var BarChart = React.createClass({ mixins: [ReactRouter.Navigation, ReactRouter.State, SVGChartMixin, ChartDataMixin], sorts: ['commits', 'delta'], numElements: 15, barHeight: 30, barMargin: 5, words: { values: { // Sort commits: "the number of commits", delta: "the delta between lines added and lines removed" }, actions: { // Item-Sort "repo-commits": "made to", "repo-delta": "for", "team-commits": "made by the most active", "team-delta": "for the most active", "user-commits": "made by the most active", "user-delta": "for the most active" }, items: { // Item repo: "repositories", team: "teams", user: "users" }, whatHappened: { // Item-Target "user-repo": "working on", "team-repo": "working on", "team-org": "working on repositories of", "user-org": "working on repositories of", "repo-org": "that were most actively modified by the members of", "user-team": "working on repositories of the", "repo-team": "that were most actively modified by the members of the", "repo-user": "that were most actively modified by" }, targetSuffix: { // Subject of current context repo: "repository", team: "team" }, }, getInitialState: function() { return { item: this.props.items[0], sort: 'commits', rawData: [], points: [], min: 0, max: 1 }; }, componentDidMount: function() { this.calculateViewBoxWidth(); window.addEventListener('resize', this.calculateViewBoxWidth); this.componentWillReceiveProps(this.props); }, componentWillReceiveProps: function(newProps) { this.setState({ item: (_.isEqual(newProps.items, this.props.items) ? this.state.item : newProps.items[0]), state: 'newProps' }, this.fetchData); }, shouldComponentUpdate: function(newProps, newState) { if (!newState.canvasWidth) { return false; } if (newState.state !== 'newPoints') { return false; } return true; }, handleFilter: function(thing, i) { if (thing === 'item' && this.props.items[i] !== this.state.item) { this.setState({ item: this.props.items[i], state: 'newProps' }, this.fetchData); } else if (thing === 'sort' && this.sorts[i] !== this.state.sort) { this.setState({ sort: this.sorts[i], state: 'newProps' }, this.handleNewData); } }, handleClick: function(point) { var params = {org: this.getParams().org}; params[this.state.item] = point.item; this.transitionTo(this.state.item, params, this.getQuery()); }, handleNewData: function() { var min = 0, max = 1; var points = _.chain(this.state.rawData) .sort(function(a, b) { return Math.abs(b[this.state.sort]) - Math.abs(a[this.state.sort]); }.bind(this)) .take(this.numElements) .value(); for (var i = points.length; i < this.numElements; i++) { var point = {}; point[this.state.sort] = 0; points.push(point); } this.setState({ points: points, min: _.min(points, this.state.sort)[this.state.sort], max: _.max(points, this.state.sort)[this.state.sort], state: 'newPoints' }); }, height: function() { if (this.state.points.length === 0) { return 0; } else { return this.y(this.state.points.length) - this.barMargin; } }, y: function(i) { return i*(this.barHeight + this.barMargin); }, render: function() { var words = this.words, target = (this.getParams().repo ? 'repo' : this.getParams().team ? 'team' : this.getParams().user ? 'user' : 'org'); subject = this.getParams()[target]; return (