDataMixin],
sorts: ['commits', 'delta'],
numElements: 15,
barHeight: 30,
barMargin: 5,
getInitialState: function() {
return {
item: this.props.items[0],
sort: 'commits',
rawData: [],
points: [],
min: 0,
max: 1
componentDidMount: function() {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.calculateViewBoxWidth);
componentWillReceiveProps: function(newProps) {
item: newProps.items[0],
state: 'newProps'
}, this.fetchData);
shouldComponentUpdate: function(newProps, newState) {
if (!newState.canvasWidth) {
return false;
if (newState.state !== 'newPoints') {
return false;
return true;
handleFilter: function(thing, i) {
if (thing === 'item' && this.props.items[i] !== this.state.item) {
item: this.props.items[i],
state: 'newProps'
}, this.fetchData);
} else if (thing === 'sort' && this.sorts[i] !== this.state.sort) {
sort: this.sorts[i],
state: 'newProps'
}, this.handleNewData);
handleClick: function(point) {
var params = {org: this.getParams().org};
params[this.state.item] = point.item;
this.transitionTo(this.state.item, params);
handleNewData: function() {
var min = 0, max = 1;
var points = _.chain(this.state.rawData)
.sort(function(a, b) {
return Math.abs(b[this.state.sort]) - Math.abs(a[this.state.sort]);
for (var i = points.length; i < this.numElements; i++) {
var point = {};
point[this.state.sort] = 0;
points: points,
min: _.min(points, this.state.sort)[this.state.sort],
max: _.max(points, this.state.sort)[this.state.sort],
state: 'newPoints'
height: function() {
if (this.state.points.length === 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return this.y(this.state.points.length) - this.barMargin;
y: function(i) {
return i*(this.barHeight + this.barMargin);
render: function() {
var words = {
items: {
repo: 'repositories',
team: 'teams',
user: 'contributors'
item: {
repo: 'repository',
team: 'team',
user: 'author'
actions: {
repo: 'which were the most attended by',
team: 'which were the most active working on',
user: 'which were the most active working on'
who = this.getParams().repo || this.getParams().team || this.getParams().user || this.getParams().org;
var params = Object.keys(this.getParams());
params.splice(params.indexOf('org'), 1);
var subject = params[0];
return (
This bar chart represents {words.items[this.state.item]} {words.actions[this.state.item]} {who} {words.item[subject]} from W11, Mar 9 to W18, Apr 27
renderBar: function(point, i) {
var maxWidth = this.state.canvasWidth,
val = point[this.state.sort],
min = this.state.min,
max = this.state.max,
max2 = (min < 0 ? max - min : max),
width = Math.floor(Math.abs(val)/max2*maxWidth),
height = this.barHeight,
offset = (min < 0 ? -min : 0)/max2*maxWidth,
x = (min >= 0 ? 0 : offset - (val >= 0 ? 0 : width)),
y = this.y(i);
return (
var Bar = React.createClass({
mixins: [ReactRouter.Navigation, ChartAnimationMixin],
height: 30,
labelPaddingH: 5, // Label horizontal padding
labelPaddingV: 2, // Label vertical padding
labelMarginV: 5, // Same as padding
labelHeight: 16, // Text size
labelOuterHeight: 20, // labelHeight + 2*labelPaddingV,
getInitialState: function() {
return {
labelX: 0,
lastLabelX: 2*this.labelPaddingH
componentDidMount: function() {
componentWillReceiveProps: function(newProps) {
if (_.isEqual(this.props, newProps)) {
lastBarX: (this.props.x !== undefined ? this.props.x : newProps.x),
lastBarWidth: (this.props.width !== undefined ? this.props.width : newProps.width),
lastLabelX: this.state.labelX
}, this.calculateLabelPosition);
calculateLabelPosition: function() {
var val = this.props.value,
offset = this.props.offset,
label = this.props.item + ': ' + numberFormat(val),
labelWidth = textWidth(label),
labelOuterWidth = labelWidth + 2*this.labelPaddingH,
labelOffsetWidth = labelOuterWidth + 2*this.labelPaddingH,
if (offset === 0) {
labelX = 2*this.labelPaddingH;
} else {
if (val < 0) {
if (offset >= labelOffsetWidth) {
labelX = offset - labelOffsetWidth + 2*this.labelPaddingH;
} else {
labelX = offset + 2*this.labelPaddingH;
} else {
if (offset + labelOffsetWidth <= this.props.max) {
labelX = offset + 2*this.labelPaddingH;
} else {
labelX = offset - labelOffsetWidth + 2*this.labelPaddingH;
labelX: labelX,
barWidth: (this.props.item && this.props.width < 5 ? 5 : this.props.width)
}, this.animateAll);
animateAll: function() {
var bar =,
underlay = this.refs.label.refs.underlay,
text = this.refs.label.refs.text,
padH = this.labelPaddingH;
this.animate(bar, 'width', this.state.lastBarWidth, this.state.barWidth);
this.animate(bar, 'x', this.state.lastBarX, this.props.x);
this.animate(underlay, 'x', this.state.lastLabelX - padH, this.state.labelX - padH);
this.animate(text, 'x', this.state.lastLabelX, this.state.labelX);
render: function() {
var label = this.props.item ? (this.props.item + ': ' + numberFormat(this.props.value)) : '',
labelWidth = textWidth(label),
labelOuterWidth = (labelWidth == 0 ? 0 : labelWidth + 2*this.labelPaddingH),
barX = (this.state.lastBarX && this.state.lastBarX !== this.props.x
? this.state.lastBarX
: this.props.x),
barWidth = (this.state.lastBarWidth && this.state.lastBarWidth !== this.state.barWidth
? this.state.lastBarWidth
: this.state.barWidth);
return (
var BarLabel = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var text = (this.props.item ? this.props.item +': '+ numberFormat(this.props.value) : '');
return (