#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Usage: gitio URL [CODE] # # Turns a github.com URL # into a git.io URL # # Created by @defunkt: # https://gist.github.com/1209316 # # Copies the git.io URL to your clipboard. url = ARGV[0] code = ARGV[1] if url !~ /^(https?:\/\/)?(gist\.)?github.com/ abort "* github.com URLs only" end if url !~ /^http/ url = "https://#{url}" end if code code = "-F code=#{code}" end output = `curl -i http://git.io -F 'url=#{url}' #{code} 2> /dev/null` if output =~ /Location: (.+)\n?/ puts $1 `echo #$1 | pbcopy` else puts output end