local sublime_conf_location=~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings local theme="$1" case $theme in light) cp $ZSH/sublime/config-light $sublime_conf_location osascript <<-END tell application "iTerm" repeat with myTerminal in terminals repeat with mySession in sessions in myTerminal tell mySession set background color to {64842, 62778, 56626} set bold color to {18134, 23373, 25098} set cursor color to {21257, 26684, 28737} set cursor_text color to {60037, 58326, 52284} set foreground color to {21257, 26684, 28737} set selection color to {60037, 58326, 52284} set selected text color to {18134, 23373, 25098} end tell end repeat end repeat end tell END ;; dark) cp $ZSH/sublime/config-dark $sublime_conf_location osascript <<-END tell application "iTerm" repeat with myTerminal in terminals repeat with mySession in sessions in myTerminal tell mySession set background color to {0, 7722, 9941} set bold color to {33160, 37017, 36937} set cursor color to {28873, 33398, 33872} set cursor_text color to {0, 10207, 12694} set foreground color to {28873, 33398, 33872} set selection color to {0, 10207, 12694} set selected text color to {33160, 37017, 36937} end tell end repeat end repeat end tell END ;; esac