/** * Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery, version 1.1.5 * (c) 2010 Tomas Kirda, Vytautas Pranskunas * * Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. * For details, see the web site: http://www.devbridge.com/projects/autocomplete/jquery/ * * Last Review: 07/24/2012 */ /*jslint onevar: true, evil: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true */ /*global window: true, document: true, clearInterval: true, setInterval: true, jQuery: true */ (function ($) { var reEscape = new RegExp('(\\' + ['/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\'].join('|\\') + ')', 'g'); function fnFormatResult(value, data, currentValue) { var pattern = '(' + currentValue.replace(reEscape, '\\$1') + ')'; return value.replace(new RegExp(pattern, 'gi'), '$1<\/strong>'); } function Autocomplete(el, options) { this.el = $(el); this.el.attr('autocomplete', 'off'); this.suggestions = []; this.data = []; this.badQueries = []; this.selectedIndex = -1; this.currentValue = this.el.val(); this.intervalId = 0; this.cachedResponse = []; this.onChangeInterval = null; this.onChange = null; this.ignoreValueChange = false; this.serviceUrl = options.serviceUrl; this.isLocal = false; this.options = { autoSubmit: false, minChars: 1, maxHeight: 300, deferRequestBy: 0, width: 0, highlight: true, params: {}, fnFormatResult: fnFormatResult, delimiter: null, zIndex: 9999 }; this.initialize(); this.setOptions(options); this.el.data('autocomplete', this); } $.fn.autocomplete = function (options, optionName) { var autocompleteControl; if (typeof options == 'string') { autocompleteControl = this.data('autocomplete'); if (typeof autocompleteControl[options] == 'function') { autocompleteControl[options](optionName); } } else { autocompleteControl = new Autocomplete(this.get(0) || $(''), options); } return autocompleteControl; }; Autocomplete.prototype = { killerFn: null, initialize: function () { var me, uid, autocompleteElId; me = this; uid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x100000).toString(16); autocompleteElId = 'Autocomplete_' + uid; this.killerFn = function (e) { if ($(e.target).parents('.autocomplete').size() === 0) { me.killSuggestions(); me.disableKillerFn(); } }; if (!this.options.width) { this.options.width = this.el.width(); } this.mainContainerId = 'AutocompleteContainter_' + uid; $('
').appendTo('body'); this.container = $('#' + autocompleteElId); this.fixPosition(); if (window.opera) { this.el.keypress(function (e) { me.onKeyPress(e); }); } else { this.el.keydown(function (e) { me.onKeyPress(e); }); } this.el.keyup(function (e) { me.onKeyUp(e); }); this.el.blur(function () { me.enableKillerFn(); }); this.el.focus(function () { me.fixPosition(); }); this.el.change(function () { me.onValueChanged(); }); }, extendOptions: function (options) { $.extend(this.options, options); }, setOptions: function (options) { var o = this.options; this.extendOptions(options); if (o.lookup || o.isLocal) { this.isLocal = true; if ($.isArray(o.lookup)) { o.lookup = { suggestions: o.lookup, data: [] }; } } $('#' + this.mainContainerId).css({ zIndex: o.zIndex }); this.container.css({ maxHeight: o.maxHeight + 'px', width: o.width }); }, clearCache: function () { this.cachedResponse = []; this.badQueries = []; }, disable: function () { this.disabled = true; }, enable: function () { this.disabled = false; }, fixPosition: function () { var offset = this.el.offset(); $('#' + this.mainContainerId).css({ top: (offset.top + this.el.innerHeight()) + 'px', left: offset.left + 'px' }); }, enableKillerFn: function () { var me = this; $(document).bind('click', me.killerFn); }, disableKillerFn: function () { var me = this; $(document).unbind('click', me.killerFn); }, killSuggestions: function () { var me = this; this.stopKillSuggestions(); this.intervalId = window.setInterval(function () { me.hide(); me.stopKillSuggestions(); }, 300); }, stopKillSuggestions: function () { window.clearInterval(this.intervalId); }, onValueChanged: function () { this.change(this.selectedIndex); }, onKeyPress: function (e) { if (this.disabled || !this.enabled) { return; } // return will exit the function // and event will not be prevented switch (e.keyCode) { case 27: //KEY_ESC: this.el.val(this.currentValue); this.hide(); break; case 9: //KEY_TAB: case 13: //KEY_RETURN: if (this.selectedIndex === -1) { this.hide(); return; } this.select(this.selectedIndex); if (e.keyCode === 9) { return; } break; case 38: //KEY_UP: this.moveUp(); break; case 40: //KEY_DOWN: this.moveDown(); break; default: return; } e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }, onKeyUp: function (e) { if (this.disabled) { return; } switch (e.keyCode) { case 38: //KEY_UP: case 40: //KEY_DOWN: return; } clearInterval(this.onChangeInterval); if (this.currentValue !== this.el.val()) { if (this.options.deferRequestBy > 0) { // Defer lookup in case when value changes very quickly: var me = this; this.onChangeInterval = setInterval(function () { me.onValueChange(); }, this.options.deferRequestBy); } else { this.onValueChange(); } } }, onValueChange: function () { clearInterval(this.onChangeInterval); this.currentValue = this.el.val(); var q = this.getQuery(this.currentValue); this.selectedIndex = -1; if (this.ignoreValueChange) { this.ignoreValueChange = false; return; } if (q === '' || q.length < this.options.minChars) { this.hide(); } else { this.getSuggestions(q); } }, getQuery: function (val) { var d, arr; d = this.options.delimiter; if (!d) { return $.trim(val); } arr = val.split(d); return $.trim(arr[arr.length - 1]); }, getSuggestionsLocal: function (q) { var ret, arr, len, val, i; arr = this.options.lookup; len = arr.suggestions.length; ret = { suggestions: [], data: [] }; q = q.toLowerCase(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { val = arr.suggestions[i]; if (val.toLowerCase().indexOf(q) === 0) { ret.suggestions.push(val); ret.data.push(arr.data[i]); } } return ret; }, getSuggestions: function (q) { var cr, me; cr = this.isLocal ? this.getSuggestionsLocal(q) : this.cachedResponse[q]; //dadeta this.options.isLocal || if (cr && $.isArray(cr.suggestions)) { this.suggestions = cr.suggestions; this.data = cr.data; this.suggest(); } else if (!this.isBadQuery(q)) { me = this; me.options.params.query = q; $.get(this.serviceUrl, me.options.params, function (txt) { me.processResponse(txt); }, 'text'); } }, isBadQuery: function (q) { var i = this.badQueries.length; while (i--) { if (q.indexOf(this.badQueries[i]) === 0) { return true; } } return false; }, hide: function () { this.enabled = false; this.selectedIndex = -1; this.container.hide(); }, suggest: function () { if (this.suggestions.length === 0) { this.hide(); return; } var me, len, div, f, v, i, s, mOver, mClick; me = this; len = this.suggestions.length; f = this.options.fnFormatResult; v = this.getQuery(this.currentValue); mOver = function (xi) { return function () { me.activate(xi); }; }; mClick = function (xi) { return function () { me.select(xi); }; }; this.container.hide().empty(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { s = this.suggestions[i]; div = $((me.selectedIndex === i ? '
' + f(s, this.data[i], v) + '
'); div.mouseover(mOver(i)); div.click(mClick(i)); this.container.append(div); } this.enabled = true; this.container.show(); }, processResponse: function (text) { var response; try { response = eval('(' + text + ')'); } catch (err) { return; } if (!$.isArray(response.data)) { response.data = []; } if (!this.options.noCache) { this.cachedResponse[response.query] = response; if (response.suggestions.length === 0) { this.badQueries.push(response.query); } } if (response.query === this.getQuery(this.currentValue)) { this.suggestions = response.suggestions; this.data = response.data; this.suggest(); } }, activate: function (index) { var divs, activeItem; divs = this.container.children(); // Clear previous selection: if (this.selectedIndex !== -1 && divs.length > this.selectedIndex) { $(divs.get(this.selectedIndex)).removeClass(); } this.selectedIndex = index; if (this.selectedIndex !== -1 && divs.length > this.selectedIndex) { activeItem = divs.get(this.selectedIndex); $(activeItem).addClass('selected'); } return activeItem; }, deactivate: function (div, index) { div.className = ''; if (this.selectedIndex === index) { this.selectedIndex = -1; } }, select: function (i) { var selectedValue, f; selectedValue = this.suggestions[i]; if (selectedValue) { this.el.val(selectedValue); if (this.options.autoSubmit) { f = this.el.parents('form'); if (f.length > 0) { f.get(0).submit(); } } this.ignoreValueChange = true; this.hide(); this.onSelect(i); } }, change: function (i) { var selectedValue, fn, me; me = this; selectedValue = this.suggestions[i]; if (selectedValue) { var s, d; s = me.suggestions[i]; d = me.data[i]; me.el.val(me.getValue(s)); } else { s = ''; d = -1; } fn = me.options.onChange; if ($.isFunction(fn)) { fn(s, d, me.el); } }, moveUp: function () { if (this.selectedIndex === -1) { return; } if (this.selectedIndex === 0) { this.container.children().get(0).className = ''; this.selectedIndex = -1; this.el.val(this.currentValue); return; } this.adjustScroll(this.selectedIndex - 1); }, moveDown: function () { if (this.selectedIndex === (this.suggestions.length - 1)) { return; } this.adjustScroll(this.selectedIndex + 1); }, adjustScroll: function (i) { var activeItem, offsetTop, upperBound, lowerBound; activeItem = this.activate(i); offsetTop = activeItem.offsetTop; upperBound = this.container.scrollTop(); lowerBound = upperBound + this.options.maxHeight - 25; if (offsetTop < upperBound) { this.container.scrollTop(offsetTop); } else if (offsetTop > lowerBound) { this.container.scrollTop(offsetTop - this.options.maxHeight + 25); } this.el.val(this.getValue(this.suggestions[i])); }, onSelect: function (i) { var me, fn, s, d; me = this; fn = me.options.onSelect; s = me.suggestions[i]; d = me.data[i]; me.el.val(me.getValue(s)); if ($.isFunction(fn)) { fn(s, d, me.el); } }, getValue: function (value) { var del, currVal, arr, me; me = this; del = me.options.delimiter; if (!del) { return value; } currVal = me.currentValue; arr = currVal.split(del); if (arr.length === 1) { return value; } return currVal.substr(0, currVal.length - arr[arr.length - 1].length) + value; } }; } (jQuery));